This from Daniel Hynd:
Darien-Woodridge FPD and surrounding departments responded to a fire in an attached garage in the 2100 block of Sunnydale St in Woodridge on the evening of 5-30-22.

Daniel Hynd photo

Daniel Hynd photo
May 30
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Department News, Fire Scene photos | Comments off
This from Daniel Hynd:
Darien-Woodridge FPD and surrounding departments responded to a fire in an attached garage in the 2100 block of Sunnydale St in Woodridge on the evening of 5-30-22.
Daniel Hynd photo
Daniel Hynd photo
Tags:, Daniel Hynd, Darien-Woodridge FPD, Darien-Woodridge FPD Engine 90, Darien-Woodridge FPD Medic 89, Downers Grove FD Engine 105, Downers Grove FD Tower 102, Ferrara, Ferrara fire engine on scene, fire scene photos, house fire in Woodridge IL, Lisle Woodridge FPD Engine 52, Lisle-Woodridge FPD Battalion 51, Tri-State FPD Ladder 122
Sep 8
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 2 Comments
This from Daniel Hynd:
On Tuesday, September 5th, Darien Woodridge along with Lisle Woodridge and Downers Grove companies were dispatched to a garage fire at 5512 Pershing Ave.
Companies Due were:Darien-Woodridge Engine 90, Ladder 89, Medic 89, Battalion 89, Chief 89, Deputy 89.Lisle-Woodridge Engine 52, Squad 53, Medic 52, Tower 51, Battalion 51
Downers Grove Squad 101
M90/I89 was later called in for investigation
Daniel Hynd photo
Daniel Hynd photo
Daniel Hynd photo
Daniel Hynd photo
Tags: Daniel Hynd, Darien-Woodridge FPD, fire department press release, fire scene photos, garage fire in unincorporated Downers Grove
May 1
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire, Fire Scene photos | 8 Comments
This from John Tulipano:
At approximately 11:15 today (5-1-14) DuComm dispatched Darien-Woodridge FPD to a possible apartment building fire at 7723 Woodward in Woodridge, IL. As companies went en-route DuComm reported several calls; one reporting a wire on the roof sparking, and another reporting flames. First arriving companies reported heavy smoke at 11:19. Battalion 89 requested a box alarm for heavy fire in the attic space of an apartment building at 11:26, and command requested a 2nd Alarm and reported heavy fire on the 3rd floor and in the attic space of a 3-story, 50X125, occupied apartment building.
John Tulipano photo
John Tulipano photo
John Tulipano photo
John Tulipano photo
John Tulipano photo
John Tulipano photo
John Tulipano photo
Here is the link to my gallery.
Tags: apartment building burns in Woodridge IL, Darien-Woodridge FPD, DuComm, fire scene photos, John Tulipano, Pierce fire trucks at fire scene, Pierce Velocity quint working at apartment fire
Aug 26
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Service News | 4 Comments
This update from Jim Skrabel:
As of Thursday morning 8/22/13 at 10am the Darien-Woodridge Fire Protection District switched over to the DuComm CAD standardization numbering system for stations and apparatus.
Station 1 is now station 89
- Chief 89
- D/C 89
- B/C 89
- Ladder 89
- Medic 89
Station 2 is now station 88
- Engine 88
Station 3 is now station 90
- Engine 90
- Medic 90
Lt. Jim Skrabel
Darien-Woodridge FPD
Tags: Darien-Woodridge Fire Protection District, Darien-Woodridge FPD, Jim Skrabel, new numbering for Darien Woodridge FPD
Jun 21
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire, Fire Service Photos, Fire Truck photos, Firefighters working | Comments off
This from Drew Gresik:
Here are a couple of photos from Riverside’s Box Alarm at 73 Northgate Road. Fire was in the basement upon arrival, with heavy smoke pushing from the chimney. Command had Engine 1621 lead a line into the home to knock the fire while Truck 1629 had the roof for ventilation. Fire was knocked in about 20 minutes. No shots of flames at this fire, but some cool shots of the smoke patterns before crews made entry. Attached are photos of several rigs and the structure. Forest View is currently using the Darien-Woodridge reserve engine that says “Southwest United Fire Districts” since both of their rigs are out of service with water damage to the electrical systems after that record flood a month or so ago. LaGrange has re-numbered their old Pierce and still runs it on M/A calls.
Drew Gresik photo
Drew Gresik photo
Drew Gresik photo
Drew Gresik photo
Drew Gresik photo
Drew Gresik photo
Drew Gresik photo
Tags: Darien-Woodridge FPD, Drew Gresik, E-ONE fire engine pumping at fire scene, fire engine photos, fire engines at fire scene, fire truck pictures, house fire in Riverside, Lagrange Fire Department, Lemont Fire Department, Pierce Arrow fire engine, Riverside Fire Department, Summit FD fire engine at fire scene
Jan 16
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, Site News, updated listing | 13 Comments
Some long overdue updates have been made to the pages for several departments on the site. Several contributors are responsible for the updates and corrections.
Tags: Arlington Heights Fire Department, Bolingbrook Fire Department apparatus, company decal for Schaumburg Station 53, Darien-Woodridge Fire Protection District, Darien-Woodridge FPD, EONE Cyclone engine, fire company logo, fire department patch, fire engine photos, fire station decal, fire station patch, Ford Medtec Type III, Gurnee Fire Department, Highland Park Fire Department, Lisle Woodridge Fire District, Luverne Fire Apparatus, Medtec Ambulance, new ambulance for Darien Woodridge FPD, new ambulance for Roselle, new Pierce Quantum in Arlington Heights, new shoulder patch for Wood Dale Fire, Pierce Quantum engine, Roselle Fire Department, Schaumburg Fire Department, Skokie Engine 17, Skokie Fire Department, Skokie Station 17, Spartan Chassis, Stickney Fire Department, Wood Dale Fire Department, Woodstock Fire Rescue District
Dec 9
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery | 4 Comments
More on the new Darien-Woodridge ambulances from Bill Friedrich:
Darien Woodridge FPD have taken delivery of the two new Ford F450 – Medtec ambulances. Medic 89 and 90 are expected to go in service closer to Christmas. They carry Pierce job # 25633 -01 and 02
Both new ambulances for the Darien-Woodridge FPD. Bill Friedrich photo
Rear view of the new ambulances for the Darien-Woodridge FPD. Bill Friedrich photo
New Medic 89 for Darien-Woodridge. Bill Friedrich photo
The new unit for Darien-Woodridge FPD Medic 90. Bill Friedrich photo
Tags: Bill Friedrich, Darien-Woodridge Fire Protection District, Darien-Woodridge FPD, new ambulance for Darien Woodridge FPD, new Medtec ambulance, Type I ambulance on a Ford F-450 chassis
Kevin G found Darien Woodridge’s X-spare engine listed for sale HERE
Tags: Darien-Woodridge FPD, Darien-Woodridge FPD sells old apparatus
May 23
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department History, Fire Department News | 3 Comments
When the new aerial goes into service for the Darien-Woodridge FPD, it will culminate a large change in their fleet. Four units are or will be sold from the current roster. These include:
Darien-Woodridge Truck 619 as it looks today. Larry Shapiro photo
Darien-Woodridge Truck 374 as it looked shortly after delivery. Larry Shapiro photo
Darien-Woodridge Squad 616 which is being sold. Karl Klotz photo
Darien-Woodridge Engine 611 as it currently looks. Larry Shapiro photo
The 1990 EONE Cyclone engine when it was delivered as Engine 375. Larry Shapiro photo
The Belmont Fire Protection District 1949 Oshkosh Howe engine. Bill Friedrich photo
Another view of the Belmont Fire Protection District Oshkosh Howe engine. Bill Friedrich photo
Bill Friedrich provided this history on the How engine:
On Sunday 5/6/12, Belmont FPD Engine 388 was loaded onto a transport trailer for the final response to the Andy Leiderer fire truck museum in NY State. Grandma, as the engine was known, started its career in the Chicagoland area at the Oak Lawn FD in 1949. Later it was sold to the Argonne Labs FD in Darien. It is unknown when or how the Belmont FPD in Downers Grove acquired this vehicle. Even after the Darien-Woodridge FPD took over the Belmont station, Grandma still carried the Belmont lettering. Here is a link to a video that shows the new home for Grandma.
Belmont Engine 388 begins it's final journey. Bill Friedrich photo
Engine 388 being secured to the lowboy trailer. Bill Friedrich photo
The plaque on the engine. Bill Friedrich photo
Bill adds that:
The Pirsch that is also on the trailer is an x-Milwaukee FD pumper that a private collector in Hudson,WI sold to the museum.
Belmont Engine 388 departing Darien-Woodridge Station 2 for the last time. Bill Friedrich photo
Tags: antique apparatus, antique fire apparatus, Argonne National Laboratory Fire Department, Belmont Fire District, Darien-Woodridge Fire Protection District, Darien-Woodridge FPD, Darien-Woodridge FPD sells old apparatus, Grandview Park Fire District, Pirsch antique engine
May 18
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department News, New Delivery | 2 Comments
Jim Skrabel from Darien-Woodridge forwarded this image from the Pierce plant of the new 105′ truck scheduled for delivery in early June.
The new "all red" 105' Velocity aerial for Darien-Woodridge. Photo by Darien-Woodridge FPD Lt. Rich Sanborn
Tags: Darien-Woodridge Fire Protection District, Darien-Woodridge FPD, Jim Skrabel, new Pierce ladder truck for Darien-Woodridge FPD, Pierce Velocity aerial ladder
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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