More on the new Darien-Woodridge ambulances from Bill Friedrich:

Darien Woodridge FPD have taken delivery of the two new Ford F450 – Medtec ambulances. Medic 89 and 90 are expected to go in service closer to Christmas.  They carry Pierce job # 25633 -01 and 02
new ambulances for the Darien-Woodridge FPD

Both new ambulances for the Darien-Woodridge FPD. Bill Friedrich photo

new ambulances for the Darien-Woodridge FPD

Rear view of the new ambulances for the Darien-Woodridge FPD. Bill Friedrich photo

new ambulance for the Darien-Woodridge FPD Medic 89

New Medic 89 for Darien-Woodridge. Bill Friedrich photo

new ambulance for the Darien-Woodridge FPD Medic 90

The new unit for Darien-Woodridge FPD Medic 90. Bill Friedrich photo