Posts Tagged McHenry Township Fire Protection District

3-Alarm fire in McHenry, 11/11/15

This from Tyler Tobolt:

Few photos I took at the McHenry Township 3rd Alarm on Tender Box 5-1274 for the house fire on (11/11/15). Fully engulfed home due to a lightning strike.
– Thanks Tyler Tobolt.
night house fire scene

Tyler Tobolt photo

night house fire scene

Tyler Tobolt photo

night house fire scene

Tyler Tobolt photo

Excerpts from the

A lightning strike might have caused a fire that destroyed a McHenry home, but fire officials said it was other elements that kept them at the scene of the blaze until about 12:30 a.m. Thursday

McHenry Township Fire Protection District Battalion Chief Mike Majercik said crews had to call in tankers to bring  water to the two-story home at 607 Silver Glen Road because the area does not have fire hydrants. That, paired with the high winds blowing as firefighters tried to extinguish the blaze made for a difficult battle.

“The fact that it was so windy and the fact that we didn’t have water really let the fire get a jump on us,” Majercik said.

McHenry Fire struck a Box alarm about 8:45 p.m. Wednesday, and by 10 p.m. flames were still seen coming from the two-story structure. Lt. Mike Kempster said the lingering flames were from a gas main that hadn’t been shut off. Nicor arrived about 10:30 p.m., Kempster said. Firefighters reported having the fire under control within 90 minutes.

Winds were gusting up to 35 mph when the fire started and by the time firefighters left the scene about 1 a.m., gusts were approaching to 40 mph.

The fire completely destroyed the house. He estimated the damage to be $450,000 when considering the house and all its contents.

Firefighters have not officially ruled the lightning strike as the cause of the fire, but Majercik said the homeowners reported hearing a loud sound on the roof before a neighbor called to say the roof was on fire.

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As seen around … Woodstock

This from Asher Heimermann:

fire apparatus pictures from the funeral in woodstock

Saulsbury rescue squad

Asher Heimermann photo

Fire Department Battalion Chief car

Asher Heimermann photo

Wonder Lake FD ambulance

Asher Heimermann photo

Woodstock FD fire engine

Asher Heimermann photo

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As seen around … the street

This from Michael Maida:

Attached are photos of the new 2015 Pierce Enforcer for Huntley, Huntley Truck 983, and Rockford Engine 10, a 2013 Pierce Saber PUC.

Also attached is the new 2014 Pierce Impel XM pumper from McHenry, plus photos of Ambulance 51, Truck 12, and the older Engine 41 which I believe is a 2012.  All these photos were taken between April and August 15th of this year.

Please consider these photos for the website.


Michael Maida RN

Huntley FPD fire truck

Michael Maida photo

Huntley FPD fire truck

Michael Maida photo

Rockford FD fire engine

Michael Maida photo

McHenry Township FPD apparatus

Michael Maida photo

McHenry Township FPD fire engine

Michael Maida photo

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New deputy chief in Round Lake

Excerpts from

Battalion Chief Joseph Krueger, who spent more than 23 years with the McHenry Township Fire Protection District, has accepted a job as deputy chief, for the Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District, McHenry Chief Tony Huemann said.

Krueger was one of the two battalion chiefs who sued the district over their pensions, arguing that the years they spent as full-time administrators should count toward their pensions. Huemann said he was unaware if the lawsuit played into Krueger leaving, and it wasn’t mentioned when he and Krueger talked about the move.

The case still is pending.

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McHenry Township FPD burn down 5-30-15

This from Tim Olk:

The McHenry Township FPD burned down a vacant house on Saturday (5/30/15) on the site of a new fire station.

fire blowing out of house being burned down

Tim Olk photo

fire chief at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

fire chief at fire scene

Tim Olk photo

fire whirl at house fire

Tim Olk photo

Hummer brush truck at house fire

Tim Olk photo

firefighters pose with burnin house

Tim Olk photo

more photos at

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Area ambulances from AEV

This from Josh Boyajian:

From the Alexis website –

New Ambos

  • North Chicago FD
  • McHenry Fire Dist
  • Long Grove FD
  • Elk Grove Township FD
  • Beech Park FD
  • Zion FD
  • Bloomingdale FD


AEV ambulance Type I

Bloomingdale Fire District ambulance. Alexis photo

AEV ambulance Type I

Zion FD ambulance. Alexis photo

AEV ambulance Type I

North Chicago FD ambulance. Alexis photo

AEV ambulance Type I

McHenry Township FPD ambulance. Alexis photo

AEV ambulance Type I

Long Grove FPD ambulance. Alexis photo

AEV ambulance Type I

Elk Grove Township FD ambulance. Alexis photo

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New area apparatus deliveries

Kevin Griffin found these new area deliveries on the Pierce Flickr site

Byron – Arrow XT pumper/tanker so 27357

Pierce Arrow XT pumper/tanker for Byron

Pierce Arrow XT pumper/tanker for Byron. Pierce composite

Bolingbrook – Pierce Impel PUC engine so 27331

Pierce Impel PUC fire engine

Pierce Impel PUC engine for Bolingbrook Engine 2. Pierce composite

McHenry – Pierce Impel engine so 26553

Pierce Impel fire engine

Pierce Impel engine for McHenry Engine 41. Pierce composite

North Riverside – Pierce Velocity PUC engine so 27595

Pierce Velocity PUC fire engine

New Pierce Velocity PUC for North Riverside Engine 807. Pierce composite

Niles – Pierce Dash CF PUC tower ladder so 27318

Pierce Dash CF tower ladder

Pierce Dash CF PUC tower ladder for Niles Truck 2. Pierce composite

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McHenry FPD 3-Alarm fire 5-11-14

This from Tyler Tobolt:

McHenry Township FPD 3rd Alarm this afternoon at 1304 N Park. There were 2 tower ladders working plusmultiple lines dropped and operating .
Thanks Tyler Tobolt.
flames through building roof

Tyler Tobolt photo

heavy smoke at fire scene

Tyler Tobolt photo

Pierce Impel fire engine

Tyler Tobolt photo

tower ladder with master stream at fire scene

Tyler Tobolt photo

Tyler Tobolt photo

Tyler Tobolt photo

tower ladder with master stream at fire scene

Tyler Tobolt photo

firefighters at fire sene

Tyler Tobolt photo

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Area fire departments receive new units

This from Martin Nowak:

Completion or Delivery Date: 2013-12-31

Series: Aerial Model:100′ Rearmount Platform Chassis: Spartan Gladiator

Specifications: 100′ Rear Mount Platform Harrison 10.0kw Generator Roll Up Doors Aluminum Body

new fire truck for the Palatine Fire Department

Spartan ERV photo

McHenry Township FPD gets new fire engine

New engine for McHenry Township FPD. Pierce composite

new ambulance for the Park Forest FD

New ambulance for Park Forest. Foster Coach photo

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August 2013: website updates 1

The first in a series of updates to the website:

The following departments have had apparatus images updated:

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