To supplement our multi-part series on the Ward LaFrance apparatus used by the CFD, Bill Friedrich has submitted copies of the 1970 Ward LaFrance sell sheets/brochures featuring these units. Previous posts can be found HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.

This Ward LaFrance brochure features a shot of all seven Ward LaFrance 2,000-GPM engines for Chicago in 1970. Bill Friedrich collection

All sides of a 1970 Ward LaFrance 2,000-GPM engine for Chicago with complete specifications. Bill Friedrich collection

Both sides of a 1970 Ward LaFrance/Grove 100' ladder truck. These had 300-gallon booster tanks, Hale 2CBP booster pumps, Grove 4S-100 ladders, and "many other items of special equipment.". Bill Friedrich collection
#1 by tom sullivan on August 1, 2013 - 8:55 AM
great photos !
I don’t know who specified the winches, but they were never used, and were removed as time went on. the trucks with the steel grove ladder, booster tanks, reels & pumps, winches, were very overloaded for a single axle. the rear wheels would occasionally shear the lug bolts when hitting a rough spot. the ladders were very strong, just like the construction cranes the grove company was noted for! when t-21 had one of these rigs (for only a year or so) the mirrors had to be pulled in to the cab in order to get in & out of quarters.
#2 by Jerry Rusinko on July 31, 2013 - 4:15 PM
I want to say thank you for putting all these great WLF photos online. My dad worked for Ward for many years until he suddenly retired in 1977 (medical). I uncovered some personal photos of him and was getting ready to scan them in when I stumbled on this site. I know he was in Chicago several times over the years and it’s quite possible he delivered one or more of the rigs in the photos. You’ve help bring back some long buried memories. Thanks again.
#3 by Dennis Saam on May 10, 2012 - 10:36 AM
Reading the WLF spec sheets, why did the engines have 20,000 lb winches, and the ladders 30,000 lb winches. Was this common with most Chicago Apparatus? The only rigs I’ve seen winches on were rescue’s, rescue-pumper’s, and brush rig’s.
#4 by Dennis Saam on May 8, 2012 - 10:37 PM
Thank you Bill Friedrich. keep those old photos coming. We don’t learn the history, unless the historian shares.
#5 by David on May 8, 2012 - 3:25 PM
Great photos! Btw: when speaking about all the types of CFD apparatus made by Ward LaFrance it would be good not to forget on the “Statesman” airport crash truck (or trucks) which served at O’Hare back in the 70s. Anybody’s got any more info on the rig(s)?!