This from Asher Heimermann:
Chicago Rockford International Airport contracts with Pro-Tec Fire Services of Green Bay for ARFF services.

Asher Heimermann photo

Asher Heimermann photo

Asher Heimermann photo
Sep 30
Posted by Admin in Fire Truck photos | 6 Comments
This from Asher Heimermann:
Chicago Rockford International Airport contracts with Pro-Tec Fire Services of Green Bay for ARFF services.
Asher Heimermann photo
Asher Heimermann photo
Asher Heimermann photo
Tags: Asher Heimermann, Chicago-Rockford International Airport, Greater Rockford Airport ARFF units, Oshkosh Striker 3000, Oshkosh TI3000 ARFF unit
This from Josh Boyajian:
I had a great opportunity yesterday and got pictures of the (2) new ARFF crash trucks at O’Hare Airport. They are the new generation 2016 Oshkosh Strikers assigned to units 6-5-4 and 6-5-8. Enjoy
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Tags: Chicago 6-5-4 ARFF, Chicago ARFF 658, Chicago O'Hare Airport ARFF, Josh Boyajian, new ARFF units at O'Hare, Oshkosh Striker 3000
Photos from Gordon J. Nord, Jr.
Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo
Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo
Tags: Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Midway Airport 6-5-1, Chicago Midway Airport 6-5-2, Chicago Midway Airport ARFF, Chicago Midway Airport Fire Department, Gordon J. Nord Jr., Oshkosh Striker 3000, Oshkosh Striker 3000 with Snozzle
Feb 18
Posted by Admin in Fire Scene video | 2 Comments
At long last, an epic 20 minute video from Larry Shapiro that includes the work of the Chicago Foam Task Force.
The series of postings from this fire can be viewed beginning HERE.
Tags: 4-Alarm fire in Northlake, ARFF used at warehouse fire, crash truck deployed at tire fire, fire scene photos, fire scene video, firefighting video, Hillside Fire Department, Larry Shapiro, Leyden Township FPD, massive fire in building filled with tires, MESS Canteen Service, Northlake Fire Department, Northlake Fire Protection District, O'Hare Towing, Oshkosh Striker 3000, Schiller Park Fire Department, video of fire scene, video of firemen working, video of large fire, video of towing operation, winter fire scene, winter fire scene video
Feb 16
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 2 Comments
Images from Larry Shapiro from the 4-Alarm fire in Northlake, 2-15-14. He was on-hand when the Foam Task Force from O’Hare arrived and was deployed to apply a foam coating to the contents of the building. There will be a video coming too.
Franklin Park Truck 2 working in front of the building on Mannheim Road. Larry Shapiro photo
6-5-3 covered the interior of the demolished building with a foam coating. Larry Shapiro photo
6-5-3 discharging foam into the building. Lary Shapiro photo
The towing company pulls the truck away from the building. Larry Shapiro photo
Chicago 6-5-3 from O’Hare Airport came as part of the foam task force. Larry Shapiro photo
Heavy wrecker brought in to remove a box truck. Larry Shapiro photo
MESS Canteen’s new unit working it’s second fire scene. Larry Shapiro photo
A Franklin Park firefighter controls the ladder pipe. Larry Shapiro photo
Leyden Township firefighters on a hand line. Larry Shapiro photo
The B-C corner well into the fire. Larry Shapiro photo
River Grove engine (X-Schaumburg). Larry Shapiro photo
Park Ridge Engine 35 was one of four engines pumping inline to supply the Schiller Park tower ladder. Larry Shapiro photo
A gallery with many more images can be viewed HERE.
Part 3 in this series is HERE.
Other images are at fire
Tags: 100 top paid in the Chicago Fire Department, 4-Alarm fire in Northlake, ARFF used at warehouse fire, crash truck deployed at tire fire, fire scene photos, fireman silhouette at fire scene, Hillside Fire Department, Larry Shapiro, Leyden Township FPD, massive fire in building filled with tires, MESS Canteen Service, Northlake Fire Department, Northlake Fire Protection District, O'Hare Towing, Oshkosh Striker 3000, Schiller Park Fire Department, winter fire scene
Jun 21
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department News, Fire Service News, New Delivery | 2 Comments
Martin Nowak found links to several Oshkosh ARFF deliveries for O’Hare and Rockford airports on the Oshkosh Flickr site.
Rockford Airport ARFF. Oshkosh composite
Chicago 653 for O’Hare. Oshkosh composite
Chicago ARFF 655 for O’Hare. Oshkosh composite
Chicago ARFF 656 for O’Hare with Snozzle. Oshkosh composite
Chicago ARFF 657 for O’Hare. Oshkosh composite
Does anyone know how do they get that sky writing behind the units … and those runway lights are so white!
Tags: Chicago Fire Department at O'Hare Airport, Chicago O'Hare Airport ARFF, Chicago O'Hare Airport Fire Department, Martin Nowak, new ARFF units at O'Hare, O'Hare Airport Fire Department, Oshkosh Striker 3000, Oshkosh Striker 3000 with Snozzle, Rockford airport ARFF
Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photographed four new ARFFs at O’Hare and got a sneak peek at 9-2-4, the new mobile ventilation unit.
6-5-3 flows water from the bumper turret. Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo
6-5-3 runs out of Rescue 1 at O'Hare. Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo
6-5-7 also is stationed at Rescue 1. Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo
6-5-4 is at Rescue 3. Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo
6-5-5 is also at Rescue 3, located mid-field. Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo
6-5-9 is at Rescue 4, the old north fire station off Touhy Avenue. Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo
9-2-4 is the new mobile ventilation unit at O'Hare. Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo
Tags: CFD 6-5-4, CFD 6-5-5, CFD 6-5-7, CFD 6-5-9, CFD 9-2-4, Chicago Fire Department at O'Hare Airport, Chicago O'Hare Airport ARFF, Chicago O'Hare Airport Fire Department, Gordon J. Nord Jr., new ARFF units at O'Hare, new mobile ventilation unit at O'Hare Airport, O'Hare Airport Fire Department, Oshkosh ARFF, Oshkosh Striker 3000, Tempest Mobile Ventilation Unit
Several photos have been updated on the site, a few of which have been shown in the blog:
– MABAS Division 11, Oak Park Fire Department; Dan McInerney submitted a shot of Station 2
Chicago Fire Department: (photos by Gordon J. Nord, Jr.)
– Engine 60‘s new rig photo has been updated
– Truck 31‘s new rig photo has been updated
– Truck 51‘s new rig photo has been updated
– Midway Airport ARFF 6-5-1 has a photo of the new apparatus
Tags: Chicago Engine 60, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Midway Airport 6-5-1, Chicago Truck 31, Chicago Truck 51, Crimson aerial, Crimson engine, Dan McInerney, Gordon J. Nord Jr., MABAS Division 11, Oak Park Fire Department, Oshkosh Striker 3000, Spaertan Gladiator Classic
Mar 21
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department News, New Delivery, Reader submission | 20 Comments
Gordon J. Nord, Jr. took advantage of Saturday’s nice weather to get photos of the new Crimson aerial for Truck 31 (shop #E338) and the new Oshkosh Striker for 6-5-1 at Midway Airport.
Chicago Truck 31 recently took delivery of their new 2010 Spartan Gladiator/Crimson 103' aerial. Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo
6-5-1 at Midway Airport received one of the new 2010 Oshkosh Striker 3000 units that was delivered recently to the city. 6-5-1 is equipped with a Snozzle telescoping waterway with a piercing nozzle. Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo
The new Striker 3000 is replacing this 2000 TI-3000 unit that was also equipped with a Snozzle.
Tags: Chicago 6-5-1 ARFF, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Midway Airport ARFF, Chicago Truck 31, Crimson aerial ladder, Gordon J. Nord Jr., Oshkosh Striker, Oshkosh Striker 3000, Oshkosh TI-3000, piercing nozzle, Snozzle, Spartan Gladiator
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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