This from Drew Gresik:

The 18th Battalion battled a working fire in a red-X building at 3849 on Flournoy. Chicago Police helicopter ‘PH1’ called it in on the Zone and reported that there was a house on fire and it was really cooking. Engine 95 deck-gunned it on arrival as they had heavy fire showing from the 2, and then companies led out (2) 2.5” lines while performing an exterior attack. A third line was led out as Squad 1’s Snorkel was set up and flowing water in the vacant lot on Side D. 
Drew Gresik

Drew Gresik photo

night fire scene photo

Drew Gresik photo

Chicago FD Engine 38

Drew Gresik photo

Chicago FD Squad 1 at work

Drew Gresik photo

Chicago FD Squad 1 at work

Drew Gresik photo

Chicago FD Squad 1 at work

Drew Gresik photo