This from Larry Shapiro:

Highland Park Squad 33 was placed in service on Wednesday (1/6/15). It’s on a Spartan Gladiator Classic chassis with a SpartanERV Star Series body and a 1,500-GPM pump, 500 gallons of water, and 30 gallons of foam.

SpartanERV fire engine Highland Park FD

Larry Shapiro photo

haz mat supply storage on fire engine

Larry Shapiro photo

SpartanERV fire engine Highland Park FD

Larry Shapiro photo

SpartanERV fire engine Highland Park FD

Larry Shapiro photo

SpartanERV law tag

Larry Shapiro photo

SpartanERV fire engine Highland Park FD

Larry Shapiro photo

fire engine pump panel with rotary controls

Larry Shapiro photo

SpartanERV fire engine Highland Park FD

Larry Shapiro photo

More photos at

This from Niko Stefani:

Here are some photos I took of Highland Park Fire Department’s new squad. It was placed in service last night (1-5-16). A while back the squad used to be at Station 33. The department did some rotating with the apparatus. The truck was placed at station 34 while the engine and squad would be out of Station 33. That didn’t last very long so they moved the squad to Station 34. Ever since it has been Squad 34 using a 2000 Pierce Saber. The Pierce is now the new reserve company for Highland Park. Engine 33 (used to be 34) is now going back as Engine Co. 34 at Station 34 and the new squad will be out of Station 33 along with the truck in the center of town. I was told today that the truck is usually staffed around this time of year. When it’s not, the engine crew or now squad crew would jump over to the truck for mutual aid calls. The 2006 Pierce Enforcer is once again at Station 34 while the new Spartan squad is out of Station 33. Battalion 33 is also being replaced with a new Ford Expedition.
SpartanERV fire engine Highland Park FD

Niko Stefani photo

SpartanERV fire engine Highland Park FD

Niko Stefani photo

fire department graphics

Niko Stefani photo

fire department graphics

Niko Stefani photo

SpartanERV fire engine Highland Park FD

Niko Stefani photo