From Larry Shapiro for #TBT:
Chicago 3-11 Alarm fire on 11-23-06 at 2517 W. Devon Ave

Larry Shapiro photo
Nov 28
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Department History, Fire Scene photos, Historic fire apparatus, Historic Fire Photo, throwbackthursday | No Comments
From Larry Shapiro for #TBT:
Chicago 3-11 Alarm fire on 11-23-06 at 2517 W. Devon Ave
Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: #TBT, Chicago 3-11 Alarm fire on 11-23-06 at 2517 W. Devon Ave, Chicago FD Squad 2A, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 21, Chicago Fire Department history,, HME fire trucks in Chicago, Thanksgiving Day fire in Chicago 2006, throw back thursday, throwbackthursday
Mar 4
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos, Fire Scene video | 1 Comment
More on the 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 3-2-24
Here are some pictures from the 3-11 with a video
CFD Mike
CFD Mike
CFD Mike
CFD Mike
CFD Mike
CFD Mike
Tags: 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago 3-2-24, Chicago FD Engine 103, Chicago FD Engine 26, Chicago FD Engine 44, Chicago FD Suad 2A, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 21, Chicago Fire Department,,, E-ONE fire engine at fire scene, fire scene photos, fire scene video
Mar 3
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Scene photos, Fire Scene video | 3 Comments
This from Steve Redick:
3-11 Alarm 2500 Fulton – This was a very large building used as some kind of metal recycle/refinishing operation. Haz mat response was utilized along with three towers , a Snorkel, and an in-line operation
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Steve Redick photo
Tags: 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago 3-2-24, Chicago FD Engine 103, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 21, Chicago Fire Department,, E-ONE fire engine at fire scene, fire scene photos, fire scene video, Steve Redick
Nov 25
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 2 Comments
This from Eric Haak:
Just before sunrise on Thanksgiving morning, a fire broke out in the former Wing Hoe restaurant located in Chicago’s 9th Battalion. The structure was built as a private residence in 1913 and had been the Wing Hoe since 1971. It was currently vacant and scheduled for demolition. Companies had been drilling in the structure as recently as the day before. The building was a 2.5-story brick with a basement where the fire appeared to originate. Engine Company 83 made a valiant effort to get a line on it before it advanced, but with holes in the floor and being heavily charged with smoke, the decision was made to transition to a defensive attack.
I arrived as the box was being pulled and found very heavy smoke emanating from the entire structure. Engine Company 59 made entry from a safe POV through a rear door that accessed the basement and made some headway there but the fire extension was already advanced. A Snorkel, tower ladder, two RAMs, and several hand lines were used to bring this job under control.
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Tags: #EONEStrength, #rosenbaueramerica, 2-11 alarm fire in Chicago, ACP-55 55' articulating Cobra Platform, Chicago FD Engine 83, Chicago FD Squad 1A, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 21, Chicago Fire Department,, E-ONE, EONE, Eric Haak, fire scene photos, former Wing Hoe restaurant fire, massive smoke from commercial building fire, Rosenbauer ACP-55 at work
Aug 19
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene | 2 Comments
More from Larry Shapiro on the 2-11 Alarm high-rise fire in Chicago, 8-18-23:
Some apparatus shots from the scene
Chicago FD Tower Ladder 21
Chicago FD Engine 55
Chicago FD Ambulance 6
Chicago FD Squad 1
Tags: #Commander, #larryshapiro, #rosenbaueramerica, 2-11 Alarm high-rise fire in Chicago, Chicago FD Ambulance 6, Chicago FD Engine 55, Chicago FD High-Rise Unit 6-4-16, Chicago FD OFI 4-6-9, Chicago FD Squad 1A, Chicago FD Squad 2, Chicago FD Squad 2A, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 10, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 21, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 5, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Rehab Unit 5-7-2,, EONE, fire scene photos,,,
Apr 24
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | Comments off
More on the 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 4-23-22 from Eric Haak
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Eric Haak photo
Tags: #rosenbaueramerica, 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, ACP-55 Cobra at work in Chicago, auto body repair shop destroyed by fire in Chicago, Chicago FD Squad 1A, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 21, Chicago Fire Department,,, Eric Haak, massive flames from commercial fire, massive smoke from auto body shop on fire, spectacular flames from auto body shop fire
Mar 24
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | Comments off
More photos of the 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 3-22-22
Jimmy Bolf photo
Tags: 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 21, Chicago Fire Department,,, commercial building fire in Chicago, Jimmy Bolf, massive flames from commercial building fire, massive smoke from commercial building fire
Mar 23
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 8 Comments
More photos from the 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 3-22-22
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Tags: #EONEStrength, #larryshapiro, 3-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, Chicago FD Engine 110, Chicago FD Engine 71, Chicago FD Squad 2A, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 21, Chicago Fire Department,,, commercial building fire in Chicago, E-ONE, Larry Shapiro,,, massive flames from commercial building fire, massive smoke from commercial building fire,
Jan 11
Posted by Admin in Fire Scene photos | 1 Comment
From Chi-Town Fire Photos:
I attended a Still & Box overnight at 2020 W Webster in the Bucktown neighborhood. Companies originally reported fire in the rear of this 1.5 story residence, and were interior making a good push. However, the cold wind soon took hold of the attic space and heavy fire conditions evolved. All companies were pulled out, Tower 21 was moved to Side A, and knocked the fire with their aerial master stream. Companies went back in to mop up. There is a full gallery viewable here:
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Chi-Town Fire Photos
Chi-Town Fire Photos
From CFDMike:
Engine 35 was first due to a fire at W Webster ave and N Seeley Ave. 43 was 2nd in. it went to a still and box. Engine 43 was supplying tower 21 and a ground monitor
CFDMike photo
CFDMike photo
CFDMike photo
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Download File: #EONEStrength, chi-town fire photos, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 21, Chicago FD Truck 28, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago fire scene at night,, E-ONE tower ladder at Chicago fire scene, fire scene photos, flames through roof of house on fire
Oct 10
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | 1 Comment
From Steve Redick:
3407 W. Belmont Avenue
Steve Redick photo
Tags: Chicago FD Engine 43, Chicago FD Engine 56, Chicago FD Squad 2A, Chicago FD Tower Ladder 21, Chicago FD Truck 13, Chicago FD Truck 35, Chicago Fire Department, fire scene photos, Steve Redick
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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