Archive for September 20th, 2019

St Charles Fire Department news

Excerpts from the

St. Charles Fire Chief Joseph Schelstreet

St. Charles Fire Chief Joseph Schelstreet

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New ambulance for Lincolnwood

From the Fire Service, Inc. Facebook page:

drawing of a new ambulance drawing of a new ambulance drawing of a new ambulance drawing of a new ambulance drawing of a new ambulance drawing of a new ambulance drawing of a new ambulance

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House fire in Glencoe, 9-19-19

Photos from Max Weingardt of the Code 4 house fire at 350 Adams Avenue in Glencoe 9/19/19

Glencoe FD Ambulance 30

Max Weingardt photo

Winnetka FD Truck 28

Max Weingardt photo

Glencoe FD Engine 30

Max Weingardt photo

female firefighters after a fire

Max Weingardt photo

aftermath of house fire

Max Weingardt photo

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New 137-foot aerial ladder for Chicago (more)

This from Danny Nelms:

Some factory photos on the new 137′ ladder under construction. Photos from mick smith.
Chicago fire truck being built

Mick Smith photo

Chicago fire truck being built

Mick Smith photo

Chicago fire truck being built

Mick Smith photo

Chicago fire truck being built

Mick Smith photo

E-ONE so 142704

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