Posts Tagged HME Ahrens Fox

New engine and tanker for the Inverness FPD (more)

This from Larry Shapiro:

On January 30th, the Inverness FPD placed their new 2024 HME 1871 customer pumper, Engine 36 in service.; #InvernessFPD; #response; #Engine36; #HME;

From the Inverness FPD on Facebook

Last Thursday, February 20th, they placed Tender 36, a 2024 HME 1871 Ahrens Fox 3000-gallon tanker in service. The tanker ran it’s first fire early this morning responding on the 5th Alarm to assist the Pingree Grove & Countryside FPD  for fire in a barn at 42 W827 Plank Rd.; #larryshapiro;;; #FireTruck; #HME; #AhrensFox; #InvernessFPD; #firestation; #1871;

Larry Shapiro photo

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New squad for Elk Grove Village

This from Scott Peterson:

Elk Grove village new Squad 7 – 2015 HME/Aherns Fox EVO on a Ford 550 Turbo diesel chassis (purchased as a stock unit). Hale 1,500-fpm pump, 400 gallons of water, and 17 gallons class B foam

In-service next week

Scott Peterson

HME EVO mini pumper

Scott Peterson photo

HME EVO mini pumper

Scott Peterson photo

HME EVO mini pumper

Scott Peterson photo

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Oak Park updated

The Oak Park Fire Department has three stations and is a member of  MABAS Division 11. Oak Park runs three ambulances, all of which run out of Station 1. They staff an engine in Stations 2 & 3 with a 104′ tower ladder quint running out of Station 1. Oak Park also houses several MABAS assets. They have the Division 11 Air Unit, the Division 11 TRT Squad, and a MABAS supply trailer.

Several images are missing from the station pages and will be forthcoming.

Oak Park Fire Department headquarters Station 1

Oak Park Fire Department headquarters Station 1. Larry Shapiro photo

Oak Park Fire Department Ambulance 614

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Steger Estates is added to the site

Karl Klotz provided images of another department in MABAS Division  27. The Steger Estates Fire Protection District is a volunteer department working out of one station at 23940 S. Kings Road in Crete. They have an ambulance, a tanker, an engine, and a brush rig.

The newest piece is a 2005 HME/SFO/Ahrens Fox pumper tanker. They also run an E-ONE engine on a Freightliner chassis and one of the remaining E-ONE ambulances in the area.

Steger Estates FPD HME Ahrens Fox pumper tanker

Steger Estates FPD ambulance

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Box Alarm in Burnham 4-30

The Burnham Fire Department received calls yesterday reporting a fire in a 3-story apartment building at 14000 S. Torrence Avenue. First arriving companies found heavy smoke on the first floor and upgraded the alarm to a MABAS Box Alarm. Mutual aid companies from several neighboring departments responded including Calumet City, Dolton, South Holland, and Munster Indiana. The fire was knocked down in fairly short order and no injuries were reported.

Tim Olk took in the fire, and though he arrived after the fire was put out, he submitted several images of the scene and the apparatus that responded.

Burnham Box Alarm at 14000 S Torrence 4-30-11

Firefighters relax after knocking down an apartment fire on Saturday at 14000 S Torrence Avenue. Tim Olk photo

Burnham Box Alarm at 14000 S Torrence 4-30-11

Calumet City Truck 309 was positioned in the 'A' Sector and supported hand lines. Tim Olk photo

Burnham Box Alarm at 14000 S Torrence 4-30-11

Burnham Engine 2014, a 2007 HME Ahrens Fox was the first engine on the scene. Tim Olk photo

Burnham Box Alarm at 14000 S Torrence 4-30-11

South Holland Engine 665, built by Smeal on an HME chassis was due to assist Burnham. Tim Olk photo

Burnham Box Alarm at 14000 S Torrence 4-30-11

Burnham Engine 2016, a 1996 HME SFO Luverne was staged down the street from the fire building. Tim Olk photo

Burnham Box Alarm at 14000 S Torrence 4-30-11

The Munster Indiana Fire Department is a member of MABAS Division 24 and was due on the Box with their Truck 2221, an American LaFrance/LTI tower ladder. Tim Olk photo

Burnham Box Alarm at 14000 S Torrence 4-30-11

The Third District Fire Chief's Association canteen unit was on the scene to assist with rehab. Tim Olk photo

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Cicero (IL) 2nd Alarm fire 2-12-11

Cicero Fire Department 2-11 alarm fire 35th Street 2-12-11

A 2-11 Alarm fire in Cicero on Saturday began in one of the second floor apartments and found its way into the flooring which ran under all of the units. Larry Shapiro photo

Cicero fire companies responded to a fire at 5927 W. 35th Street Saturday afternoon. They found a two-story, 200×50 building with retail stores on the round floor and apartment units above. The fire was reported in one of the second floor units and extended into the wooden floor which was built up over a concrete sub-floor. The fire travel

Cicero Fire Department 2-11 alarm fire 35th Street 2-12-11

Oak Park Engine 603 responded with one of their two new twin 2010 HME Ahrens Fox pumpers. Larry Shapiro photo

led laterally through the floor to the adjacent units and proved difficult to access. A Box Alarm was requested for mutual aid companies almost immediately which was upgraded to a 2nd Alarm sometime later as the challenging task of getting at all of the fire increased. Mutual aid came from Stickney, Berwyn, North Riverside, Oak Park, Forest Park, Lyons, and Bedford Park. Many companies with multiple saws went to work in the apartments to remove floor sections so firefighters could get at and extinguish the fire. All of the residents were able to escape unharmed, but two Cicero firefighters suffered minor injuries.

Cicero Fire Department 2-11 alarm fire 35th Street 2-12-11

The fire traveling underneath the wooden floor boards produced very smoky conditions for Lyons firefighters seen here on the second floor balcony. Larry Shapiro photo

Cicero Fire Department 2-11 alarm fire 35th Street 2-12-11

A Cicero firefighter gets some fresh air after working inside one of the apartments charged with smoke. Larry Shapiro photo

Tim Olk, Steve Redick, and Larry Shapiro took in the fire and have photographs and video to share. A gallery of images by Larry Shapiro can be viewed HERE.

The Chicago Tribune has a brief article HERE.

Fire investigators believe the fire started upstairs in one of the apartments. Officials do not believe the orgins of the fire were suspicious but Hanania said officials will continue their investigation on Sunday.

The Chicago Sun-Times has a brief article HERE.

The fire began about 1:30 p.m. at 5927 W. 35th St. in a building that includes eight apartments and six storefronts. It was then raised to a 2-11 alarm, according to town spokesman Ray Hanania. The fire began in an upstairs apartment.

Cicero Fire Department 2-11 alarm fire 35th Street 2-12-11

All four of Cicero's E-ONE units are visible in this shot looking east on 35th Street from the fire building. Larry Shapiro photo

Cicero Fire Department 2-11 alarm fire 35th Street 2-12-11

Stickney Engine 1201, a 2007 HME Ahrens Fox had two pre-connects off. Larry Shapiro photo

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Oak Park receives engines

The two HME Ahrens Fox engines have been delivered to Oak Park. When equipment mounting and graphics are completed we’ll post photos of the units. We posted construction photos of the rigs HERE.

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