This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:
Here is an updated shot of Thornton Engine 45. It’s a 1996 HME 1871/Custom Fire 1500/500/50′ Tele-Squrt. x-T747 that used to be green.

Chi-Town Fire Photos
This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:
Here is an updated shot of Thornton Engine 45. It’s a 1996 HME 1871/Custom Fire 1500/500/50′ Tele-Squrt. x-T747 that used to be green.
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Tags: #firetruck, chi-town fire photos,,, Custom Fire Apparatus, HME 1871 chassis, HME/Custom Fire/TeleSqurt, Thornton FD Engine 45, Thornton FIre Department
Dec 28
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery | 8 Comments
From the Alexis Fire Equipment website:
1800-GALLON TANKER #2338
YEAR: 2019
MAKE: Alexis Fire Equipment
MODEL: Tanker
CHASSIS: HME 1871w MFD Chassis
FEATURE: Electric Ladder Rack
Alexis Fire Equipment photo
Alexis Fire Equipment photo
Alexis Fire Equipment photo
thanks Al
Tags: Alexis Fire Equipment, fire truck photos, FOX RIVER & COUNTRYSIDE FIRE RESCUE DISTRICT Tanker 1814, HME 1871 chassis, HME 1871w MFD Chassis, new engine for the Fox River Countryside FPD
May 6
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery | 3 Comments
This from Bill Fricker:
Here’s a photo of the new Engine Co. 3 in Rochelle, IL EnjoyEngine Co. 3 – 2016 HME / Alexis ( S/N 2268 ) 1500-gpm /750-gbt Bill Fricker Photo
Rochelle Engine Co. 3 – 2016 HME / Alexis ( S/N 2268 ) 1500-gpm /750-gbt Bill Fricker Photo
Tags: Alexis Fire Apparatus, Alexis Fire Equipment, Bill Fricker, HME 1871 chassis, new fire engine for Rochelle, Rochelle Fire District
Mar 24
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Truck photos | Comments off
This from Dylan Konchan:
Call came in at 15:42hrs for a house fire, with people trapped on a balcony. Also one dog was still inside the house. Police got on scene reporting a fire in sector 3. Squad 32 got on scene and dropped a line, while Truck 35 made the rescue in the rear of the building. The fire was knocked quickly.
Dylan Konchan photo
Dylan Konchan photo
Dylan Konchan photo
Dylan Konchan photo
Dylan Konchan photo
Dylan Konchan photo
Dylan Konchan photo
Tags: Alexis fire engine, Dylan Konchan, HME 1871 chassis, house fire in Richton Park, Matteson Fire Department, Park Forest Fire Department, Richton Park Fire Department, vent holes in roof for house fire
Mar 6
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Fire Truck photos, Historic fire apparatus | 2 Comments
This from Martin Nowak:
I’ve talked with Squad546, who has allowed me to submit these pictures. I’ll have several posts within the next few months. For now I’d like to show some CFD truck companies over the years.
Former Tower Ladder 5 – 1988 Federal/E-One 95′Former Tower Ladder 14 -1996 HME/LTI 102′Former Truck (Aerial Tower) 1 – 1988 Federal/E-One 135′Former Truck 2 – 1988 Federal/E-One 110′Former Truck 33 – 1993 Seagrave 100′Former Truck 34 – 1970 Ward LaFrance Grove 100′Former Truck 62, then Truck 8 after the 1994 rehab. Pictured as a spare. 1978 Seagrave 100′
Former Tower Ladder 5 – 1988 Federal/E-One 95′. Squad546 photo
Former Tower Ladder 14 -1996 HME/LTI 102′. Squad546 photo
Former Truck (Aerial Tower) 1 – 1988 Federal/E-One 135′. Squad546 photo
Former Truck 2 – 1988 Federal/E-One 110′. Squad546 photo
Former Truck 33 – 1993 Seagrave 100′. Squad546 photo
Former Truck 34 – 1970 Ward LaFrance Grove 100′. Squad 546 photo
Former Truck 62, then Truck 8 after the 1994 rehab. Pictured as a spare. 1978 Seagrave 100′. Squad546 photo
Tags: 102'' LTI tower ladder, 1970 Ward LaFrance Grove ladder for Chicago, Chicago FD Truck 2 history, Chicago Fire Department apparatus history, Chicago Fire Department history, E-ONE Hurricane, E-ONE tower ladder, fire department history, historical photos of Chicago Fire Department, HME 1871 chassis, Martin Nowak, photos by Squad546, Seagrave aerial, Seagrave fire trucks, Ward LaFrance Ambassador, Ward LaFrance Grove aerial, Ward LaFrance in the CFD
Jan 9
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire, Fire Truck photos, Firefighters working | Comments off
Images from the Barrington Box Alarm from Larry Shapiro.
Wauconda and East Dundee tankers fill the portable tanks. Larry Shapiro photo
The water supply officer manages the tankers dumping into the portable tanks. Larry Shapiro photo
Forest Preserve sign for the property. Larry Shapiro photo
Many fire engines line Penny Road as firefighters finish up at the scene. Larry Shapiro photo
Firefighters begin to reload multiple lengths of hose onto the engine. Larry Shapiro photo
Carpentersville firefighters work a line. Larry Shapiro photo
Firefighters douse the smoldering ruins with Class A foam. Larry Shapiro photo
White smoke shows the location of the former barn. Larry Shapiro photo
Barrington engine drafting from the portable dump tanks. Larry Shapiro photo
Arlington Heights’ new Ambulance 1. Larry Shapiro photo
Two large water tankers on custom HME chassis. Larry Shapiro photo
More images are available to view HERE.
Tags: Arlington Heights Fire Department, barn fire in Barrington Hills, Barrington & Countryside Fire Protection District, Barrington Box Alarm, Barrington Fire Department, Bartlett & Countryside Fire Protection District, Carpentersville Fire Department, Class A foam used at fire, Cook County Forest Preserve District barn burns, East Dundee Fire Protection District, elliptical tanker fire engine, fire scene with tanker operations, fire scene with water tender operations, fire tender shuttle, firefighters pack hose, HME 1871 chassis, Larry Shapiro, new ambulances for Arlington Heights Fire, tanker shuttle, tanker shuttle at fire scene, vacant barn burns in Barrington Hills, video of rural firefighting tanker operations, Wauconda Fire Department, Wauconda Fire District
This from Martin Nowak:
Here’s a look at the front line rigs of the Willow Springs Fire Department. I am hoping to get better pictures soon. Engine 1911 a KME/Luverne. Ambulance 1914 a 1997-2002 Ford E-450/Road Rescue
Martin Nowak photo
Martin Nowak photo
Martin Nowak photo
Tags: fire engine photos, fire truck photos, HME 1871 chassis, Luverne Fire Apparatus, Martin Nowak, pictures of fire trucks, Road Rescue Ambulance, Willow Springs Fire Department
Scott Peterson submitted a few images he recently took of Palatine Rural Tender 36 and Rolling Meadows Engine 16.
Palatine Rural Tender 36 was built by US Tank in 1988 on an HME 1871 chassis. It carries 3,200 gallons of water and has a 1,250-GPM pump. Scott Peterson photo
Rolling Meadows Engine 16 is a 2004 American LaFrance Eagle with a 1,500-GPM pump, 750 gallons of water and two 30-gallon foam tanks. Scott Peterson photo
The officer's side of Rolling Meadows Engine 16. Scott Peterson photo
Tags: 3200 gallon pumper tanker, American LaFrance Eagle, American LaFrance engine, HME 1871 chassis, Palatine Rural Fire Department, Palatine Rural Tanker 36, Rolling Meadows Engine 16, Rolling Meadows Fire Department, Scott Peterson, US Tank
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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