From Bill Schreiber:
Dekalb FD Truck 1 Rosenbauer Commander chassis update
Tags:, Dekalb Fire Department, fire truck being built for the Dekalb Fire Department, King Cobra articulating platform, new truck for Dekalb FD, Rosenbauer Command cab in the paint booth, Rosenbauer Commander cab being built
This entry was posted on July 20, 2024, 7:00 AM and is filed under Fire Department News, Fire truck being built. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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#1 by Mike C on July 23, 2024 - 5:47 PM
Ray – Rosenbauer is okay. Their aerials (RK Aerials) have never been that good. Crappy welds, and hydraulics. I think Rosenbauer is typically less expensive than many of the other brands. Truthfully, I would probably say Pierce, Seagrave, E-One make a better rig. I didn’t have much experience with Rosenbauer until maybe the last year or two. From what I’ve seen, it’s nothing special. Many similarities to Spartan. Rosenbauer has acquired some former Spartan engineers. Rosenbauer will probably hold up fine for a lower call volume department. I don’t think they’d hold up well with a high call volume department that hangs onto their rigs for 20 years.
#2 by Ray Stantz on July 22, 2024 - 9:58 AM
Is Rosenbauer a good brand? How do they compare to Pierce, E-One, Seagrave and others? Are their prices competitive to the other brands? Prior to Chicago acquiring Rosenbauer for their squads, I really do no recall hearing much about this brand, now I’m seeing more departments procuring this brand.