This from Hunter Klinger:

New fire station for the Lockport Township FPD. Hunter Klinger photo
Apr 9
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Fire Department News, FIre Stations | 4 Comments
This from Hunter Klinger:
New fire station for the Lockport Township FPD. Hunter Klinger photo
Tags:, fire station photo, Hunter Klinger, Lockport Township Fire Protection District, New fire station for Lockport Township FPD
Sep 10
Posted by Admin in Ambulance photos, Fire Service Photos, FIre Stations, New Listing, Site News | 2 Comments
The addition of the Bridgeview Fire Department completes the entire list of departments now in MABAS Division 21. The following information is from Keith Grzadziel
Bridgeview Fire Department Station 1. Larry Shapiro photo
•Station #1 7500 S. Oketo Ave. Bridgeview, IL 60455
Engine Co. 416 (front line)
Engine Co. 425 (reserve)
Ambulance 417
Battalion 40 (Car 403)
Car 400
•Station #2 7350 W. 100th Pl. Bridgeview, IL 60455
Engine Co. 405 (front line)
Engine Co. 415 (reserve)
Ambulance 406
Ambulance 426 (reserve)
Brush 407
Car 401 (spare pool)
Daily staffing is 9 personnel until we hire ????
5 @ Sta. #1( BC or Lt in car, 2 on Eng, 2 on Amb)
4 @ Sta.#2 (2 on Eng, 2 on Amb)
*Sta. #2 can drop down to 3 and act as a jump company.
Tags: ambulance photos, Bridgeview Fire Department, fire station photo, fire truck photos, Keith Grzadziel, MABAS Division 21, Martin Nowak, pictures of Bridgeview Fire Department apparatus
Sep 7
Posted by Admin in FIre Stations, Fire Truck photos, New Listing, Site News | 7 Comments
The Burbank Fire Department has been added to MABAS Division 21. They have two stations and a fleet of suppression units on Spartan chassis. Two were built by Crimson (an engine and quint), two by General Safety (an engine and the squad), and one engine by Ferrara.
Burbank covers four square miles from two stations. They also have three ambulances, one of which is a reserve.
Tags: Burbank Fire Department, Burbank Fire Department patch, Crimson aerial ladder, Crimson fire engine, fire station photo, General Safety rescue squad, MABAS Division 21, Spartan Chassis, Spartan Gladiator Classic, Spartan Metro Star
LaGrange Park is in MABAS Division 10. They have two stations covering 2.3 square miles. Station 1 is staffed and Station 2 unmanned. Staffing is provided by four contract medics and 46 paid-on-call personnel. The fleet consists of three engines, a truck, an ambulance, and a utility buggy.
La Grange Park Fire Station 1. Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: fire department patch, fire station photo, fire truck picture, Lagrange Park Fire Department, Lary Shapiro, LTI fire truck, MABAS Division 10
This from Martin Nowak:
Former Olympia Gardens Volunteer Fire Department Station at 2250 205th St Chicago Heights Illinois.
This department was disbanded in late 1990s. I looked inside to see if there would be a rig or anything FD. What I found were bikes, desks, and other school related items. I’m guessing the church/school across the street runs the building now.Station photo from Kevin Griffin and Sign photo from me.
Former Olympia Gardens VFD station.Kevin Griffin photo
Tags: fire station photo, Kevin Griffin, Martin Nowak, Olympia Gardens Volunteer Fire Department
Jul 19
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, FIre Stations | Comments off
This from Martin Nowak:
Here is an updated picture of Elk Grove Village Station 10 with red doors.
Elk Grove Fire Station 10 with red doors. Martin Nowak photo
Elk Grove Fire Station 10 previously had white doors. Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: Elk Grove Fire Station 10, Elk Grove Village Fire Department, fire department paints station doors red, fire station photo, fire station with red doors, Martin Nowak, red fire station doors
This from Martin Nowak:
July 29th, I decided to stop at the Willow Springs fire house and take some pictures. My main goal was to take pictures of an SUV in FD colors that are similar to the PD’s. I believe they had this Ford Explorer (2002-2005) in all black for years then adding these decals recently. I’ve seen a newer 2008-2012 Ford Escape twice, but not sure where it is and what it is used for. Wish I could get pictures of it, it has the same decals as the Explorer. I believe it replaced an old Jeep Grand Cherokee (1999-2004.) Here are some pictures I took.
Martin Nowak photo
Martin Nowak photo
Martin Nowak photo
Martin Nowak photo
Martin Nowak photo
Martin Nowak photo
Martin Nowak photo
Tags: fire station photo, firefighter memorial, Martin Nowak, memorial plaque, pictures of the Willow Springs Fire Department, Willow Springs Fire Department, Willow Springs fire station
Sep 10
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos | Comments off
Jeff Rudolph visited the newest station for the Grayslake Fire Protection District and submitted images to update the website.
Grayslake Fire Protection District Station 3. Jeff Rudolph photo
Grayslake Engine 2722 is housed at Station 3. Jeff Rudolph photo
Also housed at this fire station is the Division 4 &5 wildland team Unit 6973, a 1994 Ford F-800/Boise Mobile 750/500/20A. This unit is X-US Forest Service. Jeff Rudolph photo
Tags: fire engine photo, fire station photo, Grayslake Fire Department, Grayslake Fire Protection District, Grayslake Fire Station 3, Jeff Rudolph, Lake and McHenry County Wildland Team, wildland fire engine
The Orland Fire Protection District is about to begin remodeling their station #2.
Station 2, located at 151st & 80th Avenue, was originally built in 1980. The station was commissioned to accommodate the volunteer / POC personnel, and consisted of one bay and an office / kitchen / day area. It was not intended for full-time housing / response.
As the need for service expanded, so did Station 2’s intended use with many updates being done through the years to accommodate for overnight stay and 24-hour operation. New bays were added and the kitchen/day area had been expanded as well. Because Station 2 has been reconfigured and added onto so many times, to bring the station to current code and use would simply be a short-term solution. Therefore, the Orland Fire Protection District Board of Trustees has approved a full and complete remodel of Station 2 at the June 2013 Board of Trustees’ meeting.
The project is getting underway this fall 2013, and is expected to take approximately 8 weeks.
Artist’s rendering of the updated OFPD Station #2.
A link to the renovation plans can be found HERE.
Orland FPD Station 2 as it stands today. Karl Klotz photo
Thanks Kevin
Tags: architectural plans for fire station remodel, artist rendering of fire station after remodeling, fire department to remodel fire station, fire station photo, Orland Fire Protection District, Orland FPD to remodel station 2, picture of fire station
Jul 18
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Fire Truck photos, Historic fire apparatus | 7 Comments
Another installment from Steve Redick:
… some photos from Cicero back in the 80s …
- I remember this was 2 or 3 frames … the white Grove aerial was one of two white rigs they had as I recall … another was a Ford COE engine …
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Who can name this firehouse? … hint … not Chicago
Steve Redick photo
Tags: American LaFrance 700 Series TDA, Chicago Fire Department history, Cicero Fire Department, Cicero Fire Department history, classic fire photos, classic photo of fireman, fire station photo, firehouse photo, Grove aerial ladder, Grove fire truck, historic fire photos, Skokie Fire Department history, Steve Redick, white fire trucks
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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