This from the Fire Service, Inc. Facebook page:

Thank you to Chief Bob Tutko and the Homer Township FPD on the delivery of their refurbished 2002 Pumper. This refurb was completed at our St. John Facility. Upgrades included a complete repaint, new roll up doors, new pump drain valves, additional DOT and emergency LED lighting, new lettering and striping, smooth aluminum rear panels with chevrons, scorpion coated interior compartments, and re-worked shelving. All this was completed in-house by our personnel. We can even make the other guys’ rigs look good.

2002 Pierce Dash fire engine

2002 Pierce Dash engine refurbished for the Homer Township FPD. Fire Service, Inc. photo

chevron striping on fire engine

Fire Service, Inc. photo

2002 Pierce Dash fire engine

Fire Service, Inc. photo

Earlier images of the work prior to completion

fire engine being painted

Fire Service, Inc. photo

fire truck prior to being painted

Fire Service, Inc. photo


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