Posts Tagged Chicago Fire Department apparatus history

Chicago Fire Department: Engine Companies over the years. Part 1

Another installment of CFD apparatus images:

More on the CFD apparatus history, engines companies over the years. Thanks to Squad546 for allowing me to use these pictures. I thought it would be nice to put the Ford/E-Ones together.

Former Engine 5 – 1982 Ford/E-One, returning from a run in 1995.
Former Engine 8 – 1982 Ford/E-One, headed out on a run in 1995.
Former Engine 13 – 1982 Ford/E-One.
Former Engine 61 – 1982 Ford/E-One. At one time was one of the busiest engine companies in the country. They recently closed it & now it serves as an EMS Field Division office.
Former Engine 78 – 1976 Ford/Pierce after a refurb.
Former Engine 113 – 1982 Ford/E-One.
Former Engine 127 (Midway Airport) – 1982 Ford/E-One  (Never seen a deck gun like this one -Martin)
Former E13 – 1982 Ford/E-One running as a spare for Engine 42, taken 1996.
Chicago FD Engine 5 Ford E-ONE

Former Engine 5 – 1982 Ford/E-One, returning from a run in 1995. Photo by Squad546

Chicago FD Engine 8 Ford E-ONE

Former Engine 8 – 1982 Ford/E-One, headed out on a run in 1995. photo by Squad546

Chicago FD Engine 13 Ford E-ONE

Former Engine 13 – 1982 Ford/E-One. Photo by Squad546

Chicago FD Ford E-ONE engine

Former E13 – 1982 Ford/E-One running as a spare for Engine 42, taken 1996. Photo by Squad546

Chicago FD Engine 61 Ford E-ONE

Former Engine 61 – 1982 Ford/E-One. At one time was one of the busiest engine companies in the country. They recently closed it & now it serves as an EMS Field Division office. Photo by Squad546

Chicago FD Engine 127 Ford E-ONE

Former Engine 127 (Midway Airport) – 1982 Ford/E-One.Photo by Squad546

Chicago FD Engine 113 Ford E-ONE

Former Engine 113 – 1982 Ford/E-One. Photo by Squad546

Chicago FD Engine 78 Ford Pierce

Former Engine 78 – 1976 Ford/Pierce after a refurb. Photo by Squad546


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Chicago Fire Department: Truck Companies over the years. Part 3

Another set of Squad546 images from Martin Nowak:

More on the Truck companies over the years at CFD. Thanks to Squad546 for allowing me to post these.

Former Tower Ladder 10 -1985 Federal-E-One 95′
Former Truck 4, 1970 Seagrave (refurbished in 1991) headed out on a still alarm.
Truck 18 – 1995 Seagrave 100′ 
Former Truck 20 – 1969 Seagrave before removal of the booster pump & line.
Former Truck 35 – 1967 FWD/Seagrave, formerly Truck 9.
Former Truck 52’s 1975 Seagrave 100′ in the early 1980s
Chicago FD Tower Ladder 10

Former Tower Ladder 10 -1985 Federal-E-One 95′. photo by Squad546

Chicago FD Truck 4 Seagrave aerial

Former Truck 4, 1970 Seagrave (refurbished in 1991) headed out on a still alarm. photo by Squad546

Chicago FD Truck 18 Seagrave aerial

Truck 18 – 1995 Seagrave 100′ . photo by Squad546

Chicago FD Truck 20 Seagrave aerial

Former Truck 20 – 1969 Seagrave before removal of the booster pump & line. photo by Squad546

Chicago FD Truck 35 FWD Seagrave aerial

Former Truck 35 – 1967 FWD/Seagrave, formerly Truck 9. photo by Squad546

Chicago FD Truck 52 Seagrave aerial

Former Truck 52’s 1975 Seagrave 100′ in the early 1980s. photo by Squad546

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Chicago Fire Department: Truck Companies over the years. Part 2

More from Martin Nowak:

More on the Truck companies over the years at CFD. Thanks to Squad546 for allowing me to post these.

Former Truck 1’s old Hendrickson/Pierce/Morita 135′, after having the “elevator” removed.
Former Truck 5 – 1972 Mack/Pirsch.
Former Truck 12 – 1982 Hendrickson/E-One 100′
Former Truck 16’s 1978 Seagrave 100′
Former Truck 19 – 1988 E-One/Federal 110′
Former Truck 24’s 1970 Seagrave, refurbished in 1990
Former Truck 42 1982 E-One/Hendrickson
Chicago Truck 1 Hendrickson Pierce Morita

Former Truck 1’s old Hendrickson/Pierce/Morita 135′, after having the “elevator” removed. photo by Squad546

Chicago Truck 5 Mack CF Pirsch

Former Truck 5 – 1972 Mack/Pirsch. photo by Squad546

Chicago FD Truck 12 Hendrickson E-ONE

Former Truck 12 – 1982 Hendrickson/E-One 100′. photo by Squad546

Chicago Truck 16 Seagrave rear-mount aerial

Former Truck 16’s 1978 Seagrave 100′. photo by Squad546

Chicago Truck 19 E-ONE aerial

Former Truck 19 – 1988 E-One/Federal 110′. photo by Squad546

Chicago Truck 24 Seagrave rear-mount aerial

Former Truck 24’s 1970 Seagrave, refurbished in 1990. photo by Squad546

Chicago FD Truck 42 Hendrickson E-ONE

Former Truck 42 1982 E-One/Hendrickson. photo by Squad546

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Chicago Fire Department: Truck Companies over the years. Part 1

This from Martin Nowak:

I’ve talked with Squad546, who has allowed me to submit these pictures. I’ll have several posts within the next few months. For now I’d like to show some CFD truck companies over the years.

Former Tower Ladder 5 – 1988 Federal/E-One 95′
Former Tower Ladder 14 -1996 HME/LTI 102′
Former Truck (Aerial Tower) 1 – 1988 Federal/E-One 135′
Former Truck 2 – 1988 Federal/E-One 110′
Former Truck 33 – 1993 Seagrave 100′
Former Truck 34 – 1970 Ward LaFrance Grove 100′
Former Truck 62, then Truck 8 after the 1994 rehab. Pictured as a spare. 1978 Seagrave 100′
Chicago FD E-ONE tower ladder

Former Tower Ladder 5 – 1988 Federal/E-One 95′. Squad546 photo

Chicago FD Tower Ladder 14 HME LTI

Former Tower Ladder 14 -1996 HME/LTI 102′. Squad546 photo

Chicago Fire Department 135' aerial ladder Truck 1

Former Truck (Aerial Tower) 1 – 1988 Federal/E-One 135′. Squad546 photo

Chicago Fire Department 100' aerial ladder Truck 2 E-ONE

Former Truck 2 – 1988 Federal/E-One 110′. Squad546 photo

Chicago FD ladder truck Seagrave

Former Truck 33 – 1993 Seagrave 100′. Squad546 photo

Chicago Fire Department Ward LaFrance Grove ladder truck

Former Truck 34 – 1970 Ward LaFrance Grove 100′. Squad 546 photo


Chicago FD Seagrave ladder truck

Former Truck 62, then Truck 8 after the 1994 rehab. Pictured as a spare. 1978 Seagrave 100′. Squad546 photo



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Chicago FD History – Morita 135′ Ladder

This from Bill Friedrich on the one-of-a-kind 135′ Hendrickson/Pierce/Morita ladder in Chicago

Here is a shot of Truck 2’s old house at 540 W.  Washington Blvd.  Truck 2  was scheduled to get the new Hendrickson/Pierce/Morita that did not fit.    I am also attaching photos of (EF-197), the 1974 Hendrickson – Pierce – Morita Aerial Lift  (Pierce # 8276-C). You have a good view of the aerial itself as well as the ground ladder storage.   I am also sending a parade photo showing where the ff’s rode on the back step.
When they realized the height of the ladder would not fit the doors, they exchanged rigs with Truck 1 (EF-192), a  1972 Alfco 1000 Series Ladder Chief.
I am trying to locate a shot of the company showing Hook & Ladder 2.
Chicago Fire Department Truck 1 Morita Ladder

Chicago Truck 1 (EF-197), a 1974 Hendrickson 1871/Pierce/Morita 135’Ladder. BIll Friedrich photo

Chicago Fire Department Truck 1 Morita Ladder

Chicago Truck 1 (EF-197), a 1974 Hendrickson 1871/Pierce/Morita Ladder. BIll Friedrich photo

Chicago Fire Department fire house for Truck 2

Truck 2’s house at 540 W. Washington Boulevard. Bill Friedrich photo

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Chicago FD Turret Wagon History (pt7)

More on the history of turret wagons in the Chicago Fire Department.

This from Steve Redick

I was surfing through my collection..kinda bored cause I haven’t shot any fire photos in a while. I found this shot and thought I would share it because it’s relevant to our recent turret wagon photos. I am not sure of the source of this photo..might be a CFD negative..I do know it is not one I took. A few interesting things to see…truck 2 is using an old Mack magirus and you can see how they had to use a ground ladder to ascend to the main ladder…really gotta wonder what the designers were thinking there…and ya gotta wonder even more why the heck did CFD buy these??!!!!??? Prominently in the photo is the original “Big Mo”..turret wagon with lots of lines hooked up and sporting the CD paint job of white over blue. This thing changed paint schemes like a chameleon changes colors.The other detail I could pick out was what I remember as snorkel 4…it had a stripping ladder mounted on the boom, easily accessible from the basket. Snorkels weren’t just elevated master streams..before tower ladders they did lots of regular truck work too. The fire is downtown somewhere and I estimate the time frame as the mid 70s..anyone recognize this location??
This stuff is way cool…any comments will be shared!!

Chicago Fire Department Turret Wagon Big Mo

Turret Wagon Big Mo at work at a large fire in Chicago. Photographer unknown.

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Vintage CFD fire apparatus photo

From the collection of Bill Friedrich:

CFD Engine 13, 209 N Dearborn, 1953 FWD  1000-gpm, Shop #D-268.  Assigned Feb.23, 1954.
Chicago Fire Department vintage apparatus photo historic photo FWD engine

Engine 13 shown here was on a 1953 FWD conventional chassis with a 1,000-GPM pump and no water tank. Bill Friedrich collection

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CFD B-Model Mack engine

This from Dennis McGuire, Jr.

Here are some pictures of a 1956 Mack B-Model I recently found in Calumet City in March of 2012.
The rig carries CFD  Shop# D-307, Serial# B95F-1042.
It’s CFD history is as follows:
    Delivered: 3-16-1956
    Engine 27: 6-8-1956 to 2-18-1963
    Engine 25: 2-18-1963 to 12-19-1969
    Engine 8: 1-1-1970 to 7-27-1970
    Engine 92: 11-25-1970 to 7-12-1973
    Engine 76: 12-31-1973 to 2-5-1976
    Engine 56: 1-26-1976 to 1-13-1977
rusting  Chicago Fire Department Mack B-95 fire engine

Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

rusting  Chicago Fire Department Mack B-95 fire engine

Officer’s side. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

rusting  Chicago Fire Department Mack B-95 fire engine

Driver’s side, cab interior. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

rusting  Chicago Fire Department Mack B-95 fire engine

Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

rusting  Chicago Fire Department Mack B-95 fire engine

Mack production plate. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

rusting  Chicago Fire Department Mack B-95 fire engine

Cab interior, officer’s side. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

rusting  Chicago Fire Department Mack B-95 fire engine

Double front bumper. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

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A Commentary: CFD apparatus history – part 3 of 3

Part 3 of a commentary by Bill Post on the Chicago Fire Department history: Part 1 can be found HERE and Part 2 can be found HERE.

While Fire Commissioner Quinn did put the six Flying Manpower Squads in service, he (understandably) decided to keep Snorkel Squad 1 in service. Instead, Snorkel 2 was taken out of service and less then a year before the Maatman Report recommendations were implemented, five additional salvage squads were put in service.  When the Flying Manpower Squads were put in service during 1969, Salvage Squad 1 (the squad that the consultant wanted retained) was taken out of service on May 1, 1969. That was the day that Flying Manpower Squad 4 was put in service; in fact they went in service using Salvage Squad 1’s 1954 AutoCar Squad.
Rescue 3 (the remnants of Snorkel Squad 3) also went out of service on that day. While the 1968 Maatman report was released in November of 1968 and the recommended six Flying Manpower Squads were all in service by November of 1969, Fire Commissioner Bob Quinn hadn’t acted to take Snorkel 6 out of service and he hadn’t even moved Snorkel 4 from Engine 25 to Engine 67. The south side still had more then one Snorkel assigned to it despite Snorkel 2 going out of service in February of 1969.
On March 9, 1970, Truck 31 was relocated out of Engine 104’s south loop fire station to a new station on the far southwest side. Snorkel 4 was relocated from Engine 25 to Engine 104 on the same day. On July 7, 1970, the brick wall of a multi-story vacant factory (in the 1700 block of north Ashland Avenue) collapsed on Snorkel 7 as they were pouring water on the smoldering ruins from a 5-11 alarm fire the previous day. Snorkel 7 was a total loss, and Firefighter Jack Walsh eventually succumbed to injuries sustained during the collapse. Snorkel 7 was never replaced and Snorkel 5 was the remaining Snorkel on the north side of Chicago.
Several months later, early in 1971, the fire department’s consultant Gerald Maatman released a follow-up progress report and review of the fire department’s compliance with the 1968 report. While many of the recommendations contained in the 1968 report had been followed, a few items had not been administered. Since Fire Commissioner Quinn had opted to keep Snorkel Squad 1 in service and instead took Snorkel 2 and Salvage Squad 1 out of service, the consultant recommended that Snorkel Squad 1 be relocated to Engine 5’s house.
Snorkel Squad 1 wasn’t relocated and stayed at 1044 N. Orleans despite the recommendation. So Commissioner Quinn not only kept Snorkel Squad 1 in service, but he kept it in the original location (as long as he was the fire commissioner). The 1971 Maatman report did recommend that a 7th Flying Manpower Squad be put in service at Engine 108’s quarters on the far northwest side. Flying Manpower Squad 5 (as it would be known) was supposed to cover the far northwest side from Engine 7 and Truck 58’s house. It was never located there but instead had been put in service at Engine 114’s old station at Fullerton and Central Park. This was really too far southeast to adequately cover the far northwest side.
Chicago’s Flying Manpower Squads were all using old pumpers from the 1950s and late 1940s, and really weren’t carrying much squad-type equipment as was recommended in the 1968 report. The consultant had made specific recommendations as to exactly the types of and amounts of equipment that the Flying Manpower Squads should be carrying and had even included general specifications as to what type of apparatus they should be using.
There were still six Salvage Squads that were in service and the consultant had recommended that Salvage Squads 6 and 7 be taken out of service as they were in areas that were normally covered by the Flying Squads, which was redundant.
Last but not least, two truck companies (43 and 46) that had been recommended in the previous reports to be taken out of service were still active. The space that these were occupying had been recommended in 1968 to have Snorkel companies. Once again, it was recommend that these two trucks be taken out of service.
Snorkel 4 was supposed to be relocated to Engine 67 (Truck 46) and Snorkel 7 was supposed to have been relocated to Engine 110 (Truck 43) along with Flying Squad 6. Snorkel 4 couldn’t be relocated as long as those two trucks were in service. On November 16, 1971, Trucks 46 and 43 were finally taken out of service and Snorkel 6 was relocated from Engine 46 on the southeast side to Engine 110 on the north side. Snorkel 6 was originally recommended to be taken out of service, but since Snorkel 7 was destroyed in July of 1970, Snorkel 6 was relocated instead.
Snorkel 4 wasn’t relocated to Engine 67 until June of 1972 however. After June of 1972, not only was Snorkel 3 the only Snorkel left on the south side, but Snorkel 4, which had been in the south loop and was second-due on the south side, was now much further away since they were now on the far west side. It was ironic that now there were two Snorkels on the north side, one on the west side, and only one on the south side. There were no Snorkels downtown, unless you counted Snorkel Squad 1 with their 50-foot Snorkel on the near north side. To be fair about it, Snorkel 5 was located in a high fire frequency area back then and Snorkel 6 was also just west of a high fire frequency zone.
Since the south side was so far away from a second Snorkel company, Snorkel 5 was automatically relocated to Snorkel 3 on a Still and Box Alarm when Snorkel 3 was due on it. Snorkel 5 wasn’t relocated to Engine 5 (from Engine 57) until about two and a half years later in January of 1975. This at least brought them closer to the south side by putting them in the west loop. Two years later in 1977, Snorkel 5 was once again relocated, this time to the west side at Engine 23’s house. It wasn’t until April of 1981 that the south side had regained a second Snorkel. The new Snorkel 4 (using Snorkel Squad 1’s 1975 Hendrickson Pierce 55-foot Snorkel) was put in service at Engine 123’s station.
One month later, Snorkel 3 was renumbered as Snorkel 5 (to match the new fire district that it was assigned to) and was relocated to Engine 72’s station. In May of 1981, each Snorkel was renumbered and relocated to match each of the five new fire districts where they located. The new districts had replaced the seven old fire divisions on April 11,1981. Snorkel 5 became Snorkel 1, Snorkel 4 became Snorkel 2, Snorkel 6 became Snorkel 3, Snorkel 4 was a new company, and Snorkel 3 become Snorkel 5. Snorkel Squad 1 had been taken out of service on Oct 3, 1980.
So Mike, Commissioner Quinn had literally saved Snorkel Squad 1 and kept them from going out of service in 1969, and he did delay relocating some of the other Snorkels, but after Snorkel 7 was destroyed he had to relocate Snorkel 6 to the north side. Once again the city didn’t want to hire more firefighters to properly staff all of the fire companies after 1967, so Gerald Maatman the consultant was told to find a way to run the fire department on the same budget without having to hire more men.
Some of his recommendations were good which included adding useful equipment like K-12 saws and ladder pipes to trucks, and multi-versals to engines. He also recommended that air masks be put on the engines and trucks, which the CFD was extremely slow in doing. This didn’t really occur until the late 1970s and early 1980s. On some of the basic concepts, the CFD was way behind other fire departments.
Most of the new fire stations that were built in the 1970s were due to recommendations of the report. Engine 70 and Truck 47’s new house was recommended by Maatman in 1968. If the city would have been willing to hire more firefighters, then the report wouldn’t have had to organize four-man company districts and recommend that special companies be cut. By the way, did you know that in 1968, the last full year that Snorkel Squad 3 and Snorkel Squad 2 were in service, they were the busiest companies in Chicago. Snorkel Squad 3 had 5,952 incidents and Snorkel Squad 2 had gone out on 5,117 runs.
This wasn’t bad when you consider that Snorkel Squad 3 hadn’t been running with a Snorkel since January of 1967 and Snorkel Squad 2 had also stopped running with a Snorkel by mid 1968. In those years, all the styles of squads that Chicago had been running with were automatically dispatched to still alarms with the engines and trucks. They didn’t wait for a confirmation of a working fire, so there were an awful lot of “hold the squad” messages and squad turn backs.
As the Snorkel Squads were the only rigs with the K-12 saws, multi-versals, and back mounted air masks, you would have all three of the Snorkel Squads respond on the same 2-11 alarms citywide. In 1967 and 1968 they first started putting power saws on the truck companies and multi-versals on the engines, so there was less of a dependence on the Snorkel Squads for that basic type of equipment. Air masks weren’t put on engines and trucks until the latter half of the 1970s.

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A Commentary: CFD apparatus history – part 2 of 3

Part 2 of a commentary by Bill Post on the Chicago Fire Department history: Part 1 can be found HERE.

Mike, I too felt that it was ridiculous for the Chicago Fire Department to be running with a ‘Snorkel Squad 3’ for over 2 years without a Snorkel assigned to it. Only for the last few months before going out of service did they correctly re-designate Snorkel Squads 2 and 3 as Rescues 2 and 3. There was a reason for that however. The simple answer would be to say that it was recommended by a consultant study known as the Maatman Report. This was only partially true as ultimately the city didn’t want to spend the money that was necessary to keep fire companies in service and to provide adequate staffing.
The City of Chicago had hired a consultant who was the head of the Illinois Institute of Technology’s Fire Science program by the name of Gerald Maatman. He also headed the National Loss Control Service Corporation. The City of Chicago had first hired him in 1963 to do a comprehensive study of the Chicago Fire Department, which included the fire stations, their locations, and the distribution of Chicago’s fire companies. The study was done in part to help Chicago raise the AIA fire insurance rating to a Class 2, which it achieved the following year. For your information, the AIA now is known as ISO and was originally known as the National Board of Fire Underwriters. The 1963/64 Maatman study was really quite good. It recommended that many new fire stations be built and that fire companies from the center city be relocated to the outlying areas of the city that had poor fire station coverage.
While there were some companies that he did recommend be taken of service, there were also some companies that he recommended to be moved into the new fire stations. He didn’t recommend any manpower reductions on the companies, plus there were even a few select fire companies that he had recommended to have a 6th man added. The report recommended that 16 engines be taken out of service from a total of 120 engines that were still in service, and that three new truck companies be added to the 60 that were in service. No Snorkels, Snorkel Squads, or squad companies were recommended to be taken out of service. Five years later (in 1968) another Maatman Report was commissioned by the city, however this time the recommendations were quite a bit different from the first (1963) report.
First let me tell you what had changed. In 1967, the Chicago Fire Department had given firefighters an additional day off (in other words they agreed to further reduce their working hours). However, the city refused to hire more men or increase the number of firefighter positions to reflect the reduction in hours. By 1967, two of the squad companies had been out of service for a few years. Squad 12 was taken out of service in 1964 to create Truck 62. Squad 7 was taken out of service in 1965 to create Snorkel Squad 3. In December of 1966 and February of 1967, Squads 1 and 2 had become Salvage Squads 1 and 2. That really wasn’t a big change as both stayed at their same locations and even had the same apparatus. They were given more salvage covers and would respond citywide on 2-11s to do salvage work. In April of 1967, Squad 3 was involved in a serious accident and the apparatus was declared a total loss. Squad Company 3 was disbanded on April 17th. Squads 6 and 13 were taken out of service on June 16th, just three months after Squad 3 was disbanded. Squads 8 and 10 were downgraded (on the same day) to one-man companies who would only respond on Still and Box Alarms with their driver. Slightly over a month later, Squad 10 was taken out of service and Squad 5 became a one-man company.
By the end of the summer, only Salvage Squads 1 and 2, and Squads 4, 9, and 11 were fully-manned squads. In early 1968, all of the squads (with the exception of Salvage Squads 1 and 2, and Squads 4 and 9) were out of service. I’m not including Snorkel Squads 1, 2, and 3 that were still in service in 1968 even though SS3 was running without a Snorkel for over a year by then. Because of the reduced hours, the manpower situation was so bad that by 1968 one wouldn’t know from day to day if an engine or truck would be running with five men or only four. The unpredictable manpower situation was another reason why the city rehired Gerald Maatman to do another study.
This new study recommended that about 3/5ths of the engine and truck companies run with only four men assigned to them. It further recommended the creation of six Flying Manpower Squads with a crew of six firefighters each to respond to still alarms supplementing the four-man companies. The remaining engines and trucks, which were located downtown, near the lakefront, and in the busy areas of the city, were to run with five-man companies. These wouldn’t normally have a Flying Manpower Squad respond with them.
There was more to the 1968 Maatman Report.  It recommended that all three Snorkel Squads be taken out of service and that only Salvage Squad 1 remain in service as the “downtown” squad company. He stated in his report that the special equipment that was carried on the Snorkel Squads could be carried on the new Flying Manpower Squads and the remaining Salvage Squad. He also had recommended that some of the equipment could be assigned to engines and trucks. He was right about that, as the fire department started equipping most of the engine companies with new multi-versals that previously were only carried on the Snorkel Squads.
The CFD also started assigning all trucks a K-12 rotary power. These saws previously were only carried on the Snorkel Squads. In the same report from 1968, the consultant recommended that one regular Snorkel Company (Snorkel 6) be taken out of service. Another recommendation was to move Snorkel 3 from Engine 84’s old house to Engine 60, which wasn’t a problem after Snorkel Squad 2 was taken out of service. Snorkel 2 was supposed to remain in service at Engine 28’s house, except they were to be given Snorkel Squad 1’s new Mack MB 55-foot Snorkel that had been delivered in 1967. Snorkel 4 was to be moved from Engine 25 (near the Loop) to Engine 67 (on the far west side) and Snorkel 7 was to be moved from Engine 55’s house to Engine Company 110. Snorkel 5 would remain at Engine 43’s house on the northwest side. The idea was to have the five remaining Snorkels located either in or near the high fire frequency areas. In those days (the late 1960s) the high fire frequency area on the south side really didn’t go much further south then 79th or 83rd Street, about as far east as Jeffrey (2000 East), and about as far west as Ashland (1600 west).
The consultant also recommended that ladder pipes be put on every truck company. There weren’t more then 25 ladder pipes in the field at the time. Having a ladder pipe on a truck allowed them to put an elevated stream into operation without having to wait for a Snorkel to arrive.

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