This from Michael Maida:
I recently was able to stop by Schaumburg Station 51 and was able to take these photos of the new Engine 51.Mike

Michael Maida photo

Michael Maida photo
This from Michael Maida:
I recently was able to stop by Schaumburg Station 51 and was able to take these photos of the new Engine 51.Mike
Michael Maida photo
Michael Maida photo
Tags: #firetruck,, Impel, Michael Maida, Pierce, Schaumburg FD Engine 51, Schaumburg Fire Department
This from Michael Maida:
There have been several postings on the website recently regarding the Peoria FD. I had an opportunity to go to there recently and was able to see some of what has been talked about. I stopped by Peoria Fire stations 3, 11, and 15. Station 3 is home to Engine 3 and Truck 3. Station 11 is home to Engine 11 and Rescue 1. Engine 11 and Rescue 1 are jump companies as are Engine 3 and Truck 3. They have a mixed fleet of KME, Pierce, and E-One. Engine 11 is back in service in that neighborhood after 20 years.Mike Maida
Michael Maida photo
Michael Maida photo
Michael Maida photo
Michael Maida photo
Tags:, fire truck photos, Michael Maida, Peoria FD Engien 15, Peoria FD Engine 3, Peoria FD Fire Station 11, Peoria FIre Department
From Michael Maida:
I attended the dedication of the new Engine 64. Here are some photos
Michael Maida photo
Michael Maida photo
Tags:,, Michael Maida, new engine for Roselle, Push-In Ceremony, Roselle FD Engine 64, Roselle Fire Protection District
This from Michael Maida:
I had an opportunity to stop by Wood Dale Station 68. Does anyone have any idea how old the antique engine is?
Michael Maida photo
Tags: Michael Maida, Wood Dale FD Station 68, Wood Dale Fire Department antique fire engine, Wood Dale Fire Department Engine 68, Wood Dale Fire Department Medic 68
From Michale Maida:
I drove By Bensenville Station 107 and was able to snap a few pictures of Ladder 107 and the medic.Mike
Michael Maida photo
Michael Maida photo
Tags: Bensenville FD Truck 107, Bensenville Fire Protection District, Michael Maida
From Michael Maida:
Pictures of a fire on 3/19/2021 in Streamwood.Mike
Michael Maida photo
Michael Maida photo
Michael Maida photo
Tags: Bartlett Fire Protection District, Bartlett FPD Tower 3, Michael Maida, night fire scene photos, Streamwood FD Engine 33
This from Michael Maida:
Here are some photos of a Commercial Fire in Schaumburg on 2/21/2021.
Mike Maida
Mike Maida photo
May 4
Posted by Admin in Fire Truck photos | 3 Comments
This from Michael Maida:
Here are a few photos of the new pumper tanker in service at Fox River Countryside station 2.Michael Maida
Michael Maida photo
Michael Maida photo
Tags: Fox River & Countryside Fire Rescue District, Michael Maida
May 10
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, FIre Stations | 2 Comments
This from Michael Maida:
I had the opportunity to drive by the old and new Elk Grove Village Station 8. I saw Engine 8 leaving on a 911.Mike Maida
Michael Maida photo
Michael Maida photo
Michael Maida photo
This from Larry Shapiro:
I was in Elk Grove Village on Wednesday and stopped by the two new fire stations to grab some photos. The landscaping was just beginning at Station 10, but Station 8 was largely completed in the front. All of the rear bay doors have a second set of screen doors that run on the same track as the solid overhead doors. One can be seen in the photo. This allows a breeze into the station while still securing the station from intruders and debris blown around by the wind.
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: #larryshapiro,, Elk Grove Engine 8, Elk Grove Village FD training tower, Elk Grove Village Fire Department, Elk Grove Village Fire Station 10, Elk Grove Village Fire Station 8, fire station being built, Larry Shapiro, Michael Maida, new Elk Grove Village FD training tower, new fire station for the Elk Grove Village FD, new fire stations in Elk Grove village,
Nov 7
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery | 3 Comments
This from Michael Maida:
I was able to get a look at the new engine for Hoffman Estates Engine 24.
Michael Maida photo
Tags:, Ferrara Fire Apparatus so# H-6393, Hoffman Estates FD Engine 24, Hoffman Estates Fire Department, Michael Maida, new engine for Hoffman Estates
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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