This from Steve Redick:

2-11 Alarm fire at 1525 W 18th St. the Nuevo Leon restaurant. This was a locally famous mexican eatery. The restaurant occupied and connected the first floor of two similar 3 1/2-story ordinary buildings, the rear had a one-story addition as well as some kind of storage area or garage. Fire had full possession of most of one building and spread into all floors of the exposure to the west, which as I mentioned was connected to the fire building. Two towers and Squad 1 operated here. Notice how many wires and cables Squad 1 had to deal with in the rear, and I daresay a full-size Snorkel or aerial would not have been able to get into this tight spot. Not many good shots to get … low hanging smoke, poor access, and misty rain ruled to day. All the images and the video can be seen here on my site:


fire trucks at night fire scene

Steve Redick photo

firefighters at night fire scene

Steve Redick photo

fire trucks at night fire scene

Steve Redick photo

fire trucks at night fire scene

Steve Redick photo

fire trucks at night fire scene

Steve Redick photo

firefighters at night fire scene

Steve Redick photo

firefighters at night fire scene

Steve Redick photo

fire truck at night fire scene

Steve Redick photo

fire trucks at night fire scene

Steve Redick photo

fire trucks at night fire scene

Steve Redick photo