This from Eric Haak:

I was close to this fire at 6643 S. Racine on Saturday morning and arrived just before the smoke began to dissipate.  The fire was venting from the “B” side and appeared to be on the first floor.  There were unconfirmed reports that a deceased individual was located after the fire was out.  There was no report on whether that individual was a fire victim or had died before the fire started.  No media reports had been given at the time of this being written.
Chicago Pierce fire truck

Eric Haak photo

aerial ladder to roof of smokey house fire

Eric Haak photo

firemen working at a house fire

Eric Haak photo

Pierce ladder truck to roof of house fire

Eric Haak photo

firemen climb ground ladder at smokey house fire

Eric Haak photo

firemen with hose enter house on fire

Eric Haak photo

fireman climbs aerial ladder through smoke at house fire

Eric Haak photo