This from Keith Grzadziel:
The Tri-State FPD has relocated their headquarters to Station 1 in unincorporated Willowbrook. It was previously located at their Station 2 in Darien. A large addition for offices and a conference room was added on to the rear of the apparatus bays and behind the living quarters. Also built is their new training tower, which is directly next door to the station.
#1 by Josh on August 8, 2021 - 8:20 PM
Tri State is running as follows…….
Station 121 – 2015 Pierce Enforcer PUC
Station 122 – 2005 Pierce Arrow XT Sky Boom
Station 123 – 2018 Pierce Enforcer (X-E124)
Station 124 – 2016 Pierce Enforcer Pumper (X-E122)
Tri State is selling their Spartan Smeal Tower….a new Single Axel Pierce 107’ Ascendant is on order and that will run frontline out of Station 122.
#2 by Daniel on August 8, 2021 - 8:03 PM
Tri-States fleet has been moved around a bit recently.
As far as I know, Engine 121 is running in the 2016 Pierce PUC as it has been since it was delivered. Engine 122 is running in the Pierce Skyboom which was previously Engine 123. I assume than that Engine 123 is using the other 2016 Pierce that was previously Engine 122.
Station 123 has Engine 123, Medic 123, and Brush 123.
#3 by Michael m on August 8, 2021 - 7:46 PM
Which unit runs out of station 3 in Burr Ridge?
#4 by Michael m on August 8, 2021 - 7:45 PM
Which engine runs out of this station. Is it the 2016 Pierce PUC or the “standard” 2016 Pierce engine?