From Jimmy Bolf:
Former Mess Canteen

Jimmy Bolf photo

Jimmy Bolf photo

Jimmy Bolf photo

Jimmy Bolf photo

Jimmy Bolf photo

Jimmy Bolf photo
From Jimmy Bolf:
Former Mess Canteen
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Tags:, MESS Canteen Service, Metropolitan Emergency Support Services Inc. (M.E.S.S.)
Aug 27
Posted by Admin in Ambulance photos, Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | Comments off
Photos from Larry Shapiro of the 2-Alarm house fire in Buffalo Grove, 8-26-20
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: 2-Alarm fire in Buffalo Grove, Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26, Buffalo Grove FD Quint 27, Buffalo Grove FD Squad 25, Buffalo Grove Fire Department,, E-ONE fire trucks at fire scene, fire scene photos, firefighters with hose line, Grayslake FD Engine 2727, Highland Park FD Squad 33, house fire in Buffalo Grove, Lake Forest FD quint, Lake Villa FD ambulance, Lake Zurich FD ambulance, Larry Shapiro,,, Long Grove FPD Tanker 55, MESS Canteen Service, Mount Prospect FD Engine 14, Rosenbauer Commander, Schaumburg FD Squad 55,
Jan 7
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos, Fire Scene video | 5 Comments
Mundelein firefighters responded to 115 Pinehurst Drive Saturday night (1/6/18) around 8:30 for fire in an attached garage. Upon arrival, the garage was engulfed in fire and within minutes Battalion 43 requested a MABAS Box Alarm. Companies made an aggressive attack deploying three lines and prevented substantial damage into the house. One car in the garage was destroyed and another in the driveway was badly damaged.
Units at the scene included an engine, tower ladder, ambulance and battalion chief from Mundelein, engines from Countryside, Grayslake, and Wauconda, trucks from Libertyville and Lake Forest, a squad from Fox Lake, and Countryside Chief 4100.
Larry Shapiro
Larry Shapiro
Larry Shapiro
Larry Shapiro
Larry Shapiro
Larry Shapiro
Larry Shapiro
more photos at
Tags: attached garage gutted by fire, fire scene photos, fire scene video, house fire in Mundelein, Larry Shapiro, MESS Canteen Service, Mundelein FD Engine 4317, Mundelein FIre Department,
Jun 21
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos, Fire Scene video | Comments off
Buffalo Grove firefighters were called to 685 Le Parc Circle late Tuesday afternoon after a homeowner was alerted on his phone of an alarm going off. The Code 2 for the alarm investigation was elevated to a Code 3 for the reported fire after receiving an update from the homeowner who arrived home and found smoke in the unit.
Buffalo Grove (BG) Battalion 4 arrived to find light smoke around the eaves and upgraded to a Code 4 for the working fire. BG companies went to the roof and inside the unit while mutual aid crews investigated the adjoining units. Heavy smoke conditions inside initially hampered locating the seat of the attic fire and a fear of extension throughout the multiple unit building prompted further upgrading the alarm to a MABAS Box Alarm.
Companies at the scene were: Buffalo Grove Battalion 4, Engine 26, Quints 25 and 27, Squad 25, Ambulances 25 and 26, plus three additional chief officers. Mutual aid companies were: Arlington Heights Engine 4, Ambulance 4, and 400; Long Grove Squad 55 and 5500; Palatine Engine 82; Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Squad 51; Wheeling Engine 42 and 2400; ambulances from Barrington Countryside, Lake Zurich, Schaumburg, and Lake Villa; a Libertyville squad, a Countryside engine, trucks from Mundelein and Grayslake (in a spare truck X-Mundelein), the Mess Canteen Unit M5, plus Buffalo Grove EMA.
One firefighter was transported to an area hospital for observation after being evaluated in rehab.
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Dan McInerney photo
Dan McInerney photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Dan McInerney photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Dan McInerney photo
Dan McInerney photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Dan McInerney photo
more photos at
Tags: Barrington Countryside Fire Protection Distric, Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26, Buffalo Grove FD Quint 27, Buffalo Grove Fire Department, Dan McInerney, E-ONE HP78 quint, E-ONE Typhoon fire engine at fire scene, E-ONE Typhoon fire engine with lines off, fire scene photos, fire scene video, Firefighters rehab at fire scene, heavy smoke at building fire, Larry Shapiro, MESS Canteen Service, Mess Canteen Unit M5, Mundelein FIre Department, northwest Lake County Fire training Cooperative,, ShapPhoto on YouTube, toddler wearing Firefighter suit
May 15
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Department News, Fire Scene photos | Comments off
Lake Zurich firefighters responded for a house fire at 22580 Somerset Court Monday (5/15/17) and found the garage and several vehicles burning. The alarm was upgraded to a MABAS Box Alarm that included multiple tenders (tankers) to shuttle water to this area that lacks hydrants.
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
more photos at
Tags: fire engine drafting from portable tank, Fox Lake Fire Protection District, house fire in Lake Zurich, Lake Zurich Fire Department, Larry Shapiro, Long Grove Fire Protection District, MESS Canteen Service,, tanker shuttle at fire scene
Video from Larry Shapiro at the 3-Alarm fire in Evanston 1-9-15
Tags: 3-Alarm house fire in Evanston, Evanston Fire Department, fire chief covered with ice, firefighter after fighting a fire, firefighters doing overhaul, firefighters performing overhaul, firemen hidden in smoke, firemen on aerial ladder with saw covered with ice, firemen overhaul after fire, Larry Shapiro, MESS Canteen Service, outrigger from fire truck hits car,, winter fire scene
Jan 10
Posted by Admin in Fire Scene photos, Fire Scene video | 4 Comments
Images from Larry Shapiro of the 3-Alarm house fire at 2519 Harrison in Evanston yesterday (1/9/15).
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
More photos are at
Tags: 3-Alarm house fire in Evanston, Evanston Fire Department, fire chief covered with ice, firefighter after fighting a fire, firefighters doing overhaul, firefighters performing overhaul, firemen hidden in smoke, firemen on aerial ladder with saw covered with ice, firemen overhaul after fire, Larry Shapiro, MESS Canteen Service, outrigger from fire truck hits car,, winter fire scene
Jul 21
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 3 Comments
This from Sam Borcia:
The Countryside Fire Department were dispatched initially to a smoke investigation inside a townhouse at 821 Faulkner Place in Vernon Hills Sunday, 7-20-14, at around 8:40 PM. It was upgraded to a working fire and soon after a Box Alarm. I’ve included some of the photos,Thanks, Sam Borcia.
Sam Borcia photo
Sam Borcia photo
Sam Borcia photo
Sam Borcia photo
Sam Borcia photo
Sam Borcia photo
Sam Borcia photo
Sam Borcia photo
here is a link to the photos on my Facebook Page:
Some images from Larry Shapiro who arrived much later.
High expansion foam generator. Larry Shapiro photo
A hole in the kitchen floor allows for foam to be dispensed into the basement. Larry Shapiro photo
The rear of the unit that was involved. Larry Shapiro photo
Warning sign posted at the fire unit. Larry Shapiro photo
Front door of the end unit where the fire occurred. Larry Shapiro photo
Countryside engine with lines off. Larry Shapiro photo
While one engine, investigators, and the shift commander were still on the scene around 1:40AM, they noticed smoke in the residence adjoining the original fire unit. A full still alarm response was sent back to the scene as they uncovered the fire in a void space between the units. Highwood Truck 37, in Vernon Hills on a change of quarters from the original alarm, sent their company to the roof after setting up thee aerial.
Companies were released around 3AM.
More images from Larry Shapiro:
Highwood Truck 37 was deployed to the roof. Larry Shapiro photo
High expansion foam on the rear deck and inside of the original fire unit. Larry Shapiro photo
Highwood Truck 37 sporting new decals and striping after being refurbished. Larry Shapiro photo
Countryside firefighters on the rear deck of the original fire unit wetting down the common wall. Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: Countryside Fire Protection District, fire trucks at night fire scene, high expansion foam used to fight fire, Highwood Fire Department, Larry Shapiro, MESS Canteen Service, night fire scene photos, Sam Borcia, townhouse fire in Vernon Hills, townhouse fire starts in basement
Feb 18
Posted by Admin in Fire Scene video | 2 Comments
At long last, an epic 20 minute video from Larry Shapiro that includes the work of the Chicago Foam Task Force.
The series of postings from this fire can be viewed beginning HERE.
Tags: 4-Alarm fire in Northlake, ARFF used at warehouse fire, crash truck deployed at tire fire, fire scene photos, fire scene video, firefighting video, Hillside Fire Department, Larry Shapiro, Leyden Township FPD, massive fire in building filled with tires, MESS Canteen Service, Northlake Fire Department, Northlake Fire Protection District, O'Hare Towing, Oshkosh Striker 3000, Schiller Park Fire Department, video of fire scene, video of firemen working, video of large fire, video of towing operation, winter fire scene, winter fire scene video
Feb 16
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 2 Comments
Images from Larry Shapiro from the 4-Alarm fire in Northlake, 2-15-14. He was on-hand when the Foam Task Force from O’Hare arrived and was deployed to apply a foam coating to the contents of the building. There will be a video coming too.
Franklin Park Truck 2 working in front of the building on Mannheim Road. Larry Shapiro photo
6-5-3 covered the interior of the demolished building with a foam coating. Larry Shapiro photo
6-5-3 discharging foam into the building. Lary Shapiro photo
The towing company pulls the truck away from the building. Larry Shapiro photo
Chicago 6-5-3 from O’Hare Airport came as part of the foam task force. Larry Shapiro photo
Heavy wrecker brought in to remove a box truck. Larry Shapiro photo
MESS Canteen’s new unit working it’s second fire scene. Larry Shapiro photo
A Franklin Park firefighter controls the ladder pipe. Larry Shapiro photo
Leyden Township firefighters on a hand line. Larry Shapiro photo
The B-C corner well into the fire. Larry Shapiro photo
River Grove engine (X-Schaumburg). Larry Shapiro photo
Park Ridge Engine 35 was one of four engines pumping inline to supply the Schiller Park tower ladder. Larry Shapiro photo
A gallery with many more images can be viewed HERE.
Part 3 in this series is HERE.
Other images are at fire
Tags: 100 top paid in the Chicago Fire Department, 4-Alarm fire in Northlake, ARFF used at warehouse fire, crash truck deployed at tire fire, fire scene photos, fireman silhouette at fire scene, Hillside Fire Department, Larry Shapiro, Leyden Township FPD, massive fire in building filled with tires, MESS Canteen Service, Northlake Fire Department, Northlake Fire Protection District, O'Hare Towing, Oshkosh Striker 3000, Schiller Park Fire Department, winter fire scene
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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