This from Drew Gresik:
Hello everyone,I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of submissions about this fire, so I’ll keep it short. Here are just a couple of more than 500 photos I took at this job in Stone Park. Fire was in a grocery store with occupied attached apartments, multiple master streams and handlines used. There were a lot of issues with bad hydrants as well, forcing command to request addition engines from many area departments. Thanks again guys.From,Drew Gresik
No injuries were reported following an extra-alarm fire that broke out in the potato chip aisle of a grocery store in west suburban Stone Park late this morning, authorities said.
The five-alarm blaze started about noon in the 1600 block of North Mannheim Road, according to a spokeswoman for Stone Park police.
As of about 1 p.m., the blaze was mostly out, but smoke and some flames were still visible from the 2-story brick building, which houses the Durango Supermercado on the first level and about four apartments on the upper level.
No injuries have been reported and the blaze burned through its roof, causing a partial collapse of the building.
Thick, black smoke roiled from the building at one point and about 15-20 fire departments remained on the scene.
Firefighters were pouring water on its roof and through one apartment window using two tower ladders. Several onlookers were standing outside gawking and it appeared that all occupants of the building had escaped.
Manager Jose Rivera was in his office doing paperwork when he heard the smoke alarm go off but he said it’s “very sensitive” so he thought it could just have been cooking smoke that activated it.
When he went to check it out, he found the potato chip aisle was on fire, and the chips were burning.Rivera sprang into action, grabbed the fire extinguisher and tried to put it out.
“I ran for the extinguisher and managed to control it,’’ Rivera said.
He then raced through the rest of the store, telling the eight customers to “drop their possessions and leave,’’ Rivera said.
Rivera went back inside but the fire had worsened and there was nothing left in the extinguisher. Rivera said he knew he had to leave at that point.Fire officials on the scene said they were letting the fire burn, in a “free burn’’ and would not be able to go inside until it was safe.Rivera’s mother, Imelda Rivera, who is the owner of the store, was outside and appeared very shaken up.
Occupants of the second-story apartments on the building’s south side escaped without being hurt.
Rivera does not know what started the blaze.
Fire department officials said they were performing a “free burn’’ and will not go inside until it’s safe.
Pingback: 4-Alarm fire in Stone Park, IL May 28, 2013 | FireScenes.Net
#1 by Tim Olk on June 2, 2013 - 7:21 PM
Nice job by all first in companies – This was a bad fire when they pulled up.
Pingback: Stone Park 4-11 Alarm fire 5-28-13 (pt 2) «
#2 by Ryan on May 31, 2013 - 4:30 PM
@Sebastian…It’s kind of strategic in a way. Some Divisions do things differently, where if someone has a fire, then all the towns surrounding may send multiple pieces of apparatus, depleting their towns. What all Div 20 towns do(strictly going by what my department does and what is reflected from the other towns box cards) is request only 1 piece of apparatus from a town, so that town isn’t depleted. Some towns have more than 1 station and a number of apparatus manned at one time. The majority of others have one station and are spread thin. I wouldn’t say its a lot of interdivisional requests. Image looking at a map of your town and drawing a 1-2 mile circle around it. There is your Still companies. Now draw a bigger circle, theres your Box companies…and so on. If another town is within that circle, or geographic area, regardless of what division they are in, then so be it. It shouldn’t matter that someone from another division is called before other towns within the same division as the incident. It should matter who is closer for the Box and 2-11, because you need those companies faster. After that, take one town close and one town further, so one geographic area is not left empty. Just my opinion.
Sebastian, I could go all day and tell you the manpower of each town in this Division, and you would see that we all rely on each other more now than ever. We all have short manpower that seems like it will never be what it used to. We are doing more with less guys.
#3 by FFEMT on May 31, 2013 - 1:22 PM
PLVW went c/q
#4 by Mabas 10 Guy on May 31, 2013 - 9:48 AM
Just asking was Lyons Riverside and Lagrange Park the only Mabas 10 departments that responded …….was trying to figure it out based off of the box card
#5 by Super.Durango on May 31, 2013 - 1:16 AM
Hi Drew,
On behalf of the Super Durango supermarket we would like to thank you for posting the pictures of our tragic fire. We would like to gather pictures taken on 5/28 to use on our recent website created to raise funds for the residents affected by the fire. If possible can you please send us an e-mail confirmation so that we can gather additional photos to document the event that occurred. We sincerely appreciate the support the community have given us during this time.
Super Durango
#6 by Sebastian on May 30, 2013 - 8:17 PM
Why were all these interdivisional calls made??
Division 20 couldn’t handle the 4-11 or was it a strategic
Move?? Just curious thats all!
#7 by Ryan on May 30, 2013 - 7:52 PM
@sirhc…actually, Addison engine was COQ because that’s what is predetermined on the box card for Stone Park. It has nothing to do where a town is located and everything to do how each department specifies who comes on what level. Ususally it is done by geographic area and also done by taking one close town and one further town on each level, as to not completely deplete an area on a box or 2-11. In the case of a high alarm as this one, the entire division was depleted and that’s why a task force from another division was brought in to cover.
#8 by Drew Gresik on May 30, 2013 - 5:31 PM
Roselle’s E521 was another special called engine, and Stone Park E909 was brought to the scene by call-back personnel.
#9 by Drew Gresik on May 30, 2013 - 5:29 PM
Also Lombard E45 was the last special called engine
#10 by Drew Gresik on May 30, 2013 - 5:28 PM
Ryan, email me at so we can work it out!
#11 by Ryan on May 30, 2013 - 10:40 AM
@Drew…do you have a website with all the pictures? I’m trying to build an album of all the fires I’m at.
As far as rundown, here goes…
Still – Stone Park, Bellwood, Berkeley engines, Leyden Quint
Full Still – River Grove, Westchester engine (due with truck, but OOS, came with engine), Hillside Truck (move up, in place of WEST truck) and Melrose Park Amb. Norwood Park Eng and Rosemont Amb COQ.
Box – Northlake and Melrose engines, Bensenville and Maywood Trucks, Broadview Squad, Franklin Park RIT truck/chief, Rosemont Amb. Elmhurst Amb COQ.
2-11 – Norwood Park and Elmwood Park engines, Rosemont and North Riverside Trucks, Chicago Squad 7. Schillar Park eng COQ.
3-11 – Schillar Park and LaGrange Park engines, Riverside Truck, Elmhurst RIT truck, Elmhurst Amb. Forest Park Eng, Villa Park Amb COQ.
Special Call for 2 Amb…Villa Park and Oakbrook Terrace (from Hillside Station)
4-11 – Forest Park and Des Plaines engines, Park Ridge Truck, Oak Brook Squad. Addison Eng COQ.
Not sure if it went to a 5-11, but I do know they specialed in more engines. Carol Steam and Lyons engines from the 5-11. Also Oakbrook Terrace engine and I do believe at least 1 more engine.
Long lead out to North Ave for a better water supply. Westchester engine had entire LDH bed dropped down alley.
York Center engine and Oak Brook Amb COQ to Hillside to help cover some of south end of Division. Task Force from Div 3 went to Leyden fire station.
#12 by chris r on May 29, 2013 - 12:33 PM
If you were to drive down north ave west from STONE PARK , ADDISON is the third town to the west . So thats why .
#13 by Sebastian on May 29, 2013 - 11:04 AM
Just wondering as to why addison was the change of quarters for stone parpk?
Pingback: From Potato Chips to 5 Alarms | Firegeezer
#14 by Radioman911 on May 29, 2013 - 9:12 AM
5/28/13 STONE PARK, Ill. – 4th Alarm + Interdivisional Box Grocery Store / Apartment Building Fire 1651 N. Mannhiem Rd. – Recording starts before 4th Alarm is requested and a “We’re losin’.” progress report.
Radio Traffic Recording by
(Will not play on Apple mobile devices)
#15 by Josh Boyajian on May 29, 2013 - 7:00 AM
Nice pictures Drew
#16 by John on May 29, 2013 - 2:01 AM
If someone has a rundown of the companies that would be great.