This from Martin Nowak:

Lemont purchased a replacement for the Hazmat. Not sure if they bought a chassis for Rechassis or a box/utility to convert. Does anyone know? 
A motion was made by Trustee Tholotowsky to approve the purchase of a HazMat vehicle from Advantage Chevrolet in the amount of $86,313.26, seconded by Trustee Negrete. Advantage Chevrolet was the only bid we received. This will replace our current vehicle that is 37 years old and is part of the 2023 capital plan. Roll Call: Trustee Negrete, yes. Trustee Bernacchi, yes. Trustee Tholotowsky, yes. Trustee Smollen, yes. Motion carried. Absent from the vote; Trustee Falese.
Trustee Smollen made a motion to approve Resolution 23-04 declaring HazMat Vehicle Ford L8000 as surplus, seconded by Trustee Tholotowsky. Roll Call: Trustee Negrete, yes. Trustee Bernacchi, yes. Trustee Tholotowsky, yes. Trustee Smollen, yes. Motion carried. Absent from the vote; Trustee Falese.