More on the new Darien-Woodridge ambulances from Bill Friedrich:
Darien Woodridge FPD have taken delivery of the two new Ford F450 – Medtec ambulances. Medic 89 and 90 are expected to go in service closer to Christmas. They carry Pierce job # 25633 -01 and 02
#1 by Martin on December 10, 2012 - 5:03 PM
Chris I believe the newer International will run out of St. 1 or they will at least keep it in reserve at 1. Most likely they will get rid of the two older ones
#2 by chris r on December 10, 2012 - 9:49 AM
So the medic units will be out of darwood sta 2 and sta 3 , no medic out of sta one anymore.
#3 by Kevin Griffin on December 9, 2012 - 3:52 PM
Station 1 is going to be station 88, 2 will be 89, and 3 will be 90
#4 by Michael M on December 9, 2012 - 2:13 PM
Will the Current DWFPD Station 1 become Station 89 and the current station 3 become station 90?