This from John Tulipano:
I went digging through my files after Steve posted an image from this fire. The fire was well under control when I arrived, companies had begun to pick up lines.
I apologize for composition and overall quality of these images I was just getting into photography.
#1 by Westside on September 24, 2014 - 1:49 AM
their E-One i believe is a 87. so that sounds about the right time period.
#2 by David on September 24, 2014 - 1:41 AM
Eric thanks, wasn’t sure if it was in the 80s or even later.
#3 by Eric on September 23, 2014 - 3:12 PM
It was taken out of service sometime in 1987. I’m assuming it had something to do with it having no rear seats.
#4 by David on September 23, 2014 - 1:59 PM
Anybody knows the exact year the Hendrickson/Pierce/Morita 135 footer was taken out of service?! Thanks!
#5 by DMc77 on September 22, 2014 - 8:26 PM
@ behind the mic- There is no loss of perspective here. I personally have contributed images of Lt. Coglianese’s memorial outside of Engine 98’s quarters to this website. While his sacrifice that day is and always be heroic and tragic, I don’t think for a minute the visitors and commenters of this website disregard or lose perspective of what happens on the fireground, or to the people involved in the pictures we all see.
#6 by behind the mic on September 22, 2014 - 6:03 PM
Let’s not loose perspective here. Real people doing a dangerous job ride these rigs to emergencies and go into harms way. A firefighter died at this incident. That far overshadows the Morita’s stick on the roof, or the twist in the hard suction on Engine 30.
#7 by DMc77 on September 22, 2014 - 4:24 PM
Also of note is the twist of E30’s hard sleeve. Must have taken a bit from the guys to put a twist like that in the older hard suction lengths
#8 by DMc77 on September 22, 2014 - 4:21 PM
That Morita ladder sure thins out towards the top. Couldn’t have inspired a great deal of confidence after the 100 foot mark!!
#9 by Turk_WLF on September 22, 2014 - 4:13 PM
As a CFD Fan “Newbie”, I’ve only seen pictures of the Old Morita Lift Aerial Tower 1 in books; I’m guessing that it is the “truck” that has the Aerial “on” the roof of the building. John those pictures are far better than mine still today.
#10 by The DH on September 22, 2014 - 3:11 PM
John – nice rare shots of the old Morita Lift Aerial Tower 1 with the stick raised!