The Chicago Tribune has an article about Tuesday’s 3-11 Alarm commercial fire on the city’s North Side.
Fire crews were called to the furniture store about 3:20 p.m. A 3-11 alarm, bringing more than 110 firefighters to the scene, was called by about 3:45 p.m., sending extra equipment as the fire got close to the tracks. The fire was under control about 6:30 p.m., but firefighters still were pouring water on the north side of the building about 6:45 p.m., according to Deputy Fire Cmsr. Michael Callahan.
The fire was finally out by about 9:45 p.m., but the building was considered unstable and fire officials were awaiting an expert opinion on whether the building would have to be demolished, accordign to Fire Media Affairs.
The complete article is HERE.
Steve Redick was at the scene and submitted several images.

Firefighters in Tower Ladder 21's bucket direct a master stream into a second floor window. Steve Redick photo

Engine 22 was on the initial alarm and had a hydrant on Sheffield at Fullerton. Steve Redick photo

Chicago Engine 55 was the first engine on the scene and took a hydrant across from the fire building. Steve Redick photo

The fire building was at the corner of Sheffield and Montana. This shot shows two multi-versals working as smoke pushes out of the first floor windows along Montana. Steve Redick photo

Tower Ladder 21 works the front of the building on Sheffield. Steve Redick photo

Overhead power lines and large trees forced Tower Ladder 21 to take a position that would allow them to get under the wires to hit the windows. Steve Redick photo

Squad 1, working from a spare apparatus, setup in the parking lot to deploy their Snorkel. Steve Redick photo

Engine 35 was on a hydrant around the corner. Steve Redick photo

Smoke pushes out of all windows on the first floor and the street is full of water as debris clogs the sewers. Steve Redick photo

Noxious brown smoke fills the streets around the fire building. Steve Redick photo

Against a dramatic backdrop of heavy smoke, Squad 1 uses a master stream from the Snorkel. Steve Redick photo

Except for the cab, the majority of Tower Ladder 10, also working with a spare, is concealed by heavy smoke and trees on this residential street. Steve Redick photo
More images can be viewed HERE.