This from John Tulipano:

Had an opportunity to capture some images from the Carol Stream FPD Awards & Swearing Ceremony on Friday May 22nd, 2015.

  • Retired Firefighter Leo Penkala was presented a Unit Performance Award for demonstration of exceptional skills and proficiency while operating at an incident.
  • Five new candidate firefighter/paramedics were sworn in: Michael Kucia, Daniel Patt, Tyler Poffenbarger, Daniel Nelson, and Adam Mullendore
  • Three firefighters were promoted to lieutenant: Chad Grandgeorge, Daniel Stelter, and James Jones
  • Lieutenant Robert Schulz was promoted to battalion chief
Congratulations to everyone
fire department lieutenants being sworn in

John Tulipano photo

FD lieutenant with his family after being promoted

John Tulipano photo

FD battalion chief with his family after being promoted

John Tulipano photo

Carol Stream Fire District award recipient with chief officers

John Tulipano photo

FD lieutenant with his family after being promoted

John Tulipano photo

FD lieutenant with his family after being promoted

John Tulipano photo

more photos

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