Images and information from Dave Fornell about some of Chicago’s Ward LaFrance apparatus:
I was going through my files and came across some photos of what I’ve always considered as one of my most favorite Chicago pumpers; the seven 1970, Ward LaFrance 2,000-GPM engines. It is interesting to note that the rigs had Cummins NTF high-torque, 365-HP engines that were needed to power the two-stage Hale Q pumps. The five trucks delivered the same year had less expensive Detroit 350-HP powerplants.
After the great snow in 1967, rigs were specified with rear-mounted, 20,000-lb hydraulic winches. Both the engines and trucks sported these. Ward LaFrance, a manufacturer whose performance can be described as somewhat spotty, did a great job on these rigs. I was impressed by the brushed stainless steel pump layout and extremely expensive, but highly accurate, Crosby black face gauges that were provided on the panel. Never seen these used before or since.
The rigs had relatively short wheelbases, but extended bodies behind the rear axle. This body style was also used on Ford chassis pumpers purchased later.
The engines were joined by five trucks mounting 100′ Grove ladders. With today’s NFPA ratings, the ladders, based on Grove 18-ton cranes, would be classified as heavy-duty, with 500-lb tip loads. All of Chicago’s other ladders (ALF, Seagrave, Pirsch) purchased around that time would be medium-duty with 250-lb. tip load ratings.
The Grove ladders were massive and heavy–too heavy to be supported properly by a single axle. The rigs proved troublesome during their service lives with continuous brake and axle failures. The fact that they also had a 300-gallon booster tank, pump, and twin reels didn’t help either. On the other hand, take a look at the ground ladder compliment; 2 ea. 30′, 2 ea. 40′, a 50′, and 20′ carried under the turntable. Three roof ladders were carried each side.
I remember climbing the main of one of these rigs at a fire where the operator positioned the tip about 12″ above the parapet, just like they did with the old wooden ladders that would then drift down as you climbed them. The Grove was rigid, and even with our entire engine stretching a line to the roof for point of vantage operation, that tip never dropped an inch nor did the ladder bounce as all the others did.
Circumstances caused me to come into possession of the original factory delivery photo negatives, which are reproduced here. I’ve also included photos I shot of the engines undergoing acceptance testing near McCormick Place, The rear views show the winch installation. Also note that the two rear discharges had 3-1/2″ boat hose threads (the rigs carried a 700′ bed of it).
When I was fanning on the West Side, Division 2 Chief Dan Lynch would always special call Engine 113 to drop the 3-1/2″ into a Snorkel when he had a still and box.
Two photos show the Grove ladder in operation. The first is at the Bedford Hotel fire on the near West Side early in the 70s. If my foggy recollection is correct, there were two extra alarms working in the city at the time when the Bedford fire hit, and no Snorkels were available. 2nd Deputy Bill Foley, who normally was in charge of the shops, took command. That is the first time that I had ever seen two ladder pipes and no Snorkels working at an extra alarm fire in Chicago.
The second was shot at an extra alarm on the South Side, but its location is lost to history. Another negative scanned at the same time shows Engine 63 operating, so maybe someone can identify the company.
Hope everyone had a great Christmas.

Dave Fornell collection

Dave Fornell collection

Dave Fornell collection

Dave Fornell collection

Bill Friedrich collection

Bill Friedrich collection

Bill Friedrich collection

Dave Fornell collection

Dave Fornell collection
More on the CFD Ward LaFrance apparatus is HERE and by entering Ward LaFrance in the search field