Excerpts from tucsonnews.com:
Firefighters are at an elevated risk of getting the deadly skin cancer, melanoma. In fact according to a recent study, they are three times more likely to get it than the general population. However, it is not just from sun exposure. With fires burning hotter and faster now as more homes are built with synthetic materials, chemicals are released and can seep through the cloth on their helmets.
The Derm Spectra machine may play a crucial role in early detection, especially for Arizona firefighters, as the state has the highest rate of skin cancer in the country.
“Melanoma is a very deadly type of skin cancer but if identified early, 98 percent of those cases are curable,” Well America Physician, Dr. Wayne Peate said.
After a series of photographs, every inch of skin is documented and put on a CD for the firefighter’s dermatologist. So at every check-up, doctors can monitor any changes.
“It eliminates the recall bias, did that look bigger last time or not?” Dr. Peate said.
The Greater Tucson Fire Foundation is helping to provide more than 1,800 southern Arizona firefighters with free skin cancer testing. The Foundation along with the Pima County Fire Chiefs Association each donated more than $11,000 to purchase the Derm Spectra. The machine cost $115,000.
#1 by Bmurphy on June 7, 2017 - 10:08 AM
FYI- at Fire College at IFSI/Champaign last week cleaning off exposed skin was MANDATORY for everyone after any class/evolution involving smoke, fire or any other potential for exposure to toxins (including vehicle extraction classes).
Everyone had to wipe off face/head/neck, hands and any other exposed skin with disposable wipes as soon as gear was doffed. Blowing your nose was also strongly encouraged.
I believe NIOSH was there taking random samples of toxins in hoods, gloves and the used wipes for a study.
It was encouraging to see this, with about 500 FFs from all over Illinois and other states taking part. Hopefully this practice will be taken back with them to their home departments.
It doesn’t take much time, money or effort to reduce your cancer exposure.