This from Danny Nelms:
old rigs still in the cfd spare fleet, photos by ryan smith
saw theses on facebook still in the spare fleet

Chicago FD spare E242. Ryan Smith photo

Chicago FD spare E245. Ryan Smith photo
Jan 11
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos | 7 Comments
This from Danny Nelms:
old rigs still in the cfd spare fleet, photos by ryan smith
saw theses on facebook still in the spare fleet
Chicago FD spare E242. Ryan Smith photo
Chicago FD spare E245. Ryan Smith photo
Tags: Chicago FD spare apparatus, Chicago Fire Department, Danny Nelms, fire truck photos, Hendrickson E-ONE fire trucks in Chicago, pictures of fire trucks
This from Dylan Konchan:
Hi I went to the Herbert T. Johnson Bell Ringing & Memorial Dedication Ceremony this morning at Engine 123’s house and got pictures of rigs that were there.List: E49 E50 E65 E88 E116 T33 T52 S5 5-1-1 A88 BC16 BC17 BC19 4-6-8 5-1-5 4-4-12.
Dylan Konchan photo
Dylan Konchan photo
Dylan Konchan photo
Dylan Konchan photo
Dylan Konchan photo
Dylan Konchan photo
Chicago Fire Department officials and family of Fire Capt. Herbert “Herbie” Johnson were among those who memorialized him on the anniversary of his death Saturday.
Johnson died after suffering severe burns fighting an extra-alarm fire at a home in the 2300 block of West 50th Place on Nov. 2, 2012.
Johnson’s wife, Susan Johnson, received a memorial bronze fire helmet from his colleagues at the firehouse where he was stationed, Engine 123, Tower Ladder 39, 2217 W. 51st Street, where Johnson’s brother, Firefighter Teddy Johnson, still works.
As part of the ceremony, which included a firebell ringing in Capt. Johnson’s honor, a memorial was unveiled that includes a bronze fire helmet, a photo of Johnson and a plaque commemorating Johnson in honor of his work in New York City following the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.
thanks Dan
Tags: Chicago Battalion 16, Chicago FD apparatus, Chicago FD Squad 5, Chicago Fire Captain Herbert 'Herbie' Johnson dies from injuries at southside blaze, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Haz Mat 5-1-1, Chicago HIT 5-1-1, Chicago Truck 52, Dylan Konchan, fire truck photos, pictures of fire trucks
Oct 23
Posted by Admin in Ambulance photos, Fire Department History | 1 Comment
Harry Pederson submitted a number of images chronicling the current and recent past apparatus of the Franklin Park Fire Department.
Part 1 shows ambulances
Tags: ambulance photos, fire truck photos, Ford E450 Type III ambulance, Franklin Park FD history, Franklin park Fire Department, Harry Pederson, Medtec Ambulance, Osage Ambulance, pictures of fire engines, pictures of fire trucks, Wheeled Coach ambulance
Oct 1
Posted by Admin in Ambulance photos, Fire Truck photos, Patch, Site News | 13 Comments
Dennis McGuire, Jr. submitted images and information so that we can post the Blue Island FD to the site. Here is a preview:
- 2 stations
- Station 1: 2540 Vermont
- Station 2: Division St. & Canal St.
- 23 Full Time FFs
- 4 Part-Time FFs
- Covers: 4.16 Square miles
Blue Island Ambulance 2162 is a 2002 Ford E-450/Road Rescue Type III. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Blue Island Ambulance 2128 is a 2006 Ford E-450 (unknown body builder). Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Blue Island Engine 2103 is a 1994 Sutphen 1,500/750. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Blue Island Engine 2123 is a 2008 HME SFO/Ahrens Fox 1,500/750. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo
Tags: ambulance photo, Blue Island Fire Department, Dennis McGuire Jr., fire department patch, fire engien photos, pictures of fire trucks
Steve Redick submitted images of several Posen FD units
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Tags: fire engine photos, pictures of fire trucks, Pierce Arrow XT PUC, Pierce Dash aerial, Pierce fire engine, Pierce Saber pumper, Posen Fire Department, Posen Fire Department apparatus, Steve Redick
Tyler Tobolt visited the Wauconda Fire District open house on Saturday, September 21st and submitted these images:
Photos at Wauconda Open House Saturday September 21stPhotos:Ambulance 342Ambulance 341Engine 341Ladder Tower 341Squad 341Quad 2 Foam RigHaz-Mat 4MABAS 1 MVUTender 341New Battalion 34
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tyler Tobolt photo
Tags: battalion chief SUV, fire department open hosue, fire truck photos, fire truck pictures, Lake County Quad 2 Foam Unit, MABAS Division 19, MABAS Division 4 haz mat unit, Oshkosh ARFF, pictures of fire trucks, Tempest Mobile Ventilation Unit, Tempest MVU-125 Lightweight Unit, Tyler Tobolt, Wauconda Fire Department, Wauconda Fire District
Sep 19
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Fire Truck photos | 11 Comments
From Danny in Kentucky:
hi there thought i’d share that i found alot of local fire depts in my area that have rigs that used to serve in the greater chicago area. here are a few links. maybe other readers can contribute original photos from their days in chicago land
Anderson County Rescue 5 (x-Lisle-Woodridge FPD)
Greg Stapleton photo
This one one of the first three Gladiator super command cabs built by Spartan. Larry Shapiro photo
Hindman Fire Department Ladder 150 (X-River Forest, IL)
Greg Stapleton photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Stephensburg Engine 3 (retired) (claims to be X-Palatine, IL Tele-Squrt)
Greg Stapleton photo
from Kent Parrish:
As regards the Stephensburg rig. It was a 1981 Seagrave HB-25068 # K-79052 1500/500 with 50-foot Tele-Squrt for Palatine. Somebody removed the Tele-Squrt and put a Pierce body with 1000-gallon tank on it, around 1994. The body was #E-1375 from Bridgewater, NJ.
Austin-Tracy FD Engine FD Engine 68 (X-Winnetka, IL)
Greg Stapleton photo
Former Winnetka Engine 28. Larry Shapiro photo
Austin-Tracy FD Engine 60 (retired) (X-Winnetka, IL)
Greg Stapleton photo
Former Winnetka Engine. Larry Shapiro photo
Little Poplar Creek Engine 1 (X-Roberts Park, IL)
Greg Stapleton photo
Neon VFD Aerial 1 (X-Glen Ellyn, IL)
Greg Stapleton photo
The Kentucky photos were all found at
Tags: Anderson County KY Rescue 5, Austin-Tracy Fire Department, fire engines find new home with another fire department, fire truck photos, former Chicago area fire engines in Kentucky, Glen Ellyn Fire Department, Hindman Fire Department,, Lisle-Woodridge Fire Protection District, Little Poplar Creek Fire Department, Neon Volunteer Fire Department, Palatine Fire Department, pictures of fire trucks, River Forest Fire Department, Roberts Park Fire Department, Stephensburg Fire Department, Winnetka Fire Department
Sep 8
Posted by Admin in Fire Service Photos, Fire Truck photos | 64 Comments
This from Mike Lopina:
While at O’Hare (ORD) for annual ARFF & Haz-Mat training, I was able to capture some rigs in between evolutions. 5-3-1 carries a Zumro tent, HVAC equipment for the Zumro & some decon equipment and is based at ORD Rescue Station 1. 8-8-1A is currently housed at the AMC building at ORD. 6-5-7S (Spare), Engine 9 & the new 2-7-8 were at the training facility for Zumro tent set up training. 6-5-T is the training rig for the pit and is a 1988 Oshkosh T-3000 crash rig. 2-9-8 is the training officer for ORD and 2-9-12 is currently the coordinator for the live fire simulators. Also attached is Lockport Rescue 6 getting ready to attack a fire in the Pit and Orland Engine 8 (Reserve) pumping handlines for the Pit and the Wheel/Brake/Interior simulator.Mike Lopina
Mike Lopina photo
Mike Lopina photo
Mike Lopina photo
Mike Lopina photo
Mike Lopina photo
Mike Lopina photo
Mike Lopina photo
Mike Lopina photo
Mike Lopina photo
Mike Lopina photo
Tags: CFD O'Hare Airport firefighting, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Fire Department at O'Hare Airport, Chicago O'Hare Airport ARFF, Chicago O'Hare Airport Fire Department, fire truck photos, Mike Lopina, mobile command post for O'Hare Airport, new command van for O'Hare Airport, O'Hare Airport Fire Department, O'Hare Airport firefighters, pictures of fire trucks
This from Josh Boyajian:
Here are some of the photos I took at Maywood’s 3-11 this afternoon.Attached is a shot of River Grove’s New/Used Engine.
Maywood truck to the roof. Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Forest park tower ladder. Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Josh Boyajian photo
Maywood engine on a hydrant. Josh Boyajian photo
This River Grove engine is X-Schaumburg. Josh Boyajian photo
Tags: 3rd alarm fire in Maywood, Forest Park tower ladder, Maywood Fire Department, Maywood fire engine at hydrant, new fire engine for River Grove, photos of fire trucks, pictures of fire trucks, River Grove Fire Department, River Grove has old Schaumburg fire engine, Spartan fire engine at hydrant
Aug 14
Posted by Admin in Fire Truck photos, New Listing, Site News | 2 Comments
The Wonder Lake Fire Protection District in McHenry County has been added to the site . Information was provided by Karl Klotz, Steve Redick, and Larry Shapiro who photographed the stations and apparatus last week.
The district encompasses 11 square miles and has two stations. The main station is staffed around the clock and the outlying station only at night. Their rosters consists of 45 part-time firefighters and paramedics.
They have three ambulances, two engines, two 3,000-gallon commercial tankers, a heavy rescue, and a brush unit. They also have three boats of their own, plus they house a pair of MABAS Division 5 boats as well. One of their engines was previously part of the McHenry Township FPD.
One of the Wonder Lake boats is this air boat by Trail Boss with an enclosed area for divers. Larry Shapiro photo
Wonder Lake Engine 1644 is X-McHenry Township Engine1244. Larry Shapiro photo
Wonder Lake FPD Squad 1631 built by Saulsbury is on a 1999 Spartan Diamond chassis. Larry Shapiro photo
Wonder Lake Tender 1671 is one of two twin 3,000-gallon tankers on matching Peterbilt 357 chassis. Karl Klotz photo
Tags: commercial fire tender, fire engine pictures, heavy rescue fire truck, Karl Klotz, Larry Shapiro, McHenry Township Fire Protection District, Peterbilt fire truck, pictures of fire trucks, Saulsbury Fire Apparatus, Spartan Diamond chassis, Steve Redick, Wonder Lake Fire Department air boat, Wonder Lake Fire Protection District
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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