updated with more photos at 11:45PM
Oak Lawn pulled a 2-11 late this afternoon for fire in a strip mall on 95th Street. Hank Sajovic was on the scene within minutes and submitted several terrific images of the buildings before companies got water to the front. The shots depict firefighters in the rear where the fire was discovered at Eva’s Bridal Shop and then the progression of heavy smoke and fire out the front on 95th Street as the fire spread to the Radio Shack next door.

Firefighters advance lines in the rear of Eva's Bridal Shop in Oak Lawn as heavy smoke pushes out of the windows. Hank Sajovic photo

Another view from the rear of the strip mall shows the wide spread of the fire. Hank Sajovic photo

The view down a barren 95th Street as smoke escapes from the front of the building. Hank Sajovic photo

Smoke and fire are now visible along 95th Street prior to fire companies going to work. Hank Sajovic photo

Chief officers communicate with fire companies in preparation of a defensive attack. Hank Sajovic photo

Fire companies can be seen preparing to put a Chicago Ridge tower ladder to work as the fire intensifies and takes hold of the neighboring Radio Shack as well. Hank Sajovic photo

Roberts Park firefighters ready another aerial for master stream operations. Hank Sajovic photo

Firefighters stretch hose lines to attack the fire from 95th Street. Hank Sajovic photo

Two elevated master streams plus several handlines darken the fire stopping the spread to additional units. Hank Sajovic photo
There is more coverage of the fire plus videos HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.
The Oak Lawn Fire Department stations and apparatus can be seen HERE.

Heavy fire can be seen now in the Radio Shack store to the east of the bridal shop. Hank Sajovic photo

The Roberts Park FD Pierce aerial is seen deployed on the east end of the 'A' sector. Hank Sajovic photo

The facade has caved in on the original fire unit. Chicago Ridge firefighters sweep their master stream into the single story structure from a low angle just above the street. Hank Sajovic photo

A closeup of the Chicago Ridge E-ONE tower ladder working in front of the building. Hank Sajovic photo

Chicago Ridge Fire Department Tower 6504 is setup on 95th Street in Sector 'A' directly in front of the fire building. Hank Sajovic photo

Roberts Park purchased this 2008 Pierce 100' aluminum aerial that was used on the show 'Rescue Me'. Hank Sajovic photo