Posts Tagged Crimson aerial ladder

Burbank is added to the site

Burbank Fire Department (IL) patchThe Burbank Fire Department has been added to MABAS Division 21. They have two stations and a fleet of suppression units on Spartan chassis. Two were built by Crimson (an engine and quint), two by General Safety (an engine and the squad), and one engine by Ferrara.

Burbank covers four square miles from two stations. They also have three ambulances, one of which is a reserve.




Burbank Fire Station

Partan Gladiator Classic Crimson 100' quint

Spartan Metro Star General Safety rescue squad

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New ladder truck for Huntley

This from Larry Shapiro:

I visited the Spartan ERV aerial plant in Ephrata, PA on Monday. The new quint for Huntley was out back having the stress test performed on the aerial ladder. Here are several photos. The unit will be shipped to South Dakota any day now (if it hasn’t already left) to have the pump module and body mounted for completion. It is a 103′ rear mount in a Spartan Gladiator chassis with the Evolution facia.


new fire truck for Huntley FPD

Huntley’s new Spartan ERV quint. The subassembly and ladder have been mounted to the chassis. Larry Shapiro photo

new fire truck for Huntley FPD

Huntley’s new ladder undergoing stress testing. Larry Shapiro photo

new fire truck for Huntley FPD

New ladder for Huntley FPD ready for installation of the pump and body. Larry Shapiro photo

Previous production photos were posted HERE.

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Building fire in Chicago 4-21-13 (pt 2)

More on this morning’s fire on S. Michigan from Dan Shevlin:

113th & Michigan
Still Time : 0918
Battalion 22 & the group had a fire in Roseland today . 2-story ordinary 25 x 50 . BC22 reported heavy fire on the 2nd floor & fire in the cockloft . I arrived when the fire was under control . Thanks Dan Shevlin
Chicago fire engine at fire scene

Dan Shevlin photo

fireman standing on roof

Dan Shevlin photo

two firemen on ladder

Dan Shevlin photo

Chicago fireman at fire scene

Dan Shevlin photo

Chicago fireman at fire scene

Dan Shevlin photo

firefighter working after fire

Dan Shevlin photo

Chicago fire engine at fire scene

Dan Shevlin photo

Chicago building fire 4-21-13

Dan Shevlin photo

Chicago building fire 4-21-13

Dan Shevlin photo

Chicago fire engine at fire scene

Dan Shevlin photo

Chicago fire trucks at fire scene

Dan Shevlin photo

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Building fire in Chicago 4-21-13

This from Erik Haak:

At 0920 hrs, Sunday morning, Engine 62 reported a working fire at 11259 S. Michigan Avenue.  Battalion 22 reported fire in the basement which eventually made it up through the second floor and into the cockloft of the 2-story apartment over commercial structure.  Truck 62 was RIT.  All photos credited to Eric Haak.


Chicago FD engine pumping at fire scene

Engine 62 had lines off. Erik Haak photo

Chicago FD engine pumping at fire scene

Engine 75 had a hydrant. Erik Haak photo

Chicago FD Crimson aerial

CFD Truck 62 was parked down the block. Erik Haak photo

Chicago firefighters on the roof with smoke

Firefighters vent the roof. Erik Haak photo

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CFD website updates

There have been several long overdue updates made to CFD houses on the website:

thanks to all that have provided images and information that helps to keep the site accurate

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Crimson aerials for Chicago in production

A visit to the Crimson Aerial facility in Ephrata, PA two weeks ago found three units in various stages of the production process. One was going to be shipped to the company’s facility in South Dakota for the mounting of the body, another was a few days behind the first, and the third chassis had not yet had the aerial mounted. By now they should all be in South Dakota.

Chicago Crimson aerial in production

One of Chicago's aerials at the Crimson facility in Ephrata, PA with the aerial mounted is ready to travel to South Dakota for the body installation.

Chicago Crimson aerial in production

The rear view shows the completed aerial assembly.

Chicago Crimson aerial in production

The frame rails extend beyond the torque box to accommodate the body.

Chicago Crimson aerial in production

Directly behind the cab is the front set of stabilizer jacks.

Chicago Crimson aerial in production

The rear jacks are beneath the turntable.

Chicago Crimson aerial in production

Two sections of a ladder for another truck have been assembled in the shop.

Chicago Crimson aerial in production

Closeup of the mid-section tip prior to the addition of the fly-section.

Chicago Crimson aerial in production

The torque box is being mounted to this chassis as the ladder is completed elsewhere in the plant.


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CFD Crimson aerials update

Bill Friedrich submitted the following comprehensive list of the new aerials in service in Chicago:

New trucks as follows:

Truck 9    E-337
Truck 13  E-342
Truck 31  E-338
Truck 42  E-343
Truck 50  E-344
Truck 51  E-341
Truck 56  E-339
Truck 59  E-340
Truck 61  E-345
Truck 62  E-336

All 2010 Spartan Gladiator – Crimson 103′ ladders
Chicago Fire Department Truck 62 Spartan Gladiator Crimson

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CFD 6th District updates

Several apparatus images have been updated on the site in the 6th District:

Chicago Fire Department Battalion 24
Chicago Fire Department Engine 120 Spartan Gladiator Classic Crimson

Engine 120's new apparatus.

Chicago Fire Department Engine 120 HME 1871 SFO Luverne

Engine 120's previous apparatus.

Chicago Fire Department Truck 42 Spartan Gladiator Crimson aerial

Truck 42's new apparatus

Chicago Fire Department Truck 42 Pierce Dash aerial

Truck 42's previous apparatus.

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Chicago Still Alarm 57th and Normal

Chicago Still Alarm fire 57th and Normal

The 2-1/2 story frame at 57th and Normal after the fire had been knocked down. Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick took in a fire on Thursday morning and had the following to say about it:

One of the benefits of working the goofy hours I do is being on the street at off-peak times. On the way in last night I was able to make a quick stop at this working still…2-1/2 story frame, vacant, and well involved upon CFD arrival. An exposure problem with exposure two and they were setting up the Snorkel. I arrived in pretty good time but they had already given it a good whack. Squad 5 was positioned in the vacant lot, but from I could tell was not used as a master stream. They had just gotten off the roof, but it was nice to see truck 51’s new Crimson at work. I noticed Truck 18 was running with a lettered spare..but it was a Pierce in really good shape..kind’a surprising. I only had a coupl’a minutes so I had to shoot and run….
Chicago Still Alarm fire 57th and Normal

Squad 5's Snorkel sits in a vacant lot adjacent to the fire building. Steve Redick photo

Chicago Still Alarm fire 57th and Normal Chicago Truck 51 Crimson aerial

Chicago Truck 51 had the front of the building with their new Spartan/Crimson 103' aerial. Steve Redick photo

Chicago Still Alarm fire 57th and Normal Chicago Engine 84

Engine 84 was on a hydrant next door to the fire building. Steve Redick photo

Chicago Still Alarm fire 57th and Normal

Firefighters work on the second floor of the vacant dwelling hitting hot spots and performing overhaul. Steve Redick photo

Chicago Still Alarm fire 57th and Normal Chicago Truck 51 Crimson aerial

Truck 51 from the rear shows the jack spread and reflective striping. Steve Redick photo

Chicago Still Alarm fire 57th and Normal Chicago Engine 50

Engine 50 was the second engine on the scene. Steve Redick photo

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New CFD deliveries

Bill Friedrich submitted images of several recent CFD assignments. He also reports that:

There is one more Truck at the shops awaiting to go in service at Truck 61. E-341
Chicago Fire Department Engine 120 Crimson engine

Engine 120 is a 2010 Spartan Gladiator/Crimson with a 1,500-GPM pump, 500 gallons of water and a 30-gallon foam tank. The shop number is D-655. Bill Friedrich photo

Chicago Fire Department Truck 51 Crimson aerial

Chicago Truck 51, with shop #E-341, is a 2011 Spartan Gladiator/Crimson 103' rear mount. Bill Friedrich photo


Chicago Fire Department Truck 59 Crimson aerial

Chicago Truck 59, with shop #E-340, is a 2011 Spartan Gladiator/Crimson 103' rear mount. Bill Friedrich photo

Chicago Fire Department Truck 62 Crimson aerial

Chicago Truck 62, with shop #E-336, is a 2011 Spartan Gladiator/Crimson 103' rear mount. Bill Friedrich photo

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