Excerpts from the DailyHerald.com:

A house between Barrington Middle School’s Prairie Campus and the Barrington Area Unit School District 220 Early Learning Center on Dundee Road could soon be a small fire station, according to Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District officials.

Fire Chief James Kreher said the fire district is in the process of closing on the house fairly soon.

Representatives from the fire district and the school district have met a few times since September to talk about how the two can work together so their facilities can coexist and maybe even collaborate in the future.

One of the things they’ve discussed is working together to make it easier for the school district to move their buses around on the property. There are about 1,500 students between Prairie Middle School and the Early Learning Center, making the busing operation the second largest in the district.

Kreher said options range from leaving the house there and modifying the garage so it can house a fire truck or two, or leveling the structures and building new ones.