From Bill Schreiber:
Ashkum FPD took delivery of their Rosenbauer Warrior 3/16” FX Body 1500 gpm, 750 tank, Class A & B foam system. Congratulations and thank you Ashkum.

Sentinel Emergency Solutions photo

Sentinel Emergency Solutions photo

Sentinel Emergency Solutions photo

Sentinel Emergency Solutions photo
#1 by Rj on July 13, 2021 - 5:44 PM
Geez this is like the week of the ugly engine pics?
#2 by Michael m on July 13, 2021 - 8:28 AM
Nice looking engine! Love the bell! Where are the ladders?
#3 by crabbymilton on July 13, 2021 - 6:09 AM
I second that. Many younger people don’t realize that the bell also served an important purpose at the fire scene in addition as a warning in traffic. Before radios, the bell was used for signals. Perhaps they still use them as a backup if by very slim chance they lose use the the radio system.
#4 by Mike hellmuth on July 12, 2021 - 9:54 PM
Sharp looking engine I like the classic bell bringing tradition back!