From HME Ahrens-Fox on Facebook:
It was a pleasure to host Lt. Tony Christie, Lt. Seth Myers and Firefighter John McDermott from the Inverness Fire Protection District (IL) to HME Ahrens-Fox for the inspection of their new tanker.
Nov 18
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery | 5 Comments
From HME Ahrens-Fox on Facebook:
It was a pleasure to host Lt. Tony Christie, Lt. Seth Myers and Firefighter John McDermott from the Inverness Fire Protection District (IL) to HME Ahrens-Fox for the inspection of their new tanker.
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Download File: #firetruck,,, Firefighter John McDermott, HME, HME Ahrens-Fox fire truck factory, HME pumper/tanker being built for the Inverness FPD, Inverness Fire Protection District, Lt. Seth Myers, Lt. Tony Christie, new tanker for the Inverness FPD
Apr 27
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, New Apparatus Order | Comments off
From Dinges Fire Company on Facebook:
Thank you to the Hinckley Fire Protection District – Illinois on your purchase of an @hmeahrensfox Quick Delivery Engine from the @dingesfirecompany
Tags:, Dinges Fire Company, Hinckley Fire Protection District, HME, HME Ahrens Fox SF22 custom pumper, New engine for the Hinckley FPD
Feb 27
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Department News, Fire Scene photos | Comments off
This from Charles Fox:
A good stop by OPFD — brush fire along elevated rail tracks while a freight train with many tank cars was parked adjacent to the fire
Tags: Charles Fox,, EONE, HME, Oak Park FD Engine 602, Oak Park FD Truck 631, Oak Park Fire Department
Dec 21
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Department History, throwbackthursday | Comments off
This from Larry Shapiro for #TBT:
3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 11-23-06
Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: #TBT, 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago 11-23-06, Central States, Chicago FD Squad 2A at a fire scene,, HME, throw back thursday, throwbackthursday
Sep 28
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Fire Truck photos, Historic fire apparatus, throwbackthursday | 3 Comments
This from Mike Summa for #TBT:
For TBT-The Calumet Park Fire Dept.’s Truck 2204, HME/Alfco 100′ midship. Sorry, I do not know year or specs. Please feel free to respond. Enjoy and comment.
Mike Summa
Mike Summa photo
Tags: #TBT, Calumet Park FD Truck 2204, Calumet Park Fire Department history,, HME, HME / American LaFrance mid-ship aerial, Mike Summa, throw back thursday, throwbackthursday
From Larry Shapiro:
Kirkland Community Fire District Engine 1 – HME/Alexis; Engine 2 – Peterbilt/Alexis; and Tanker 1 – GMC Topkick/Walker/Stuart.
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: #larryshapiro, Alexis, Alexis fire engine, Alexis Fire Equipment, fire trucks, HME, HME fire truck, Kirkland Community Fire District, Larry Shapiro,,, Peterbilt fire engine,
May 16
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Service News, Fire Service Photos, Fire Truck photos | 2 Comments
This from Drew Gresik:
Hey guys,At about 11:30 AM on Wednesday, Engine 50/Truck 18 arrived on scene at 5039 S. Elizabeth and immediately requested a Still and Box for the 2.5 story frame very well involved. I arrived about a half hour after the primary searches, and about 15 minutes after 2-2-5 struck the Box. Here are my photos. Engine 84 (using D547) and Engine 49 were in Sector 1 along with Truck 18. 18 laddered the roof. Engine 50 was in the alley next to the exposure building (5041 S. Elizabeth). Other units on scene included Ambulances 1, 57; Truck 51; Engine 39; Command Van 2-7-3, and an Assistant Deputy Fire Commissioner.Drew Gresik
Paramedic Field Chief 4-5-8. Drew Gresik photo
Engine 49 with lines off. Drew Gresik photo
Truck 18 to the roof.Drew Gresik photo
Rare shot of Engine 39 with Tower Ladder 39, and both are on HME chassis. Drew Gresik photo
Engine 50 with lines off. Drew Gresik photo
The house after the fire was extinguished. Drew Gresik photo
Tags: Chicago Engine 39, Chicago Engine 49, Chicago Engine 50, Chicago Engine and Truck 39 together, Chicago FD engine at fire scene, Chicago Fire Department Still & Box Alarm, Chicago Paramedic Field Chief 4-5-8, Chicago Still & Box Alarm fire, Chicago Tower Ladder 39, Chicago Truck 18, Drew Gresik, fire engine pumping at fire scene, HME, HME chassis, HME chassis in Chicago FD, ladder truck to the roof
Mar 27
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire, Fire Service Photos, Fire Truck photos | Comments off
The Palatine Rural FPD received a report from a citizen that had observed smoke coming from a house at 124 Poteet in Inverness, two blocks from the fire station. Engine 36 requested a fire response and then upgraded it to a working fire (Code 4) minutes later upon arrival at the scene. Companies from Hoffman Estates, Rolling Meadows, Barrington, East Dundee, West Dundee, Palatine, Long Grove, Buffalo Grove, and Prospect Heights were called to assist.
Companies had smoke from a first floor kitchen window, and the occupants were not at home. Firefighters encountered conditions inside the house consistent with a collier’s mansion, and were able to contain and extinguish the fire within 20 minutes.
Larry Shapiro went to the scene and arrived after the fire was knocked down. Here are several images from the scene.
Hoffman Estates firefighters await an assignment outside the house. Larry Shapiro photo
Palatine Rural FPD Engine 36 had two lines off. Larry Shapiro photo
Palatine Rural Tanker 36 dropped their portable tank in case the fire required additional water from the East Dundee and Prospect Heights tankers that were in staging. Larry Shapiro photo
Palatine Rural FPD Tanker 36 nurses Engine 36 in this subdivision without hydrants. Larry Shapiro photo
Hoffman Estates Truck 22 is running with the reserve aerial. The tower ladder will be out of service undergoing paint and bodywork by RPI for the next several months. Larry Shapiro photo
Rolling Meadows Engine 16. Larry Shapiro photo
The West Dundee FD is running with their reserve ladder truck while their tower ladder is down for bodywork. Larry Shapiro photo
Buffalo Grove Tower 25 was the RIT company. Larry Shapiro photo
Rolling Meadows Battalion 15 was in command of the scene. Larry Shapiro photo
Additional images from the scene can be found HERE.
Tags: Alexis Fire Equipment, Buffalo Grove Fire Department, East Dundee Fire Protection District, Ferrara, fire scene command post, firefighter accountability, HME, Hoffman Estates Fire Department, house fire on Poteet in Inverness, KME, Larry Shapiro, Palatine Rural Fire Department, Palatine Rural Fire Protection District, Pierce, Rolling Meadows Battalion 15, Rolling Meadows Fire Department, tanker nursing engine, West Dundee Fire Department
May 1
Posted by bgshap in Apparatus on-scene, Fire, Fire Department News, Fire Service News, Reader submission | Comments off
The Burnham Fire Department received calls yesterday reporting a fire in a 3-story apartment building at 14000 S. Torrence Avenue. First arriving companies found heavy smoke on the first floor and upgraded the alarm to a MABAS Box Alarm. Mutual aid companies from several neighboring departments responded including Calumet City, Dolton, South Holland, and Munster Indiana. The fire was knocked down in fairly short order and no injuries were reported.
Tim Olk took in the fire, and though he arrived after the fire was put out, he submitted several images of the scene and the apparatus that responded.
Firefighters relax after knocking down an apartment fire on Saturday at 14000 S Torrence Avenue. Tim Olk photo
Calumet City Truck 309 was positioned in the 'A' Sector and supported hand lines. Tim Olk photo
Burnham Engine 2014, a 2007 HME Ahrens Fox was the first engine on the scene. Tim Olk photo
South Holland Engine 665, built by Smeal on an HME chassis was due to assist Burnham. Tim Olk photo
Burnham Engine 2016, a 1996 HME SFO Luverne was staged down the street from the fire building. Tim Olk photo
The Munster Indiana Fire Department is a member of MABAS Division 24 and was due on the Box with their Truck 2221, an American LaFrance/LTI tower ladder. Tim Olk photo
The Third District Fire Chief's Association canteen unit was on the scene to assist with rehab. Tim Olk photo
Tags: Burnham Fire Department, Calumet City Fire Department, Dolton Fire Department, HME, HME Ahrens Fox, Luverne Fire Apparatus, Munster Indiana Fire Department, Pierce tower ladder, Smeal Fire Apparatus, South Holland Fire Department, Third District Chiefs Association, Tim Olk
An overview of the stadium exhibits. Many of the apparatus exhibitors moved into the new convention center this year. Larry Shapiro photo
The 2011 Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC) just ended. The convention center was filled with exhibitors who displayed everything from fire apparatus and gear to shirts and trinkets. There were two local area rigs on display this year. A Medtec Type III ambulance for Algonquin-Lake in the Hills was in the Pierce booth and a Cyclone II 95-foot rear mount tower ladder for University Park was in the E-ONE booth.
Algonquin-Lake in the Hills had a Medtec ambulance in the Pierce booth at the FDIC in Indianapolis. Larry Shapiro photo
This new tower ladder for University Park was in the E-ONE booth. Larry Shapiro photo
Other interesting apparatus displayed included four pieces for the FDNY including a Wheeled Coach ambulance on a four-door Ford chassis, an engine in the Seagrave booth, plus Rescue 4 and Ladder 137 in the Ferrara booth.
Seagrave displayed FDNY Engine 222. Larry Shapiro
Ferrara had FDNY Rescue 4 from Queens in their booth. Larry Shapiro photo
Ferrara also had FDNY Ladder 137 on dispkay. Larry Shapiro photo
Crimson had a tandem axle rescue for Elizabeth, NJ, KME had a tiller for Norwalk, CT, American LaFrance had a tiller for Ventura County, CA and HME had a Type III wildland pumper for CALFIRE.
This tandem axle heavy rescue for Elizabeth, NJ Rescue 1 was in the Crimson booth. Larry Shapiro photo
A tiller for Norwalk, CT was shown by KME. Larry Shapiro photo
This LTI tiller for Ventura County, CA by American LaFrance was in the Lucas Oil Stadium. Larry Shapiro photo
HME brought a Type III engine from CALFIRE. Larry Shapiro photo
As regards new introductions:
Pierce showed the new Dash CF chassis under a PUC rescue pumper;
One of two Pierce Dash CF units that were unveiled at the show. Larry Shapiro photo
Pierce also showed this mini pumper on rubber tracks BP. Larry Shapiro photo
Rosenbauer introduced their Smart Cab enclosure for adding a crew area to units built on a commercial chassis;
Rosenbauer introduced the 'Smart Cab' enclosure for three firefighters on a commercial chassis. Larry Shapiro photo
The Smart Cab has a two-step unit which swings out with the door for easy egress and entrance to the crew enclosure along with an option for a full-lenght glass covered door. Larry Shapiro photo
KME brought out the Predator Pro Series (Pumper Rescue Operations) integrated pumper and a new 79-foot ladder;
The KME Predator PRO is a rescue pumper on the new Predator chassis and features a short wheelbase and compact operator's panel. Larry Shapiro photo
The new 76-foor Aerial Cat quint on a new Predator chassis was in the KME booth. Larry Shapiro photo
Crimson highlighted their new acquisition of Classic Fire and showed their ‘Transformer’ on a commercial chassis;
Crimson had a min pumper in their new Classic Series which originates from their recent purchase of Classic Fire in Ocala, FL. Larry Shapiro photo
American LaFrance announced that they are now offering their Eagle custom chassis to other manufacturers and that the LTI aerials can also be purchased by others;
A 2010 emissions compliant Eagle cab and chassis was on display by American LaFrance. Larry Shapiro photo
E-ONE showed the eMAX pumper series with a narrow operator’s panel.
The E-ONE eMAX was shown on a Typhoon chassis. Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: Algonquin Fire Department, American LaFrance, American LaFrance Eagle, CALFIRE, Classic Fire, Crimson, Crimson Transformer, E-ONE, E-ONE Cyclone II, E-ONE eMAX, E-ONE Typhoon, Elizabeth NJ Fire Department Rescue 1, FDIC 2011, FDNY, FDNY Rescue 4, Ferrara, HME, KME, KME Predator, LTI, MedTec, Norwalk CT Fire Department, Pierce, Pierce Dash CF, Pierce PUC, Rosenbauer, Rosenbauer Smart Cab, Seagrave, TDA, tiller, Type III engine, University Park Fire Department, Ventura County Fire Department, Wheeled Coach
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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