Posts Tagged Chicago FD Tower Ladder 5

Still & Box Alarm Fire in Chicago, 12-21-24

From Chi-Town Fire Photos:

This is from a fire on 12/21/24. The MFAO gave a working fire response to the corner of Homan and Congress, right at sunrise. Engine Co. 44 arrived to find heavy fire showing from a vacant grey stone at 3336 W Congress Parkway. Companies initially made an aggressive interior attack, but could not make it much past the stairs. Battalion 18 arrived on scene, pulled everyone out, went defensive, and pulled a Box. Engine 107 was the second engine and led out down a gangway to the rear and had an exposure line flowing on the D side. Engine 95 was the third engine, and they led out down the alley to the rear, and had a 2.5″ flowing on the B side exposure. Tower 5 was the Box truck, and was put to work on arrival.; #Chi-TownFirePhotos; #ChicagoFD; #firescene; #Flames; #FireTruck; #EONE; ;

Chi-Town Fire Photos; #Chi-TownFirePhotos; #ChicagoFD; #firescene; #Flames; #FireTruck; #EONE; ;

Chi-Town Fire Photos; #Chi-TownFirePhotos; #ChicagoFD; #firescene; #Flames;

Chi-Town Fire Photos; #Chi-TownFirePhotos; #ChicagoFD; #firescene; #Flames; Firefighters;

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Here’s a link to the full gallery  


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2-11 Alarm high-rise fire in Chicago, 8-18-23 (more)

More from Larry Shapiro on the 2-11 Alarm high-rise fire in Chicago, 8-18-23:

Some apparatus shots from the scene; #FireTruck; #ChicagoFD; #EONE; #E-ONE; #Cyclone; #FireTruck; #larryshapiro;;

Chicago FD Tower Ladder 21; #ChicagoFD; #FireTruck; #Spartan;

Chicago FD Engine 55; #ChicagoFD; #FireTruck; #ambulance;

Chicago FD Ambulance 6; #FireTruck; #ChicagoFD; #rosenbaueramerica; #Commander; #FireTruck; #larryshapiro;;

Chicago FD Squad 1

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2-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 9-11-22 (more)

Photos from Tim Olk of the 2-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 9-11-22; #TimOlk; #CFD; #2-11Alarmfire;

Tim Olk photo; #TimOlk; #CFD; #2-11Alarmfire;

Tim Olk photo; #TimOlk; #CFD; #2-11Alarmfire;

Tim Olk photo; #TimOlk; #CFD; #2-11Alarmfire;

Tim Olk photo

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Working fire in Chicago, 1-23-21

This from Eric Haak:

At 3:15 Saturday morning (1/23), companies in Chicago’s 14th Battalion were dispatched to 2213 West Cermak for the reported fire. Engine Company 23 landed a minute later and confirmed a working fire in the rear porches of a 30×70, three-story, ordinary, occupied apartment building. Companies worked for almost 20 minutes to contain the blaze but fire extension into the basement, first, and second floors forced a defensive attack at around 3:35. There was also fire extension into the adjoining “D” side exposure building that was quickly brought under control. Engine 109 worked their deck gun in sector “C” while Squad 1’s Snorkel was set up. Eventually, the fire was put out with several hand lines and master streams from the Snorkel and Tower Ladder 5. Companies worked for over four hours as the thermometer hovered around 10 degrees throughout the duration of the incident.

Chicago Firefighters battle a fire at night

Eric Haak photo

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Working fire in Chicago, 12-30-20

This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:


I took a ride to a fire in the 14th Battalion @ 2934 w 25th street. Companies landed with a 3-sty lightweight, with fire on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Companies made a push but were pulled out and went defensive for a few minutes. Engines 109, 23, and 107 were all lead out and had lines working. I arrived about 15 minutes into the alarm. 
E-ONE tower ladder at Chicago fire scene

Chi-Town Fire Photos

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Still and Box Alarm fire in Chicago, 7-12-20

This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:

Here are some shots from the 4th Battalion’s Still & Box Alarm @ 2257-2259 W Taylor St. Companies had two lines on a fire in the cockloft above a Mexican restaurant and some type of clothing store. See our site for more images.
Drew @ Chi-Town Fire Photos
smoke from store front in Chicago

Chi-Town Fire Photos

E-ONE tower ladder in Chicago

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago Firefighters at fire scene

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago fire trucks at fire scene

Chi-Town Fire Photos

spare fire engine in Chicago

Chi-Town Fire Photos

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2-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 2-11-20 (more)

More from Steve Redick on the 2-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 2-11-20

Tuesday night about 0045 hrs Cermak and Michigan. Fire involved a cleaners and some kinda yoga studio. Bow string truss had suffered total collapse prior to my arrival. The fire did not appear to enter either of the exposures. Those with a historical background will realize this was in the old “automobile row” area.
Chicago fire truck at fire scene

Steve Redick photo

Chicago fire truck at fire scene

Steve Redick photo

Chicago fire truck at fire scene

Steve Redick photo

Chicago fire truck at fire scene

Steve Redick photo

Chicago fire truck at fire scene

Steve Redick photo

Chicago fire truck at fire scene

Steve Redick photo

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2-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 1-17-20

This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:


Truck Co. 48 reported a fire at 1539 S Hamlin Friday evening (1/17/20) during a bad snow storm. Building was a vacant, 3-sty ordinary, 30’x75′. Engine 109 was the first engine since Engine 38 was tied up on an EMS run. Battalion 14 arrived and boxed it right away. Companies went defensive due to forcible entry problems and fire being on all three floors already. Engines 38 & 99 were the box engines and both were feeding the master streams (TL5 & SS1). 2-2-4 pulled a 2-11 Alarm shortly after for manpower purposes. I don’t believe the 2-11 engines were used. Wind gusts up to 35mph and heavy snow for the duration of fire which made it very difficult to fight this job. 
Chicago Firefighters battle a fire in the winter

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago Firefighters battle a fire in the winter

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Firefighters battle building fire in blizzard

Chi-Town Fire Photos

E-ONE tower ladder battles a fire

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Firefighters battle building fire in blizzard

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Firefighters battle building fire in blizzard

Chi-Town Fire Photos

two elevated master streams battle a fire

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Firefighters battle building fire in blizzard

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Firefighter with deck gun in blowing snow

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Firefighters battle building fire in blizzard

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Firefighters battle building fire in blizzard

Chi-Town Fire Photos

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3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 6-7-19 (more)

This from Steve Redick 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 6-7-19:

Took this in about 0400 Friday morning, a huge vacant department store. This was an anchor to the old Roseland neighborhood at one time. An unusual building in that it was on a hill. It looked like 2 stories in the front but was 3 stories in the rear, attached to a 5 story as well as numerous other commercial vacants. Windowless upper floors made stream penetration difficult at best. This was a long stand that resulted in the demolition of the fire buildings. I had my passport stamped twice on the way there .. .once at Madison St and again at 79th St. More photos are HERE.
3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago

Steve Redick photo

3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago

Steve Redick photo

3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago

Steve Redick photo

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2-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 5-28-19 (more)

A few photos from Chi-Town Fire Photos from the 2-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 5-28-19

Chicago FD Tower Ladder 5

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago FD Snorkel and tower ladder at work

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago FD Engine 50

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago Firefighters at fire scene

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago Firefighters at fire scene

Chi-Town Fire Photos

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