The addition of the Bridgeview Fire Department completes the entire list of departments now in MABAS Division 21. The following information is from Keith Grzadziel

Bridgeview Fire Department Station 1. Larry Shapiro photo
•Station #1 7500 S. Oketo Ave. Bridgeview, IL 60455
Engine Co. 416 (front line)
Engine Co. 425 (reserve)
Ambulance 417
Battalion 40 (Car 403)
Car 400
•Station #2 7350 W. 100th Pl. Bridgeview, IL 60455
Engine Co. 405 (front line)
Engine Co. 415 (reserve)
Ambulance 406
Ambulance 426 (reserve)
Brush 407
Car 401 (spare pool)
Daily staffing is 9 personnel until we hire ????
5 @ Sta. #1( BC or Lt in car, 2 on Eng, 2 on Amb)
4 @ Sta.#2 (2 on Eng, 2 on Amb)
*Sta. #2 can drop down to 3 and act as a jump company.