Excerpts from the DailyHerald.com:
With a new round of eligibility list testing set for next month, the Elgin Fire Department has dropped its requirement that candidates have 60 college credit hours in an effort to increase diversity. Like most suburban fire departments, Elgin’s is predominantly white and male, and the last round of testing in 2016 didn’t do much to change that. The decision to lower the educational requirement came after conversations with a diversity consultant and community groups.
The fire department has 133 firefighters, including four women and eight minorities. The last hiring eligibility list comprised 42 men and two women; 35 were white and three were minorities, with eight who didn’t specify their race.
Elgin created a Fire Explorer program for youths ages 14 to 20 about four years ago to increase diversity. One-third of Explorers are minorities, but so far, the only two who plan to take the test are white males. The department also is reaching out to middle school students and college female athletes.
Eligibility list testing applications are being accepted through July 13 at cityofelgin.org/98/employment. Applicants must be 21 and 35 years old and have an EMT basic certification. They get preference if they have 60 college credit hours or degrees, military service, city residency, and more.
#1 by Mike on June 24, 2018 - 12:52 PM
To some extent you’re correct dan but for the most part most of those kids coming out with bachelors or masters degrees shouldn’t be anywhere near the fire service. These kids can’t think for themselves and have zero skill. This job is about skill and decision making and the kids today for the most part aren’t those kids.
#2 by Dan on June 24, 2018 - 12:01 PM
On the other hand Mike, firefighting has become a lot more complex. You need reading and math skills, critical thinking skills, discpline.
Yes, you can find those skills without a degree but you increase the odds significantly with some college, unless all your courses are advanced basket weaving classes.
#3 by Mike on June 23, 2018 - 8:10 AM
This is good. Taking the diversity BS out of the equation. This job is a blue collar hands on job. College should not be a requirement for testing. We don’t need good test takers, we need people that can start a saw, secure an airwayand understand directions.
#4 by 75Seagrave on June 23, 2018 - 12:17 AM
Thanks MABAS. That summed it up nicely.
#5 by MABAS 21 on June 22, 2018 - 9:37 PM
Enough already about all the diversity B.S.! How about we worry about the best possible candidates to perform the job? When an emergency strikes, citizens don’t care if we’re white or black, male or female. They want trained professionals to handle the situation in their time of need.