This from Mike Summa for #TBT:
For TBT-This was the Central Stickney FPD’s Truck 906, a 1995 Simon Duplex/LTI 1500/250/75′ tower ladder.Enjoy and comment.Mike Summa

Mike Summa photo
And from our files:

Larry Shapiro photo

Bill Friedrich photo

Tim Olk photo
And from Larry Shapiro:
An LTI family photo after FDIC outside the RCA Dome in Indianapolis featuring a 102′ rear-mount platform for Cleveland, OH; an 85′ rear-mount platform for Indianapolis, IN; and the one and only 75′ rear-mount platform for the Central Stickney FPD. All three were built on Simon-Duplex chassis with completely different cab configurations.

Larry Shapiro photo