From the Pierce Flickr site:
Minooka FD, IL Pierce Arrow XT so #30600
thanks Al
Tags: Minooka Fire Protection District, new engine for Minooka, Pierce Arrow XT fire engine
This entry was posted on June 14, 2017, 7:00 AM and is filed under Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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#1 by Michael M on June 15, 2017 - 9:35 PM
Looks really sharp!
#2 by CrabbyMilton on June 14, 2017 - 9:16 AM
Looks sharp. That ARROW XT has been PIERCE’s signature look forever now.