This from Eric Haak:
At 0700 hrs on Saturday morning (12/31), companies in Chicago’s 6th Battalion were called to this vacant apartment building at 5149 S. Honore Ave. Engine 123 landed with heavy fire in the rear porches and knocked it down with a hand line from the exterior preventing it from spreading to the occupied building next door. Although there was some extension into the structure, this was held pretty much in check with an interior line through the front door after companies forced entry. Another line was run up Tower Ladder 39 which was used in mopping up hot spots in the attic. The fire was mostly out within minutes. Companies remained on the scene for some time with extensive overhaul but from this amateur’s perspective, it looked like a very efficient and successful stop.
#1 by Anthony Kasper on December 31, 2016 - 7:57 PM
I lived there till 1978. The old hood in ashes.