This from Mike Summa for #TBT:
For TBT-The Elwood FPD’s Engine 611, a 1997 Freightliner FL80/National Foam 1500/1000/300F. Enjoy and comment.Mike Summa

Mike Summa
May 25
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Fire Truck photos, throwbackthursday | Comments off
This from Mike Summa for #TBT:
For TBT-The Elwood FPD’s Engine 611, a 1997 Freightliner FL80/National Foam 1500/1000/300F. Enjoy and comment.Mike Summa
Mike Summa
Tags: #TBT,, Elwood Fire Protection District history, Freightliner FL80 fire engine, Mike Summa, National Foam fire engine, throw back thursday, throwbackthursday, yellow fire engine
Sep 27
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos, Fire Truck photos | Comments off
This from Eric Haak:
The Hobart Indiana Fire Department responded to the report of smoke coming from a theater across the street from South Lake Mall at about 1130 Saturday (9/27) morning. It turned out that the theater was being demolished and a fire had started on the side of the building that was adjacent to an occupied Michael’s Craft Store. The fire was fairly well advanced and a Box Alarm was requested. Companies were working in both sectors A and C with Crown Point’s tower ladder up front and Merrillville’s truck in the back. Images in this gallery were taken about one hour in.
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Tags: Ainsworth Deep River Fire Department, apparatus at fire scene, commercial building fire in Hobart IN, Crown Point Fire Department, Eric Haak, fire scene photos, fire truck photos, fire trucks at fire scene, Grumman AerialCat tower ladder, Hobart Fire Department, mobile filling station for SCBA, yellow fire engine
These images from Tyler Tobolt at the open house today in Pingree Grove
At Pingree Grove FD Open House1. Tanker 12212. Engine 1212 Ambulance 12533. Brush Truck 12??4. Ambulance 12535. Ambulance 1252
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tags: ambulance photos, ambulance pictures, fire truck photos, fire truck pictures, Pingree Grove Fire District, Tyler Tobolt, yellow fire engine, yellow fire engines, yellow fire trucks
Jul 15
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Department History, Fire Truck photos, Historic fire apparatus | 19 Comments
This from Steve Redick:
I was doing some scanning from the “wayback” files and found a few you might like to see…The first was a huge pile of RR ties in Bensenville that burned for hours and hours..early 80s. Got some rig shots including the old Bensenville International Squad rig..I remember at this fire the oxygen levels near it got low and one fireman started acting very erratically til they got him into better atmosphere..very strange but no one thought of using masks at an outside fire back then.
I got a lot of interest in the Elk Grove tiller shot too…..
Found a coupla shots of some Mt Prospect rigs, and the Wood Dale truck
Also a fire in a trailer in Morton Grove at the old OCC site (Oakton Community College)
All these should be from the early 80s and shot on Kodacolor negative film…
Bensenville engine. Steve Redick photo
Railroad ties on fire in the 1980s. Steve Redick photo
Wood Dale Pirsch ladder truck. Steve Redick photo
Railroad ties on fire in the 1980s. Steve Redick photo
Bensenville squad. Steve Redick photo
Elmhurst Mack CF engine. Steve Redick photo
Another shot of the Elmhurst engine. Steve Redick photo
Leyden Township Hendrickson/FMC engine. Steve Redick photo
Elk Grove Village Pirsch TDA. Steve Redick photo
Mount Prospect American LaFrance engine. Steve Redick photo
Mount Prospect American LaFrance engine. Steve Redick photo
Mount Prospect squad 543. Steve Redick photo
Morton Grove engine with burned out trailer. Steve Redick photo
Tags: American LaFrance 800 Series engine, American LaFrance 900 series engine, American LaFrance engine, Bensenville Fire Department history, black and yellow fire trucks, Elk Grove Village Fire Department history, Elmhurst Fire Department history, FMC fire engine, Hendrickson chassis fire truck, historic fire photos, historic fire truck photos, Leyden Township FPD history, Mack CF fire engine, Mack CF tractor with Pirsch tillered aerial, Morton Grove Fire Department history, Mount Prospect Fire Department history, Peter Pirsch & Sons, Pirsch 100' aerial ladder truck, Pirsch aerial ladder, Steve Redick, white fire trucks, Wood Dale Fire Department history, yellow fire engine, yellow fire engines, yellow fire trucks
Kevin Griffin spotted this X-Lisle-Woodridge FPD engine listed for sale:
I believe this is the old 551
X-Lisle-Woodridge fire engine for sale. Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus photo
Tags: former Lisle Woodridge engine for sale, Kevin Griffin, Lisle Woodridge Fire District, Lisle-Woodridge Fire Protection District, yellow fire engine, yellow fire engines
Jun 29
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Department History, Fire Service Photos, Fire Truck photos, Firefighters working, Historic fire apparatus | 2 Comments
Another submission from Steve Redick:
This time we will have a suburban installment…This was a box or 2nd alarm in the old Battalion 7 (Now division 20) … Maywood or Bellwood … not sure which. Some action photos … maybe someone will recognize some of the members in the photos. I always enjoyed the rigs, and always liked the ALF water chiefs, but I think they had lots of problems with the waterways.
Also a coupla shots from a fire in Glenview … a vacant supermarket. The Snorkel is the Glenbrook Snorkel before the rebuild.
Both sets were taken in the 80’s …
Maywood firefighters in the 80’s work a house fire. Steve Redick photo
Maywood firefighters in the 80’s work a house fire. Steve Redick photo
Old modular ambulance from Maywood. Steve Redick photo
Hendrickson/E-ONE engine from Maywood. Steve Redick photo
Vintage fire photo of Glenbrook’s Snorkel working at the extra alarm fire. Steve Redick photo
Glenbrook FPD Pierce Arrow engine pumping during a fire at a vacant supermarket. Steve Redick photo
Broadview’s American LaFrance Water Chief Quint. Steve Redick photo
Another view of the Hendrickson/E-ONE engine from Maywood. Steve Redick photo
Tags: American LaFrance Water Chief Quint, Broadview Fire Department history, different colors for fire trucks, early Pierce Arrow four-door cab fire engine, fire engines at fire scene, Glenbrook Fire Department, Glenbrook Fire Protection District, Glenbrook Fire Protection District history, Glenview Rural Fire Protection District, Hendrickson 1871W cab fire engine, Maywood Fire Department, Maywood Fire Department history, old modular Type I ambulance from Maywood, photo of Snorkel working at huge fire, Steve Redick, yellow fire engine, yellow fire trucks
Mar 15
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery | 4 Comments
This from Josh Boyajian:
Here are two pictures taken up in Wisconsin at Pierce prior to the delivery of Lisle Woodridge‘s new Engine 52. The new rig is on a Dash CF cab, instead of an arrow xt. These pictures were shared to me via a Lisle Firefighter.
new Pierce engine for Lisle Woodridge FPD
new Pierce engine for Lisle Woodridge FPD
Tags: fire engine pictures, Lisle Woodridge Fire District, Lisle Woodridge FPD Engine 52, new engine for Lisle Woodridge FPD, Pierce Dash CF PUC for Lisle Woodridge, yellow fire engine
Nov 7
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department History, Fire Truck photos | 3 Comments
This from Bill Friedrich:
The City of Rockford had issues with apparatus breaking down due to age so they started purchasing used apparatus. One from Naperville, two from Elmhurst and one from St.Charles. There are no plans to repaint these vehicles to the Rockford FD color scheme.
Rockford Fire Department Engine 6 is X-Naperville Engine 2 (311). A 1991 EONE Hush 1500/1000. Bill Friedrich photo
Rockford Engine 15 is a 1990 Spartan Monarch/Darley 1500/500 which is X-Elmhurst Engine 1. Bill Friedrich photo
The entire St. Charles fleet used to be white over lime green like this 1996 Seagrave fixed cab engine. Engine 106 carried 500 gallons of water and had a 1,500-GPM pump. Bill Friedrich photo
Rockford Engine 18 is this 1996 Seagrave 1500/500 which is X-St. Charles Engine 106. Bill Friedrich photo
Tags: Bill Friedrich, Elmhurst Fire Department, EONE rear-engine Hush engine, fire engine begins new life, green fire engines, lime green fire trucks, Naperville Fire Department, new life for used fire engines, Rockford buys used fire engines, Rockford Fire Department, Seagrave fixed cab engine, Spartan Monarch fire engine, St Charles Fire Department, yellow fire engine, yellow fire trucks
Nov 5
Posted by Admin in Fire Truck photos, New Listing, Site News | Comments off
In MABAS Division 20, the Leyden Fire Protection District has been added to the site. Leyden has one station covering unincorporated Leyden Township. They have 13 full-time, 10 paid-on-call, and 6 contract personnel. Leyden currently houses the MABAS Division 20 Decon unit. They have two ambulances, a quint, an engine, and a utility unit.
The Leyden Fire District station is at 2600 Mannheim Road with a Franklin Park mailing address. Larry Shapiro photo
For many years the Leyden apparatus has been black over yellow. They have two ambulances which are this yellow with black accents and striping.
Leyden’s newest unit is this 2006 quint which features a new set of colors.
Tags: Bill Friedrich, black and yellow fire trucks, Dennis McGuire Jr., different colors for fire trucks, fire department quint, fire engine photos, fire truck photos, Leyden Fire Protection District, MABAS Decon unit, MABAS Division 20, the color of fire engines, yellow fire engine, yellow fire trucks
Engine 75 at the York Center FPD has been added to the site. This now completes the transition to an all-Pierce department for custom apparatus.
The 2012 Pierce replaces a 1993 E-ONE Hush.
The E-ONE Hush was originally white over lime green.
The 1993 Hush replaced a Seagrave PB Series engine.
Two generations back, York Center Engine 75 was this 1973 Seagrave PB Series engine. Larry Shapiro photo
Robbins Fire Department Engine 2943 was a 1973 Seagrave 1250/5000) that formerly belonged to the York Center FPD. Bill Friedrich photo
Tags: Bill Friedich, different colors for fire trucks, EONE rear-engine Hush engine, Larry Shapiro, new Pierce for York Center FPD, Robbins Fire Department, Seagrave PB model engine, the color of fire engines, yellow fire engine, yellow fire trucks, York Center Fire Protection District, York Center FPD
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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