provided radio traffic from yesterday’s fire in Gurnee:
2013/10/27 Gurnee 2nd Alarm Townhouse Fire 17434 W. Walnut Ln. provided radio traffic from yesterday’s fire in Gurnee:
2013/10/27 Gurnee 2nd Alarm Townhouse Fire 17434 W. Walnut Ln.
Tags: 2-Alarm fire in Gurnee, 2-alarm townhouse fire in Gurnee injures 3 firefighters 10-27-13, fireground radio traffic, Gurnee Fire Department,
This entry was posted on October 28, 2013, 9:45 AM and is filed under Fire. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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#1 by Taylar on December 24, 2015 - 2:27 PM
There is a lot of debate on this topic. There was a penidng contract to be awarded for new engines for the CFD. The ALF Eagle that served as CFD E23 was purchased at the same time as the Freightliner/3D assigned to E92, as the Freightliner was to take care of an immediate need for a pumper while E23 was intended to be a demo to see if they liked the truck and its design. I was not aware that a contract was awarded to ALF, but the story I have heard is that ALF/3D kept building additional units beyond the demo and when the contract was awarded to Luverne, they were stuck with the balance. East Chicago purchased two as noted and have the same paint and details as a CFD rig, but East Chicago painted the doors with their logos. They must have like the rigs since they later bought two more pumpers on the Eagle chassis.