The Village of Lakewood, in McHenry County, created a new fire department four years ago. Prior to that, they had contracted for many years with Crystal Lake for fire protection. They are currently looking into an intergovernmental agreement with the Woodstock Fire Rescue District to provide these services beginning the first of next year. An article in the Northwest Herald can be seen HERE.
Thanks to Bill Friedrich for bringing this to our attention.

Lakewood Engine 1041 came from Tallman, NY. It was origiinally a 1977 Hahn 1500/1000 that was refurbished by Pierce in 1991 with a new Pierce Arrow cab. Larry Shapiro photo

Lakewood Engine 1042 is a 1987 Pierce Arrow 1500/500 which was formerly owned by Arlington Heights, IL. Larry Shapiro photo

This is Lakewood Brush 1061 which is built around a Ford F350 -pickup. Larry Shapiro photo