This from Larry Shapiro:

Buffalo Grove police officers and firefighters were dispatched for an oven fire this afternoon (2/20/25) in a townhome at 223 Thornapple Court. Arriving police officers advised of a larger fire, and with smoke visbile at the front door, the alarm was upgraded to a working fire. Firefighters advanced a line inside and made quick work of knocking down the fire.

Arlington Heights, Wheeling, Palatine, and Long Grove assisted at the scene.; #larryshapiro;;; #firescene; #BuffaloGroveFD; #firescene; #EONE;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;;; #firescene; #BuffaloGroveFD; #firescene; #firefighters; #ShawnCollins;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;;; #firescene; #BuffaloGroveFD; #firescene;

Larry Shapiro photo

This was the first fire for Long Grove Engine 55 which was put into service this week.