From the Pierce Flickr site:
Pierce, Lake Villa Fire Protection District, IL, 39482-1

Pierce composite
Pierce, Lake Villa Fire Protection District, IL,39481-1

Pierce composite
thanks Danny and Martin
Aug 13
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery | 6 Comments
From the Pierce Flickr site:
Pierce, Lake Villa Fire Protection District, IL, 39482-1
Pierce composite
Pierce, Lake Villa Fire Protection District, IL,39481-1
Pierce composite
thanks Danny and Martin
Tags: #Ascendant,, Enforcer, Lake Villa Fire Department, lake Villa Fire Protection District, Lake Villa FPD Engine 242, Lake Villa FPD Tower 242, new engine for Lake Villa, new tower ladder for Lake Villa, Pierce
Mar 31
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos, Fire Truck photos | Comments off
From Jimmy Bolf;
Lake Villa, IL 3rd Alarm House Fire 3/19/24
Tags: 3-Alarm fire in Lake Villa,, Countryside FPD Tender 412, fire scene photos, Grayslake FPD Tender 2767, Greater Round Lake FPD Ambulance 2645, Greater Round Lake FPD Tender 2661 Tender., Jimmy Bolf, Lake Forest FD fire engine, Lake Villa FD Ladder 242, Lake Villa Fire Department, Lake Villa FPD Engine 241, Lake Villa FPD Engine 2444, Lake Zurich FD Engine 323, McHenry Township FPD Tender 72, Newport Township FPD Tender 1464, Nunda Rural FPD Tender 71, Richmond FD Tender 1471, Seagrave fire engine, Spring Grove FPD Tender 1878, Wauconda FD Tanker 341, Waukegan Fire Department
Jul 18
Posted by Admin in Ambulance photos, Fire Department News, New Delivery | 10 Comments
This from Jeff Rudolph:
Lake Villa FPD took delivery of 2 Ford F 550 4×4/AEV ambulances. They will replace the 09 Osage, and the 13 AEV. An additional unit will be purchased in 2018, making all 4 frontline and 1 reserve units identical. Jeff Rudolph
Two new Type I AEV ambulances for the Lake Villa Fire Department. Jeff Rudolph photo
Tags: ambulance photos, Jeff Rudolph, Lake Villa Fire Department, lake Villa Fire Protection District, new AEV Type I ambulance, new ambulance for Lake Villa
Excerpts from the
There were no injuries in an early Tuesday morning fire in Lake Villa that destroyed a single-family home whose owner is out of town, according to Lake Villa Fire Department Chief Frank Slazes.
Investigators with the Lake Villa Fire Department and Lake County Sheriff’s Office are looking to determine the cause and origin of the fire that was called in by neighbors at 12:47 a.m. in the 20600 block of Lakeview Avenue.
“At first, we couldn’t see much because of the fog, but when we rounded the corner, we could see the house was fully involved with fire,” said Slazes.
Tags: Lake Villa Fire Department, Lake Villa Fire Department Chief Frank Slazes
Excerpts from the
“Your house is on fire!” were the words of my neighbor on my wife’s cellphone as we walked to our car at O’Hare International Airport (Jan. 17, 2016).
Instantly my wife got very upset and I tried to calm her by telling her it’s probably a chimney fire and it will be ok. So many calls of concern came in as we drove home, we finally had to turn off the cellphones. The drive to Lindenhurst seemed to take forever.
As we turned into the neighborhood we raced to beat a fire truck coming down the road. I could no longer try to act calm — I had to get there. We turned the corner to reality — reality that our lives are now changed forever.
I think there were four fire trucks, a couple police cars and ambulances strewed throughout the neighborhood, hoses everywhere and people — lots of people. As I got closer I could see our personal items past the broken windows and the charred front door. The smell was nothing I had ever experienced before … actually none of this I had experienced before.
As I walked up, scared to get in the way, I was greeted by neighbors and friends but I kept walking to get a closer look. It was then I was greeted by firemen all working hard to save houses. It about 8 p.m. now, and there was ice, snow, water everywhere. I could see teams of firemen trying to get to the flames. Sounds of a circular saw cutting holes in my home. At the time, I couldn’t figure out why they would cut holes in my walls. Didn’t they realize I’d have a lot of work to do to fix all of this? Didn’t they know how hard it would be fix those holes?
I was greeted by a big fireman named Greg Phillips, who was covered in ice from the water. He greeted me to tell me how sorry he was. He told me the severity of the fire and that my home would be a total loss. He answered every question I had and explained what they struggled with.
When I think of those conversations today, I think about how difficult that has to be, to tell a family their lives will change.
For the next several hours, I watched as the firemen worked in freezing cold temperatures, never once leaving the area. At 2:30 a.m., the fire was out. It was so bad they had to cut my living room floor open to flood my basement to put out the last flames.
As I walked around to thank this dedicated group of guys, I would pat them on their backs and watch as ice slide off their coats. They walked like the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz, they were so frozen. With the temperature now falling to 26 below zero, they struggled to roll their hoses. They couldn’t roll up the hoses like normal because they were so frozen — they called in a pickup truck to come and they just piled the hoses in the best they could.
Slowly these trucks powered down, each man exhausted from the work and the time of day. They had just worked about 10 hours in the freezing cold, putting their lives at risk so my neighbors and I could keep our houses. Yet, each of them, one by one came over to tell me how sorry they were for my loss. They all took a moment to ask about my daughter, who was in the house when the fire started, and to make sure she was OK. These are all people I had never met, yet did so much for my family that night.
Here is what I learned — the Lake Villa Fire Protection District is a force filled with volunteer firefighters. These guys do this because they like the work but they also have other jobs as well. As a volunteer, they don’t do this full time and so when they left my home at 2:30 a.m., they had to rush home to get some sleep before they went to their day-to-day jobs that next morning. Almost like they were never out fighting a big house fire until 2:30 a.m.
There is no way I could ever repay all the neighbors and friends who stood by our side through all of this. One neighbor who I never really knew very well stood out there in the 26-below temperatures with me and made sure I had blankets and jackets to keep me warm. People gave us clothes, donations and offers to do anything that is needed. The Lindenhurst Police department kept vigil on the smoldering ruins and kept the gawkers away — all the officers waving and asking if we are OK. You can’t repay that kind of stuff, but only know that when it’s their turn, you’re there for them as well.
The reason for my story is I took the fire department for granted. My kids loved to see them at the parades because the trucks are cool. Trust me, you only want to see those trucks in a parade but when they are in front of your house — the guys inside them become cool. You don’t plan for fires, they are unexpected, which is why I guess we have our fire departments. I’ve always been a guy who waves during the parade and moves on. I drive by the fire houses all the time and don’t think anything of them.
Not anymore. These guys are volunteers — doing it because they like that work. They work to help us, those who just wave during the parades. They work to save our memories, our families and the things we love. They work so we can sleep at night and wake up in the morning. It sounds silly to say this, but they are my heroes.
My family lost everything in the fire, but the point is these guys didn’t give up. They fought during the worst weather Chicago could throw at them, they worked through personal injury, and yet they all still care enough to keep going.
This weekend is Lake Villa Days, a time when everyone gathers to have fun. I’ve been going there each year for a long time. We go for the good bands, the cold beers and to see friends and have a great night.
This year, I will go for a different reason. The event is sponsored by the Lake Villa Firefighters Association and I’m going to honor the firemen. I’m going to thank every one of these guys I can find. I’m going to find Greg Phillips and thank him along with all the guys who worked so hard to help my family. The guys who work around the clock to make us safe, put their lives at risk and have golden hearts.
I hope that after reading this, you too will go for a different reason. Please take a moment to thank a firefighter if you see them at Lake Villa Days. They are some very special and talented people who deserve more recognition than a wave during a parade.
They are our heroes … trust me.
thanks Dan
Tags: Lake Villa Fire Department, lake Villa Fire Protection District, Steve Galat
Jan 19
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 1 Comment
This from Jeff Rudolph:
Around 8 pm reports of a house on fire in the 2800 block of Glenarye Dr. in Lindenhurst began flooding FoxCom dispatch. Lake Villa FPD units arrived to find a large, two-story home well-involved. Companies went defensive and protected exposures on both sides. Mutual aid from Antioch, Gurnee, and Newport arrived to assist, but with a combination of the high winds, extreme cold temps, and the body of fire found on arrival, the home was a total loss. Exposures on either side recieved minor damage. Jeff Rudolph
Jeff Rudolph photo
Jeff Rudolph photo
Jeff Rudolph photo
Jeff Rudolph photo
Jeff Rudolph photo
Tags: Box Alarm Photography, female firefighter at fire scene, firefighter covered with ice, firemen battle house fire in frigid temperatures, firemen battle house fire in frigid weather, house gutted by fire in Lindenhurst, Jeff Rudolph, Lake Villa Fire Department, lake Villa Fire Protection District, night fire scene photos, winter fire scene
Jun 20
Posted by Admin in Fire Truck photos | Comments off
The annual Fire Safety Expo hosted by the Lake County Fire Chief’s Association was held at Gurnee Mills on Saturday, May 16th.Apparatus from Gurnee, Lake Villa, Waukegan, North Chicago, Newport Township, Fox Lake, Antioch, Grayslake, Libertyville, Lake Forest and numerous other agencies were on site.There were presentations and demonstrations from area fire departments as well as Police K-9, Illinois State Police.
Asher Heimermann photo
Asher Heimermann photo
Asher Heimermann photo
Asher Heimermann photo
Asher Heimermann photo
Asher Heimermann photo
Tags: Antioch FIre Department, Asher Heimermann, Fire Safety Expo hosted by the Lake County Fire Chief's Association was held at Gurnee Mills, fire truck photos, high angle rescue team demonstration, Lake County Fire Expo, Lake Villa Fire Department, lake Villa Fire Protection District, Libertyville Fire Department, Wauconda Fire District, Waukegan FD bomb squad
This from Jeff Rudolph:
The buggy is the new Battalion 24, 2015 Chevy Tahoe
Brush 243 – 2015 Ford F550/ EJ Metals 8-gpm, 2800-psi high-pressure 300/10A
Brush 244 – 2015 Ford F550/ EJ Metals 8-gpm, 2800-psi high-pressure 300/10A
New Chevy Tahoe for Lake Villa Battalion 24. Jeff Rudolph photo
New Ford/EJ Metals brush units for the Lake Villa Fire Department. Jeff Rudolph photo
New Ford/EJ Metals brush unit for the Lake Villa Fire Department. Jeff Rudolph photo
New Ford/EJ Metals brush unit for the Lake Villa Fire Department. Jeff Rudolph photo
Tags: Chevy Tahoe for fire chief, EJ Metals, Jeff Rudolph, Lake Villa Fire Department, new brush unit for Crete Fire Department
Mar 18
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Service Photos | Comments off
Images from Tim Olk of a garage fire on Rt59 south of Grand in Lake Villa
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tim Olk photo
Tags: garage fire in Lake Villa, Lake Villa Fire Department, Lake Villa Fire District, Tim Olk
Nov 2
Posted by Admin in Ambulance photos, Fire Department News, FIre Stations | Comments off
This from jeff Rudolph:
Here’s an update on Lake Villa Station 4. The engine is the Arrow XT E244, here’s a shot of the ambulance and station, and move the 89/90 Mack/Pierce here as Reserve E244
Lake Villa Station 4. Jeff Rudolph photo
Lake Villa Ambulance 244. Jeff Rudolph photo
Tags: ambulance picture, Jeff Rudolph, Lake Villa Fire Department, Lake Villa Fire District, Lake Villa Fire Station 4, new fire station
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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