video by Larry Shapiro from the 3-Alarm fire in Buffalo Grove, 3-8-25
Mar 9
Posted by Admin in Fire Scene video | No Comments
video by Larry Shapiro from the 3-Alarm fire in Buffalo Grove, 3-8-25
Tags: #larryshapiro, 3-Alarm fire in Buffalo Grove, Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26, Buffalo Grove Fire Department,,, E-ONE fire trucks at 3-Alarm fire, fire scene photos, fire scene video, Firefighters battle a townhouse fire in Buffalo Grove, Lake Forest FD quint, Larry Shapiro,, Northbrook FD Tower 12,, townhouse fire on Le Parc Circle in Buffalo Grove
Mar 9
Posted by Admin in Fire Service News | No Comments
More on the 3-Alarm fire in Buffalo Grove, 3-8-25 from Dan McInerney:
Here are some pics from the 3-Alarm fire yesterday in Buffalo Grove at 321 Le Parc Circle. I got there after the bulk of the fire was knocked down, but the wind kicked up and made things interesting for a bit, but it never really took off again. As seen, Northbrook Tower 12 was downwind and in the thick of it, the members eventually donned their SCBA’s and kept the fire from spreading to the east.
Dan McInerney photo
Dan McInerney photo
Dan McInerney photo
Dan McInerney photo
Dan McInerney photo
Tags: 3-Alarm fire in Buffalo Grove, Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26, Buffalo Grove Fire Department,,, Dan McInerney, Deerfield-Bannockburn FPD Engine 20, fire scene photos, Firefighters battle a townhouse fire in Buffalo Grove, Lake Forest FD quint, Northbrook FD Tower 12, townhouse fire on Le Parc Circle in Buffalo Grove
Mar 8
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 1 Comment
Additional photos of the 3-Alarm fire in Buffalo Grove, 3-8-25 from Larry Shapiro
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: #larryshapiro, 3-Alarm fire in Buffalo Grove, Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26, Buffalo Grove FD Tower 25, Buffalo Grove Fire Department,,, E-ONE Cyclone fire truck, E-ONE fire trucks at work, fire scene photos, Firefighters battle a townhouse fire in Buffalo Grove, flames through the roof of a townhouse, Lake Forest Fire Department quint, Larry Shapiro,, Le Parc Circle fire in Buffalo Grove, massive smoke from townhouse fire,, townhouse fire on Le Parc Circle in Buffalo Grove
Feb 20
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Service Photos | No Comments
This from Larry Shapiro:
Buffalo Grove police officers and firefighters were dispatched for an oven fire this afternoon (2/20/25) in a townhome at 223 Thornapple Court. Arriving police officers advised of a larger fire, and with smoke visbile at the front door, the alarm was upgraded to a working fire. Firefighters advanced a line inside and made quick work of knocking down the fire.
Arlington Heights, Wheeling, Palatine, and Long Grove assisted at the scene.
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
This was the first fire for Long Grove Engine 55 which was put into service this week.
Tags: #larryshapiro, Arlington Heights FD Engine 5, Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26, Buffalo Grove FD Tower 25, Buffalo Grove Fire Department,, EONE fire trucks at fire scene, Larry Shapiro,, Long Grove FPD Ambulance 55, ong Grove FPD Engine 55, palatine FD Engine 82,, townhouse fire in Buffalo Grove
Feb 25
Posted by Admin in Ambulance photos, Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos, Fire Truck photos | Comments off
More photos of the House fire in Buffalo Grove, 2-20-24
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Jimmy Bolf photo
Tags: Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26, Buffalo Grove FD Squad 25, Buffalo Grove Fire Department,,, house fire in Buffalo Grove, Jimmy Bolf, Lincolincolnshire-Riverwoods FPD Squad 51, Long Grove FPD Ambulance 55, Long Grove FPD Squad 55
Feb 21
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | Comments off
Buffalo Grove firefighters were called to a house on Middleton Court Tuesday afternoon. On arrival they had smoke pushing out of the front door and roof vent. The alarm was upgraded to a working fire bringing mutual aid companies to the scene from Long Grove, Lincolnshire-Riverwoods, and Arlington Heights. Additional companies moved into Buffalo Grove fire stations.
It appeared to be a room and contents fire that was extending into the hallway when firefighters made their interior attack.
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: #EONEStrength, Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26, Buffalo Grove FD Tower 25, Buffalo Grove Fire Department,, Cyclone, E-ONE, E-ONE fire trucks at fire scene, fire scene photos, Larry Shapiro,,, Typhoon
Oct 2
Posted by Admin in Fire Truck photos | Comments off
This from Michael Maida:
I went to the open house in Buffalo Grove and was able to get a few rig shots.Mike
Michael Maida photo
Michael Maida photo
Michael Maida photo
Michael Maida photo
Michael Maida photo
Tags: Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26, Buffalo Grove FD Quint 27, Buffalo Grove FD Tower 25, Buffalo Grove Fire Department Open House,
Aug 20
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, fire engine for sale | 2 Comments
Found at
2007 KME Predator rescue pumper
- Stock#: 17212
- 2007
- KME Fire Body
- Predator KME Chassis
- Custom
- Length: 33′
- Truck Height: 10′
- Wheelbase: 203″
- GVWR: 47,000
- Seating for 6; 3 SCBA seats
- Mileage: 82,612
- Engine Hours: 8,699
- Caterpillar C 9 400 HP Diesel Engine
- Engine Brake
- Allison EVS3000P Automatic Transmission
- Additional equipment not included with purchase unless otherwise listed.
- Interior Medical Cabinet
- Hale 2000 GPM Side-Mount Pump
- Pump Heat Pan
- 750 Gallon Polypropylene Tank
- 30 Gallon Foam Cell
- Driver’s Side Discharges: (1) 2 1/2″, (1) 2 1/2″
- Crosslays/Speedlays: Crosslays: (2) 1 3/4″
- Officer’s Side Discharge: (1) 3″, (1) 2 1/2″
- Rear Discharges: (1) 2 1/2″, (1) 2 1/2″
- Driver’s Side Suction: (1) 6″, (1) 2 1/2″
- Front Suction: (1) 6″
- Officer’s Side Suction: (1) 6″, (1) 2 1/2″
- Deck Gun Included
thanks Rob
Some in-service images of Buffalo Grove Engine 26 (218) from our files
Dan McInerney photo
Dan McInerney photo
Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26
Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26 with Quint 27
Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26
Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26
Tags: #larryshapiro, 2007 KME Predator rescue pumper for sale, Buffalo Grove FD Engine 218, Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26, Buffalo Grove FD fire engine for sale, Buffalo Grove Fire Depeartment,, Dan McInerney, fire engine for sale, fire truck for sale,,
Aug 16
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos | 4 Comments
From Andy Russell:
Below are pictures of the new Engine 26 which was delivered to Station 26 this morning. Over the course of the next several weeks, equipment will be mounted, hose will be bedded, required inspections will be completed and training will take place before the vehicle is placed in service.
BGFD photo
BGFD photo
BGFD photo
BGFD photo
Tags: Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26, Buffalo Grove Fire Department,,, E-ONE E-Max fire engine, new engine for Buffalo Grove FD
Jul 31
Posted by Admin in Ambulance photos, Apparatus on-scene, Crash scene photos | Comments off
Buffalo Grove police officers and firefighters were dispatched to the intersection of Dundee Road and Arlington Heights Road Monday evening (7/31/23) for a child on a bicycle that was trapped underneath a van. Once on scene the incident was upgraded to an entrapment response for additional personnel. Firefighters from Buffalo Grove and Arlington Heights raised the van from the victim’s leg and removed the child who was conscious.
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: #EONEStrength, #larryshapiro, Arlington Heights Fire Department, Buffalo Grove Battalion 4, Buffalo Grove FD Ambulance 26, Buffalo Grove FD Engine 26, Buffalo Grove FD Tower 25, Buffalo Grove Fire Department, Buffalo Grove olice Department, Buffalo Grove police car,, child trapped under a van, E-ONE, EONE, Firefighters free child from beneath a van,,
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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