This from Mike Summa:
I recently had the pleasure of taking some new photos at the Midlothian Independence Day Parade. Enjoy and comment.

Mike Summa photo

Mike Summa photo

Mike Summa photo

Mike Summa photo

Mike Summa photo

Mike Summa photo
This from Mike Summa:
I recently had the pleasure of taking some new photos at the Midlothian Independence Day Parade. Enjoy and comment.
Mike Summa photo
Mike Summa photo
Mike Summa photo
Mike Summa photo
Mike Summa photo
Mike Summa photo
Tags: Blue Island FD Engine 2123,, Crestwood FD Engine 2313, fire truck photos, Markham FD Engine 1532, Midlothian FD Engine 5, Midlothian Fire Department, Mike Summa
Sep 8
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos, Fire Truck photos | 2 Comments
This from Daniel Hynd:
I took in the 2-11 in Blue Island at 13039 Western Ave on 9-7-23. I arrived well after the fire was knocked, but got some pretty good apparatus photos.
Tags: 2-alarm fire in Blue Island, Alsip Fire Department, Blue Island Fire Department, Calumet City Fire Department, Calumet Park Fire Department,, Crestwood FIre Department, Daniel Hynd, Dolton Fire Department, E-ONE fire engine at fire scene, Evergreen Park Fire Department, fire apparatus on scene, fire scene photos, fire truck photos, Garden Homes Fire Protection District, HME AHrens Fox fire engine at fire scene, Hometown Fire Department, Markham Fire Department, Midlothian Fire Department, Oak Forest Fire Department, Pierce fire engine at fire scene, Posen Fire Department, Robbins Fire Department, Seagrave fire engine at fire scene, Sutphen fire engine, Tinley Park Fire Department
Oct 30
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, New Delivery | 1 Comment
Public Safety Direct photo
Public Safety Direct photo
Public Safety Direct photo
Tags:, Midlothian Fire Department, new pickup for the Midlothian FD
Apr 7
Posted by Admin in CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 (COVID-19) | Comments off
Excerpts from
Captain John Kucharski of the Midlothian Fire Department says firefighter-paramedics were in desperate need of N-95 masks to protect themselves when going into homes of potential COVID-19 patients
“We do have masks now,” he said. “What are we going to do if we run out?”
Then he saw a story about firefighters in Billings, Montana making their own surgical masks using a 3-D printer. They’re called Montana Masks. However, where do you get a 3-D printer as soon as possible?
Both Bremen High School and Oak Forest High School sent the 3-D printers used to teach engineering students to the Midlothian Fire Department, where they’ve been making a new mask every three hours.
While the masks are not FDA approved, tests show they’re remarkably effective and a whole lot better than a cheap paper mask or a bandanna.
Tags: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), Firefighters use 3-D printer to make protective masks, Midlothian Fire Department
Mar 18
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Scene video | 2 Comments
video by Sean Paller from Facebook of a fire in Midlothian at 15016 Kenton Avenue 3/16/18
if only we could get people to understand that video should never be shot in the vertical format.
Dec 8
Posted by Admin in Ambulance photos, Fire Department News, New Delivery | Comments off
From the Fire Service, Inc. Facebook page:
Here are a few preliminary pictures of Midlothian FD’s new Wheeled Coach Ambulance. These were taken at their recent Final Inspection at the factory. We look forward to getting this unit completed. We will post delivery pics as soon as lettering, striping, chevron, and radios are installed. Stay Tuned !!!
Fire Service, Inc. photo
Fire Service, Inc. photo
Fire Service, Inc. photo
Fire Service, Inc. photo
Fire Service, Inc. photo
Tags: ambulance photos, Fire Service Inc., Midlothian Fire Department, new ambulance for Midlothian FD, Wheeled Coach Type III ambulance
Excerpts from
Investigators are working to figure out what sparked a fire that heavily damaged several family-owned businesses in south suburban Midlothian Saturday night.
Firefighters said they got the call around 11 p.m. When crews got to the scene, the building at 147th Street and Pulaski Avenue was engulfed in fire. The stubborn blaze took nearly four hours to completely put out. Fire departments from several surrounding communities assisted Midlothian firefighters. No one was injured.
Two businesses, Midwest Meat Market and Lisa’s Diner, suffered major damage.
“In the back of the building there are two apartments. Police kicked the door in. Removed them. Got them out safety,” said Midlothian Fire Chief Stephen Hotwagner.
The building is a complete loss. For the business owners, their livelihoods have been put in jeopardy, but that is not what any one of them were thinking of Saturday.
Friends have created a GoFundMe page for the Kenealy family.
The cause of the fire is unknown.
Tags: fire destroys businesses in Midlothian, Midlothian Fire Department
This from Mike Summa:
Hello,Goodbye and Thank You for 25 years of faithful service- Midlothian Squad 2707.Good luck in your new home, in Purdy, Missouri. These 3 photos were posted on the Midlothian Fire Department Facebook Page. They are not my photos, but I thought that others would enjoy them. Thank you,Mike S.
Thank you Squad 2707 for 20 years of service! I hope you enjoy your new home in Purdy, Missouri! Congratulations Chief Mercer and the members of Purdy Fire Department with your new apparatus! We hope you enjoy it as much as we have!
Midlothian Fire Department photo
Midlothian Fire Department photo
Midlothian Fire Department photo
Tags: Midlothian FD sells rescue squad to Purdy MO, Midlothian FD Squad 2707, Midlothian Fire Department, new home for old fire truck
Aug 6
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, fire engine for sale | 4 Comments
Midlothian Fire Department squad for sale. Firetec photo
1997 Pierce Saber, Detroit turbo diesel, Allison automatic, air brakes, 25kw PTO generator, light tower w/(4) 500w, (2) telescoping lights, (4) vehicle mounted lights, Eagle auto fill cascade, (6) 6000 psi bottles, 12000# front bumper winch, custom slide out tool boards, roll out trays, drop down trays, a/c & heat in box, 16′ extension & 10′ attic ladder. 11,161 miles. Asking $92,000
Other Information relating to this Vehicle:
Federal AeroDynic lightbar, Code 3 warning lights, Code 3 siren.
This rescue is in excellent condition – the department is changing operations.
Tags: fire truck for sale, Midlothian FD selling fire truck, Midlothian Fire Department
Jul 2
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery | 4 Comments
From the Pierce Flickr site:
New Pierce engine for the Midlothian FD – SO 29543
Pierce composite
thanks Al
Tags: Midlothian Fire Department, new engine for Midlothian, Pierce fire engine
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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