Posts Tagged Mundelein FIre Department

Mundelein firefighters get pay raise

The Daily Herald has an article stating that:

Mundelein’s 14 unionized firefighter/paramedics will get 2-percent salary raises and be eligible for other pay bumps under a deal approved by the village board.

The raises for the full-time firefighters will be retroactive to May 1, 2011. That’s when similar pay hikes were approved for other village employees, Fire Chief Tim Sashko said.

The firefighters had gone without cost-of-living raises for a year and so-called “step” raises, which are based on experience, for two years, said Lynne Maley of the village’s human resources department.

The average salary for the affected firefighter/paramedics is $69,063, Maley said.

Those raises will cost the village an additional $235,647 this fiscal year, Maley said.

The last few years have been a time of austerity at village hall.

Last year, Mundelein officials merged the engineering and public works departments to reduce costs. The year before, public operating hours at village hall and the staff’s work hours were reduced.

In 2009, two police officers were laid off to reduce payroll spending. Employees have been forced to take furlough days, too.

The entire article can be found HERE.

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Mundelein 2nd Alarm 11-14-11

The Lake County News Sun reports:

 A fire that destroyed an unoccupied two-story building in downtown Mundelein appears to be suspicious in nature.

No one was injured in the blaze, but the building is being called “a total loss” by Mundelein Fire Chief Tim Sashko.

“We can’t call it arson yet, but it clearly is a suspicious fire,” Sashko said Tuesday.

The Mundelein Fire Department received a 9-1-1 call of a fire at 22 E. Park St., just after 11 p.m. Monday night. By the time firefighters arrived at the scene, the second story of the building was heavily involved in flames, according to Sashko.

Dozens of firefighters battled the extra-alarm blaze for more than an a hour-and-a-half before finally bringing it under control at about 12:40 a.m. Tuesday.

The complete article can be found HERE.

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Mundelein Swap Meet

The Mundelein Firefighters Association will be hosting the annual Mundelein Fire Swap Meet on SUNDAY October 30th at the Mundelein High School. The school is at 1350 W Hawley Street. Vendor tables are $35.00 each. Doors open at 0800 hrs.  For info or questions please call 847-949-3260.  This Fire Swap Meet has always been held on a Saturday but scheduling issues with the gym made the Sunday date the only available in late October.

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3rd Alarm in Lake Zurich on 6-20-11

Lake Zurich Fire Department house fire Brandon Road Kildeer

The 3rd Alarm in Lake Zurich's district originated in this attached garage. Larry Shapiro photo

The homeowner at 21396 Brandon Road in Kildeer called the fire department this evening shortly after 6PM to report a fire in the attached three-car garage. Fire protection is provided by the Lake Zurich Fire Department who responded with three engines and a truck. Long Grove responded auto-aid with a 3,000-gallon tanker since this neighborhood is without hydrants. The header could be seen as units went en-route and the alarm was filled out for the working fire. Upon arrival, companies were met with 20-foot flames from the garage which contained two cars. The alarm was quickly elevated to a MABAS Box Alarm and then a 2nd Alarm was requested within minutes. Lake Zurich Engine 4 setup at the base of the driveway after the tower ladder was backed into the driveway.

Lake Zurich Fire Department house fire Brandon Road Kildeer

Lake Zurich Engine 4 is on the street just outside the driveway where the truck is parked. Larry Shapiro photo

The bulk of the fire was contained to the garage area with some extension into the house and the attic area.

Placement of the Lake Zurich tower ladder on the narrow driveway meant that all of the outriggers were set on grass. Larry Shapiro photo

A skid-load and a 2 1/2 were pulled from Engine 4 which had 1,000 gallons of tank water that was immediately supplemented by 3,000 gallons from Long Grove Tanker 55. As these lines went to work, Lake Zurich Engine 3 laid 900 feet of 5″ down the road where they took an in-line position. Lake Zurich Engine 2 laid out an additional 700 feet of 5″ to the end of the street where they were met by Barrington Tanker 361 who setup their portable tank. The in-line operation was completed before companies ran out of water.

Lake Zurich Fire Department house fire Brandon Road Kildeer

After providing Lake Zurich Engine 4 with an additional 3,000 gallons of water, Long Grove Tanker 55 backs down the long block to make way for other units to head to the fire scene. Larry Shapiro photo

The bulk of the fire was contained to the garage area with some extension into the house and the attic area.

Looking east on Brandon Road from the fire scene, Lake Zurich Engine 3 is seen 900 feet away, and in the distance, Engine 2 is another 700 feet farther down at the corner. Larry Shapiro photo

The bulk of the fire was contained to the garage area with some extension into the house and the attic area.

Lake Zurich Fire Department house fire Brandon Road Kildeer

Arlington Heights firefighters prepare to ventilate the roof as interior crews work to extinguish fire that extended into the attic. Larry Shapiro photo

Lake Zurich Fire Department house fire Brandon Road Kildeer

A Lake Zurich firefighter wets down areas of the garage after the fire has been declared under control. Larry Shapiro photo

Lake Zurich Fire Department house fire Brandon Road Kildeer

Lake Forest firefighters hit the remaining hot spots in the garage after the outer wall collapsed. Larry Shapiro photo


A 3rd Alarm was requested for manpower to assist companies with salvage and overhaul. One firefighter was transported to the hospital after going through rehab.

Larry Shapiro went to the scene and although he spotted the header from Buffalo Grove, the main body of fire was knocked down before he arrived at the scene. He submitted several images from the scene.

Lake Zurich Fire Department house fire Brandon Road Kildeer

Lake Forest also responded to the fire with Engine 422. Larry Shapiro photo

Lake Zurich Fire Department house fire Brandon Road Kildeer

Mundelein Engine 431 was due on the Box Alarm. Larry Shapiro photo

Lake Zurich Fire Department house fire Brandon Road Kildeer

Grayslake responded on the 2nd Alarm with Engine 2717 which was staged half a mile from the fire scene. Larry Shapiro photo

Lake Zurich Fire Department house fire Brandon Road Kildeer

Mt Prospect Engine 13 was one of the farthest companies to respond to the fire in Kildeer. Larry Shapiro photo

Departments assisting at the scene included tankers from Long Grove, Barrington, Nunda, Cary, and Palatine Rural. Engines came from Wheeling, Buffalo Grove, Fox River Grove, Grayslake, Mundelein, Mt. Prospect, and Lake Forest. Ambulances on the scene were from  Lincolnshire-Riverwoods, Libertyville, Highland Park, and Lake Villa. Squads came from Deerfield, Wauconda, and Gurnee, plus Arlington Heights responded with a tower ladder.

A large gallery of images from the scene can be found HERE.

The Chicago Tribune has an article HERE.


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North Maine FPD receives 9/11 steel

The Daily Herald has an article today about the North Maine Fire Protection District receiving a six-foot steel I-beam from the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. North Maine and Des Plaines were both awarded 9/11 artifacts to be used in local memorials as mentioned HERE. Excerpts from today’s article:

The North Maine Fire Protection District this week unveiled a 6-foot-long, 4-inch-wide steel remnant of the World Trade Center towers in New York City that collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001.

North Maine fire officials opened the sealed box bearing the artifact during a public ceremony Monday night at the fire headquarters on Potter Road.

The beam will become part of an existing Sept. 11 memorial at nearby Ridgewood Cemetery in Des Plaines, Fire Marshal Arnie Witzke said.

“The artifact itself is the perfect size and we couldn’t have asked for anything better,” Witzke said. “All that remains is to incorporate this artifact into the existing memorial at Ridgewood Cemetery and we all hope it will be ready for display this coming 10th anniversary of Sept. 11, 2011. It will truly add to the meaning of the annual moment of reflection that we all seem to hold every year since 2001.”

North Maine Fire District, which serves unincorporated Maine Township, applied for a piece of the wreckage to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which maintains an archive of materials salvaged from the World Trade Center ruins.

More than 900,000 applicants sought a remnant of the towers, including fire departments in Carpentersville and Mundelein that are awaiting their artifacts.

Des Plaines recently received a similar Sept. 11 artifact — a 114-pound steel girder standing 33 inches high and 11 inches deep and wide that was among the supports holding up the Twin Towers. The rusted beam will be memorialized, likely outside city hall, on the 10th anniversary of the attacks.

The complete article can be found HERE.

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Countryside FPD Full Still Alarm 6-1-11

The Countryside Fire Protection District received calls of smoke coming from a house near Route 45 and Oakwood Road in Indian Creek around 9PM Wednesday night. Upon arrival they found smoke and fire from the rear of the house on that corner. Lincolnshire-Riverwoods assisted with a squad, Mundelein and Libertyville both came with quints as the alarm was upgraded to a full still. Later, a Box Alarm was requested for change of quarters companies to cover the Countryside stations. The fire which reportedly began in the basement and extended to the first floor was extinguished quickly. The residents who were home at the time of the fire escaped without injury but a dog perished.

Larry Shapiro submitted a few images though the fire was out when he arrived. There is a small gallery of on-scene images HERE.

Countryside Fire Protection District house fire 6-1-11 on Route 45 at Oakwood Road

A vent cut into the roof is the only visible damage from the front of the house. Larry Shapiro photo

Countryside Fire Protection District house fire 6-1-11 on Route 45 at Oakwood Road

The fire was venting out the rear of the house when companies arrived. Larry Shapiro photo

Countryside Fire Protection District house fire 6-1-11 on Route 45 at Oakwood Road

Countryside Engine 412 supplied handlines fro the driveway, and received water from Engine 411 on a hydrant out on Route 45. Larry Shapiro photo


Countryside Fire Protection District house fire 6-1-11 on Route 45 at Oakwood Road

The house was situated on the corner of Route 45 on the left and Oakwood Road on the right. Mundelein's Sutphen quint was on Oakwood supplying a line to the rear and the balance of the apparatus was on Route 45. Larry Shapiro photo

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Detached garage fire in Libertyville 5-22-11

Libertyville garage fire First Street 5-22-11

Libertyville Engine 461 was the first on-scene to the garage fire and setup in front of the house. Larry Shapiro photo

During the late night storm on Sunday, Libertyville firefighters responded to a garage fire at 108 First Street around 11PM. Engines 461 & 463 arrived almost simultaneously since Engine 463 was already on the road. They found a well-involved detached garage with two vehicles inside. Countryside and Mundelein responded on the working fire along with several change companies to cover Libertyville stations. The fire was contained to the garage although the house plus one neighbor’s house sustained heat damage. The cause of the fire has yet to be determined.

Libertyville garage fire First Street 5-22-11

Libertyville Engine 463 took the alley behind the garage. Larry Shapiro photo

Libertyville garage fire First Street 5-22-11

Libertyville Quint 462 was setup on Route 176 adjacent to the garage. Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro arrived at the scene well after the fire had been extinguished and submitted several images of the apparatus on-scene and the garage.

Libertyville garage fire First Street 5-22-11

Firefighters wash down the remaining hot spots as they monitor the smoldering garage. Larry Shapiro photo

Libertyville garage fire First Street 5-22-11

The front of the garage shows the damage and indicates the volume of fire that companies encountered on arrival. Larry Shapiro photo

Libertyville garage fire First Street 5-22-11

The rear of the garage is intact showing that firefighters made a quick stop on the fire. Larry Shapiro photo

A gallery with additional images can be seen HERE.

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Buffalo Grove EMS Box Alarm 5-11-11

The Buffalo Grove Fire Department responded to a reported four-car motor vehicle accident with airbag deployment before noon today. The accident occurred on Milwaukee Avenue at Busch Parkway. As it is near the Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Fire Protection District response area, they received the call as well. When units arrived on the scene, they had six patients among three cars, one of which had suffered extensive damage. Both departments worked to assist patients which included extricating two from a late model Cadillac. An EMS Box Alarm was requested which brought ambulances from Wheeling, Lake Zurich, Deerfield, Mundelein, and Lake Forest in addition to the Buffalo Grove and Lincolnshire ambulances that were already at the scene.

Tim Olk and Larry Shapiro were both at the scene, but Tim arrived prior to the first tool going to work. Both submitted images and Tim has a complete gallery HERE and Larry has a gallery HERE.

Buffalo Grove Fire Department EMS Box Alarm multi-vehicle accident Milwaukee Ave Busch Parkway

Buffalo Grove and Lincolnshire-Riverwoods firefighters begin to extricate several victims from a late-model Cadillac. Tim Olk photo

Buffalo Grove Fire Department EMS Box Alarm multi-vehicle accident Milwaukee Ave Busch Parkway

Lincolnshire-Riverwoods firefighters use a hydraulic cutter to make preparations for removing the roof of the car. Tim Olk photo

Buffalo Grove Fire Department EMS Box Alarm multi-vehicle accident Milwaukee Ave Busch Parkway

After the roof has been removed from the car, firefighters work on the passenger door. Tim Olk photo

Buffalo Grove Fire Department EMS Box Alarm multi-vehicle accident Milwaukee Ave Busch Parkway

Firefighters remove the passenger from the Cadillac. Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Squad 51 is in the background. Larry Shapiro photo

Buffalo Grove Fire Department EMS Box Alarm multi-vehicle accident Milwaukee Ave Busch Parkway

Firefighters from Wheeling work with Buffalo Grove firefighters to get the patient onto the gurney. Larry Shapiro photo

Buffalo Grove Fire Department EMS Box Alarm multi-vehicle accident Milwaukee Ave Busch Parkway

An overview of the scene shows fire apparatus and the three damaged cars. Larry Shapiro photo

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Countryside responds to post blizzard fire 2-3-11

On Thursday, the Countryside Fire Protection District responded for a reported fire in the wall at a four-unit, two-story, townhouse at 327 Cherry Valley Road in Vernon Hills. The fire, which apparently started at the hands of a handyman repairing some plumbing, was contained in short order. Companies had to contend with deep snow around the building though the street had been cleared to both curbs. Chief officers arriving first cleared snow from the hydrant located directly in front of the building. Libertyville, Lincolnshire-Riverwoods, and Mundelein assisted with mutual aid.

The Daily Herald has a brief article HERE.

Countryside FPD Vernon Hills Fire Cherry Valley Road

The townhouse at 327 Cherry Valley Road in Vernon Hills where fire broke out Thursday afternoon from a worker repairing the plumbing. Larry Shapiro photo

Countryside FPD Vernon Hills Fire Cherry Valley Road

Lincolnshire-Riverwoods and Libertyville units on-scene surround the Countryside tower ladder staged on Cherry Valley Road in Vernon Hills yesterday. Larry Shapiro photo

Countryside FPD Vernon Hills Fire Cherry Valley Road

The hydrant in front of the fire building after snow was cleared for fire department access. Larry Shapiro photo

Larry Shapiro has a gallery of images from the scene HERE.

Countryside FPD Vernon Hills Fire Cherry Valley Road

Countryside Engine 412 was first on the scene and found a hydrant in front of the fire building. Fortunately the street had been cleared so that companies had unencumbered access to the building. Larry Shapiro photo

Countryside FPD Vernon Hills Fire Cherry Valley Road

A narrow shoveled path simplified access to the building for firefighters which could have been hampered by the near two feet of snow on the ground. Larry Shapiro photo

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