Bill Friedrich submitted the following comprehensive list of the new aerials in service in Chicago:

Feb 15
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department News, New Delivery | 6 Comments
Bill Friedrich submitted the following comprehensive list of the new aerials in service in Chicago:
Tags: Bill Friedrich, Chicago Crimson aerial, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Fire Department Crimson aerials, Chicago Truck 31, Chicago Truck 42, Chicago Truck 51, Chicago Truck 61, Chicago Truck 62, Chicago Truck 9, Crimson aerial ladder, Spartan Gladiator Classic
Dec 2
Posted by bgshap in Apparatus on-scene, Fire, Fire Department News | 7 Comments
The 2-1/2 story frame at 57th and Normal after the fire had been knocked down. Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick took in a fire on Thursday morning and had the following to say about it:
One of the benefits of working the goofy hours I do is being on the street at off-peak times. On the way in last night I was able to make a quick stop at this working still…2-1/2 story frame, vacant, and well involved upon CFD arrival. An exposure problem with exposure two and they were setting up the Snorkel. I arrived in pretty good time but they had already given it a good whack. Squad 5 was positioned in the vacant lot, but from I could tell was not used as a master stream. They had just gotten off the roof, but it was nice to see truck 51’s new Crimson at work. I noticed Truck 18 was running with a lettered spare..but it was a Pierce in really good shape..kind’a surprising. I only had a coupl’a minutes so I had to shoot and run….
Squad 5's Snorkel sits in a vacant lot adjacent to the fire building. Steve Redick photo
Chicago Truck 51 had the front of the building with their new Spartan/Crimson 103' aerial. Steve Redick photo
Engine 84 was on a hydrant next door to the fire building. Steve Redick photo
Firefighters work on the second floor of the vacant dwelling hitting hot spots and performing overhaul. Steve Redick photo
Truck 51 from the rear shows the jack spread and reflective striping. Steve Redick photo
Engine 50 was the second engine on the scene. Steve Redick photo
Tags: Chicago Crimson aerial, Chicago Engine 50, Chicago Engine 84, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Snorkel Squad, Chicago Squad 5, Chicago Still & Box, Chicago Truck 51, Crimson aerial ladder, Snorkel, Steve Redick
Bill Friedrich submitted images of several recent CFD assignments. He also reports that:
There is one more Truck at the shops awaiting to go in service at Truck 61. E-341
Engine 120 is a 2010 Spartan Gladiator/Crimson with a 1,500-GPM pump, 500 gallons of water and a 30-gallon foam tank. The shop number is D-655. Bill Friedrich photo
Chicago Truck 51, with shop #E-341, is a 2011 Spartan Gladiator/Crimson 103' rear mount. Bill Friedrich photo
Chicago Truck 59, with shop #E-340, is a 2011 Spartan Gladiator/Crimson 103' rear mount. Bill Friedrich photo
Chicago Truck 62, with shop #E-336, is a 2011 Spartan Gladiator/Crimson 103' rear mount. Bill Friedrich photo
Tags: Bill Friedrich, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Truck 120, Chicago Truck 51, Chicago Truck 59, Chicago Truck 62, Crimson aerial ladder
Aug 15
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department News, Fire Service News, New Delivery | 8 Comments
Dennis McGuire, Jr. informs us that the Spartan/Crimson 103′ rear mount aerial carrying shop #E336 which had been assigned to Truck 51 has been taken out of service for some sort of mechanical or electrical malfunctions and the current disposition of this piece is not known. Truck 51 has been reassigned a Spartan/Crimson with shop #E341 which was originally slated for Truck 62.
Truck 51 was originally assigned shop #E336 as shown here. The unit has been taken out of service and the disposition is unknown. Truck 51 now has shop #E341. Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo
Tags: Chicago Fire Department Truck 51, Chicago Truck 51, Crimson aerial ladder, Dennis McGuire Jr., Gordon J. Nord Jr., Spartan Gladiator
Several photos have been updated on the site, a few of which have been shown in the blog:
– MABAS Division 11, Oak Park Fire Department; Dan McInerney submitted a shot of Station 2
Chicago Fire Department: (photos by Gordon J. Nord, Jr.)
– Engine 60‘s new rig photo has been updated
– Truck 31‘s new rig photo has been updated
– Truck 51‘s new rig photo has been updated
– Midway Airport ARFF 6-5-1 has a photo of the new apparatus
Tags: Chicago Engine 60, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Midway Airport 6-5-1, Chicago Truck 31, Chicago Truck 51, Crimson aerial, Crimson engine, Dan McInerney, Gordon J. Nord Jr., MABAS Division 11, Oak Park Fire Department, Oshkosh Striker 3000, Spaertan Gladiator Classic
Mar 12
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department History, Fire Department News, LODD, New Delivery, Reader submission | 6 Comments
Chicago Engine 60 received their new Spartan Gladiator/Crimson high-pressure pumper (shop #D-654).
Engine 60 put their new 2010 Crimson engine into service this week. It carries shop #D-654. Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo
As mentioned previously, Truck 51 has put their new Spartan Gladiator/Crimson 103′ aerial (shop #E-336) into service as well. There is a decal in memory of FF William F. Grant. FireFighter Grant, a 20 year veteran of the Chicago Fire Department, died Friday March 23, 2007 at age 44 from injuries sustained in a traffic accident while Truck 51 was en-route to a call.
Truck 51 received one of the five 2010 Spartan Gladiator, Crimson 103' rear mount aerials that were delivered to the city. Truck 51 carries a memorial decal for FF William F. Grant. Gordon J. Nord, Jr. photo
Our thanks to Lyons Fire Chief Gordon J. Nord, Jr. for submitting these images.
Tags: Chicago Engine 60, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Truck 51, Crimson, Gordon J. Nord Jr., high pressure pumper, Spartan Gladiator
Feb 19
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department News, New Delivery | 11 Comments
Two of the new Spartan Gladiator/Crimson 103′ rear mount aerial ladders have gone into service. Trucks 9 and 51 have received the new units.
Chicago Truck 9 received their new apparatus carrying shop #E337. It is a 2010 Spartan Gladiator Classic/Crimson 103' rear mount aerial. Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro tracked down Truck 9 several hours after the company picked up their new apparatus at the fire department shops.
Tags: Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Truck 51, Chicago Truck 9, Crimson, Larry Shapiro, Spartan Gladiator
Jan 20
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department News, Fire Service News, New Delivery | 11 Comments
The fifth new Spartan/Crimson 103′ rear mount aerial in Chicago will be assigned to Truck 59. That makes Truck Companies 9, 31, 51, 56, & 59 the recipients of the five aerials that have been delivered to date. Each of these companies currently runs with a 1996 Seagrave except Truck 51, which has a 1995 Seagrave, the oldest ladder in front line service in Chicago. After these new rigs go into service, there will be two remaining 1996 Seagrave trucks that are assigned to Trucks 61 and 62.
As a side note, there are three 1996 HME 1871/Simon-LTI 100′ tower ladders currently assigned to Tower 21, Tower 37, and Tower 39. Due to an accident with their 2002 Pierce Dash Tower Ladder, Tower 34 is running again with their 1988 E-ONE Hurricane 95′ tower ladder.
Chicago Truck 59 and Truck 31 at the Quinn Fire Academy yesterday. All three shifts of the five companies receiving the new Spartan/Crimson aerials are rotating through the academy to receive training on the new apparatus before getting the rigs. Steve Redick photo
The rear of Truck 31 shows that all ground ladder storage is within the center of the truck. A first for Chicago is full compartmentation on both sides of the rigs. Steve Redick photo
Tags: Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Towe 39, Chicago Tower 21, Chicago Tower 34, Chicago Tower 37, Chicago Truck 31, Chicago Truck 51, Chicago Truck 56, Chicago Truck 59. Chicago Truck 9, Crimson, Dash, E-ONE, Gladiator, HME 1871, Hurricane, Pierce, Simon-LTI, Spartan, Steve Redick, tower ladder
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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