Posts Tagged EONE

As seen around … South Elgin

This from Tyler Tobolt:

South Elgin Engine 21 (which is new) and Engine 22; #FireTruck; #TylerTobolt; #SouthElginFPD; @RosenbauerAmerica; #rosenbaueramerica; #Commander

Tyler Tobolt photo; #FireTruck; #TylerTobolt; #SouthElginFPD; @EONE; #EONE; #EONEStrength

Tyler Tobolt photo

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3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 4-15-22

This from Eric Haak:

Here are some images taken at the Good Friday fire at Antioch Baptist Church in Chicago. The fire went to a 3-11. I was on the scene within 5 minutes and was able to catch the early progression of the incident that was caused by workers using a propane torch on the roof.

#erichaak; #Chicagofiredepartment; #CFD;; #churchfire; #3-11alarmfire

Eric Hack photo

#erichaak; #Chicagofiredepartment; #CFD;; #churchfire; #3-11alarmfire; #Spartan

Eric Hack photo

#erichaak; #Chicagofiredepartment; #CFD;; #churchfire; #3-11alarmfire; #Spartan

Eric Hack photo

#erichaak; #Chicagofiredepartment; #CFD;; #HME

Eric Hack photo

#erichaak; #Chicagofiredepartment; #CFD;; #churchfire; #3-11alarmfire; #EONE; @EONE

Eric Hack photo

#erichaak; #Chicagofiredepartment; #CFD;; #churchfire; #3-11alarmfire; #Spartan

Eric Hack photo

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New engines in Chicago (more)

From E-ONE Hamburg New York @EOneHamburgNewYork 

Check out the City of Chicago’s (IL) 8 new E-ONE stainless steel side mount pumpers! The details: Cyclone II X long cab with 67.5” CA and 12” Vista, Cummins X12 455HP engine, Hale QTWO 1500-GPM single-stage pump, 500-gal water tank, 30-gal foam tank. Thank you, City of Chicago, for allowing E-ONE to serve you! #EONENY#EONEstrength#EONE#firetruck#pumper

New E-ONE stainless steel fire engine for the Chicago Fire Department

E-ONE photo

New E-ONE stainless steel fire engine for the Chicago Fire Department

E-ONE photo

New E-ONE stainless steel fire engine for the Chicago Fire Department

E-ONE photo

thanks Josh

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New engine for Peoria Fire Department

From E-ONE Hamburg New York @EOneHamburgNewYork:

Check out the City of Peoria FD’s (IL) new E-ONE stainless steel side mount pumper (SO# 144543)! The details: Typhoon long cab with 67.5” CA, Cummins L9 400HP engine, Waterous CS 1250-GPM single-stage pump, 530-gal water tank. Thank you, City of Peoria FD, for allowing E-ONE to serve you! #EONENY #EONEstrength #EONE#firetruck #pumper

E-ONE stainless steel fire engine

E-ONE photo

E-ONE stainless steel fire engine

E-ONE photo

E-ONE stainless steel fire engine

E-ONE photo

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Chicago apparatus on-scene

Steve Redick submitted several images from a 2-11 alarm fire on the 13th of October. His summary is:

1340 E 72nd St last night…traffic was horrendous so there was nothing for me by the time I arrived. The fire involved a large ornate vacant rectory, with what I think was a gable roof. The fire bldg was attached by a walkway on the first floor to the body of a very large traditional style church. It appeared to me that the fire was all top floor and attic so exposure risk was pretty minimal. In my shots of the rear you can see the debris pile from what I assume was the collapsed gable roof. Lots of spares at this job….

Chicago Fire Department Spartan Luverne pumper

This 2002 Spartan/Luverne engine is currently part of the spare apparatus. It is shop #D598 and was previously assigned to Engine 82 at 817 E. 91st Street. Steve Redick photo

Chicago Fire Department engine 126

Engine 126 from 7913 S. Kingston is running with a 2001 Spartan/Luverne, shop #D583. This 2001 model is almost indistinguishable from the engines delivered in 2002. Steve Redick photo

Chicago Fire Department engine 122 2009 Spartan Crimson engine

Engine 122 has one of the 2009 raised roof Spartan/Crimson pumpers, shop #D650. Steve Redick photo

Chicago Fire Department engine 72 Spartan Crimson

Engine 72 has a 2006 raised roof Spartan Crimson engine bearing shop #D633. This is virtually identical in design to the 2009 unit assigned to Engine 122. Steve Redick photo

Chicago Fire Department E-ONE tower ladder

Tower 34 was using this spare 1988 E-ONE Hurricane 95' tower ladder with shop #E265 that was previously assigned to them. Steve Redick photo

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Carol Stream is on the site

Carol Stream Fire District patch

In Dupage County (Division 12), the Carol Stream Fire District has three stations. They staff one engine company, one two-piece squad company, one tower ladder, three ambulances, plus a battalion chief. Their apparatus consists of two E-ONE engines, an E-ONE tower ladder, an Alexis engine, plus an Alexis heavy rescue. All of the ambulances are from Life Line on various IHC chassis.

The headquarters station has four drive-through bays, the administrative offices, and a complete training facility which includes a burn tower. This station staffs a battalion car, an ambulance, and a tower ladder quint. It is home to a spare ambulance, an OEM Mobile Command Unit, a spare engine, and two antiques in addition to FPB and other staff vehicles.

Carol Stream Fire District headquarters station and training facility

Carol Stream Station 1 at 35 N. Kuhn Road, has the administrative offices and an extensive training facility complete with a burn tower. Larry Shapiro photo

Keeneyville Fire Protection District 1947 Ford Darley antique pumper

The Carol Stream Fire District web site has a nice history of the department which tells the story of the Keeneyville Fire Protection District and the Carol Stream Company. The fire apparatus for many years was painted black over yellow until 1996 when the yellow was changed to red.

At Station 3 which is located at 1045 Lies Road, Carol Stream runs a two-piece squad company. These units always respond together. The first piece of the company is the squad 235, a 2006 Spartan Gladiator Classic/Alexis 1500/750 pumper squad. The second piece is rescue 235, their brand new 2010 Spartan Metro Star Alexis HDR. The ‘squad’ has a complete complement of hydraulic rescue tools and the ‘rescue’ has supplemental equipment, and air cascade system, and is more of a specialty unit with extensive TRT materials and supplies.

Carol Stream Fire District 2010 Spartan Metro Star Alexis technical rescue unit

Rescue 235 is the 2nd piece of the squad company. It was built by Alexis on a Spartan chassis with a stubby, 2-dr, Metro Star cab. Larry SHapiro photo

Carol Stream Fire District 2010 Spartan Metro Star Alexis technical rescue unit

Both sides of the rescue are packed solid with technical rescue equipment. The hydraulic rescue tools for auto extrications are located on Squad 235 which is the 1st piece of this company. Larry Shapiro photo

Carol Stream Fire District 2010 Spartan Metro Star Alexis technical rescue unit

The rear door of the rescue is designed like a rear ramp on a trailer to permit access to the large lumber stored down the center of the unit. Roof access to reach the top storage compartments is via the folding ladder at the rear. Larry Shapiro photo

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Knollwood engine on-scene

Jeff Rudolph answers our call for on-scene apparatus images with a few shots of Knollwood Engine 44 responding to storm related downed wires.

Knollwood FD E-ONE Typhoon pumper

Knollwood Engine 44 standing by at a 'wires-down' call awaiting the arrival of the power company. Jeff Rudolph photo

Knollwood FD E-ONE Typhoon engine

Knollwood E44 at the scene of energized power lines down on a wood fence and shed. Address of 1012 Safford Av. Crews were forced to wait until Com Ed killed the power. Jeff Rudolph photo

Knollwood FD E-ONE Typhoon engine

Knollwood Engine 44 is a 2007 E-ONE Typhoon with a 2000-GPM pump and a 1,000-gallon water tank. Jeff Rudolph photo

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Naperville’s new Engine 4

Lt. Andy Hilk from Naperville has informed us that the new 2010 Spartan Gladiator/Crimson engine is having equipment mounted before it is put into service at Engine 4, probably within the next week. The engine has a 1,500-GPM Hale pump, carries 750 gallons of water and 50 gallons of Class B foam. It features ROM Roll-up doors and has an 8KW Smartpower generator.

Naperville Fire Department Spartan Gladiator Crimson Engine 4

Naperville's newest engine just prior to going into service. This unit was displayed in the Crimson booth at the Fire Rescue International that was in Chicago this past August. Andy Hilk photo

The 1991 E-ONE Hush pumper which was in reserve has been sold to the Rockford Fire Department.

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Naperville reassignments …. requires a scorecard

Several months ago we posted the Naperville Fire Department to the site. Several photographers visited the department on separate occasions to document the new equipment and the placement of companies in each station. Several of the rigs had been moved and reassigned since they were photographed a year or so ago but everything was brought up-to-date for the posting with the help of Naperville Lt. Andy Hilk.

Well, we had received information that the Naperville FD was not yet done moving companies and that changes were coming. Bill Friedrich submitted the following information regarding reassignments throughout the stations.

  • Medic 9 is out of service
  • Medic 1 is now using the 2007 IHC/Medtec that was previously Medic 9
  • Squad 1 (1997 E-ONE) has moved back to Station 8 and is now Squad 8 … again
  • Engine 8’s 2008 Crimson rig is back at Station 1 as Engine 1
  • The 2009 Crimson quint from Truck 10 is now running as Truck 5
  • The 2005 E-ONE tower ladder which was Truck 5 is now a spare
  • The 1994 E-ONE tower ladder without a pump that was in reserve has now been decommissioned and will likely be sold
  • Engine 10 is now using a 2005 E-ONE Typhoon
  • The TRT trailer is moving to Station 10
Naperville Squad 8

Squad 8 when it was moved to Station 1 ... prior to being renumbered.

Naperville Engine 1

Engine 1 photographed when it was assigned to Station 1 ... before we had a photograph of it labeled as Engine 8

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Pink Heals Tour with Buffalo Grove Fire Department

The Pink Heals Tour 2010 has visited Rockford, the IAFC trade show in Chicago, Matteson, Naperville, and now Buffalo Grove during it’s time in Illinois. Last night in Buffalo Grove, the three pink fire engines were joined by a Mount Prospect police car with pink graphics and the Buffalo Grove IAFF Honor Guard. The three trucks (two EONE Hush engines and a Spartan FMC Sentinel) served in Bangor, ME; Tyler, TX; and Henry, Va.

On the Pink Heals Tour Facebook page, they describe themselves as:

We are the “Cares Enough to Wear Pink”: Guardians of the Ribbon”
An organization that drives PINK Fire Trucks across the United States to support women in their fight against cancer and inspire men to get involved. It was started in Phoenix, Arizona by firefighter Dave Graybill. We are making our way across the country and it is our job to also spread the word worldwide. Guardians of The Ribbons is a group of firefighters, police officers and leaders in the community; our purpose is raising awareness for the fight against cancer and inspire men to support the women of their community. On October 25, 26 and 27 we would like to have the public safety, local leaders and citizens of the community wear something pink to show support for those women battling cancer. It is in our nature to fight for those who have lost the ability to fight for themselves and we are asking the public for support. It will not only bring us together, but also give those who are battling this disease an overwhelming feeling of HOPE.
Men supporting women!

Firefighter Steve Rusin, the Buffalo Grove Fire Department representative working with the Pink Heals Tour, has been selling pink and blue t-shirts to raise money for the Pink Heals Tour.

Pink Heals Tour 2010

These three pink fire trucks that are touring the country made several stops in Illiois. Larry Shapiro photo

Pink Heals Tour 2010

Each truck is covered with messages from people whose lives have been impacted by cancer. Larry Shapiro photo

Pink Heals Tour 2010

Another message is added to 'Karen' the FMC Sentinel pumper. Larry Shapiro photo

Pink Heals Tour 2010 Buffalo Grove Fire Department IAFF Honor Guard

The Buffalo Grove Fire Department IAFF Honor Guard. Larry Shapiro photo

Pink Heals Tour 2010 Buffalo Grove Fire Department IAFF Honor Guard

The Buffalo Grove Fire Department IAFF Honor Guard escorted the trucks to the baseball game and exhibition event. Larry Shapiro photo

Pink Heals Tour 2010

The trucks along with Buffalo Grove firefighters and a Mount Prospect police car make their way to the baseball field. Larry Shapiro photo

Pink Heals Tour 2010

Families greet the arrival of the Pink Heals Tour fire trucks. Larry Shapiro photo

A photo gallery with complete coverage can be seen HERE.

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