Posts Tagged West Chicago Fire Protection District

West Chicago training burndown, 6-27-15

This from Steve Redick:

Had a nice opportunity to take this in last Saturday. Lots’a nice rig shots and some interesting fire behavior shots, and some fun group images too. All can be seen here: 

firemen posing with burning house

Steve Redick photo

firemen train with ladder

Steve Redick photo

intense flames from building fire

Steve Redick photo

fire truck with house fire

Steve Redick photo

firemen with tarp on roof of house

Steve Redick photo

intense flames from building fire

Steve Redick photo

intense flames from building fire

Steve Redick photo

intense flames from building fire

Steve Redick photo

Wheaton Fire Department tower ladder

Steve Redick photo

West Chicago FDP fire engine

Steve Redick photo

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Car into a building in West Chicago – 5/10/15

This from John Tulipano:

West Chicago responded to a car into a commercial building at 1525 Kautz on the west edge of the DuPage Airport. The driver was found walking down Kautz Road. When companies arrived they found a car 20 feet into the building, with all gas meters sheared off and the attic of building filled with gas. Exterior operations were set up while companies waited several hours for Nicor to find the main and shut it down. There was s special call for the MABAS Division 10 MVU from Lyons.

ARFF on standby

John Tulipano photo

Pierce tower ladder flowing water

John Tulipano photo

fire engine with hose connected to a hydrant

John Tulipano photo

view from ARFF windshield

John Tulipano photo

mobile ventilation unit

John Tulipano photo

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Box Alarm in West Chicago, 4-15-15

This from John Tulipano:

Wednesday at approximately 0625, the West Chicago FPD was dispatched to a dryer fire (not extended) at 704 Washington, in the General Mills Plant.Upon further investigation, companies found a dryer the size of several semi trailers end to end burning on the 3rd floor.Subsequent upgrades to a general alarm and than a MABAS box alarm for additional manpower. The fire was under control in about 45 minutes.

Not much to shoot from a photographers perspective.
fire trucks at fire scene

John Tulipano photo

Pierce fire engine with hose

John Tulipano photo

firemen at fire scene

John Tulipano photo

Pierce fire engine with hose

John Tulipano photo

fire chief with command board

John Tulipano photo

Pierce fire engine

John Tulipano photo

E-ONE fire engine

John Tulipano photo

fire chiefs with command board

John Tulipano photo

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West Chicago FPD promotions

This from John Tulipano:

West Chicago had a retirement and promotion together last Friday. I’ve attached a few images.
Chief Pat Tanner presents a retirement gift to Deputy Chief Joe Buenrostro who retired Feb 27, 2015 with 40 years of service to the West Chicago FPD.
fire chief retires in West Chicago IL

John Tulipano photo

Firefighter Erik Ronge thanks his parents for their support as he has passed his probationary period.

fire department awards ceremony

John Tulipano photo

Newly promoted Battalion Chief Jeff Buccola getting his badge pinned on by his wife.

new fire deputy chief promoted in West Chicago IL

John Tulipano photo

Newly promoted Lt Ken Zahara is handed his new helmet by his daughter.

new fire lieutenant promoted in West Chicago IL

John Tulipano photo

Lt Zahara has his badge pinned on by his wife.

new fire lieutenant promoted in West Chicago IL

John Tulipano photo

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New fire chief for the West Chicago FPD

This from John Tulipano:

A few images of the swearing in of West Chicago FPD Chief Patrick Tanner.

swearing in of new fire chief

John Tulipano photo

swearing in of new fire chief

John Tulipano photo

swearing in of new fire chief

John Tulipano photo

swearing in of new fire chief

John Tulipano photo

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New Fire Chief for West Chicago FPD

The West Chicago FPD has a new fire chief, Patrick Tanner coming from Highland Park.

Chief Tanner comes to us after a 29-year career with the Highland Park, IL Fire Department, serving as chief since 2010.

We will be holding a swearing in and welcoming ceremony on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at 09:00 at Fire Station #6, 200 Fremont Street, West Chicago, Il 60185

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House fire in West Chicago, 8-2-14

This from John Tulipano:

West Chicago had a special alarm at 134 Easton at 22:45, came in as fire on roof.. Companies arrived to find heavy fire in attic and through roof/windows of south side dormer. 

A few images are attached.
fire through the roof of a house at night

John Tulipano photo

fire through the roof of a house at night

John Tulipano photo

fire through the roof of a house at night

John Tulipano photo

fire through the roof of a house at night

John Tulipano photo

fire through the roof of a house at night

John Tulipano photo

fire through the roof of a house at night

John Tulipano photo

firemen vent roof at house fire

John Tulipano photo

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Winfield FPD General Alarm 3-26-14

This from John Tulipano:

Approximately 16:10hrs today Winfield FPD was dispatched to dryer fire “not extended” at 27W212 Providence Ct. Chief 31 arrived to find fire and smoke venting from the overhead garage door and laundry room area in the front of a 2sty 4-unit Condo complex 150×50. 1-line was stretched and fire quickly extinguished. Carol Stream, West Chicago and Wheaton companies assisted.

Pierce tower ladder

John Tulipano hpoto

chief fire officer at fire scene

John Tulipano hpoto

chief fire officers at fire scene Robert Hoff

John Tulipano hpoto

firemen with hose line

John Tulipano hpoto

Pierce PUC at fire scene

John Tulipano hpoto

firemen at fire scene with dryer

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West Chicago house fire 3-20-14

This from John Tulipano:

West Chicago Special Alarm at @ 923 Gates The call came in as a basement fire. Companies arrived to find fire in the basement. It traveled up a plumbing wall into the dormer on the second floor. Fire was under control in about 30 minutes using 4-handlines.
Here are a few photos.
firemen on roof at house fire

John Tulipano photo

firemen with hose at house fire

John Tulipano photo

firemen with hose at house fire

John Tulipano photo

firemen with hose at house fire

John Tulipano photo

firemen overhaul house after fire

John Tulipano photo

John Tulipano photo

John Tulipano photo

firemen on roof at house fire

John Tulipano photo

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West Chicago FPD looking for interim fire chief

This from the West Chicago Fire Protection District:


West Chicago is looking for a interim Fire Chief.  Attached is the document that Chief Hodge sent out today.  If you could please post it so we can get the word out.

Thank You
Andy Maxwell
West Chicago FPD seeking interim fire chief

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